ASPRS and the ASPRS Foundation provide support to undergraduate and graduate student members of the society through their Scholarship program.  The total award pool for the current year is over $50,000 including the new Lyman Ladner Memorial Scholarship.  The applications portal ASPRS Scholarships for 2025 will open on 27 September with applications due by 1 November.

Click here for a summary of all Scholarships

Apply for Student Scholarships

Student Scholarships 2025

ASPRS is pleased to offer eleven scholarship awards totaling more than $50,000 in value. Available to both undergraduate and graduate student members of ASPRS, these resources support advancement of academic and professional goals in the geospatial sciences. ASPRS recognizes that students are the future of these rapidly evolving fields and encourages all who are qualified to take advantage of these unique opportunities.

Scholarship Application Window: September 27 – November 1, 2024

Letters of recommendation: Due November 8, 2024

Award winners will be honored at the ASPRS 2025 Annual Meeting in Denver in February 2025.

Application Instructions- How to Apply

General Information


Application Portal will be open from September 26 – November 1, 2024.

  • Please note that all application materials must be submitted electronically.
  • Submit the application form and all supporting materials or documents using the online application.
  • All applicants must be active or student members of ASPRS. Visit the ASPRS website or contact the membership department at the address or phone number below for information about the benefits of ASPRS membership. All applicants must submit the following:
    • A completed application form.
    • A general statement, not to exceed 1000 words, detailing the applicant’s: 1) educational experience and goals that relate to the advancement of geospatial technologies and the applications of these technologies and 2) long-term professional career goals in the geospatial field.
    • Unofficial transcripts of all college level courses completed and grades received to demonstrate scholastic ability. Applicants should:
      • Scan a copy of a recent transcript or print their unofficial transcript to PDF.
      • Upload the transcript when prompted in the scholarship application.
    • Two letters of reference with each application from faculty members or professionals who have knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities.
    • Letters of reference are sent via a separate google form. This is to allow reviewers who are not ASPRS members to submit recommendations.
    • Provide your reviewers with this link:

    Additional Materials

    • Resumes: Resumes are requested but are not mandatory. Resumes provide useful background information that may not be answered in the application. If you choose to supply a resume, please upload it where it says “Please upload your most recent academic transcript and resume
    • Supplementary documents: Some awards ask for copies of published articles or imagery, please upload where the form says to “Please attach supporting documentation such as published articles, research samples, or imagery." Published articles or research samples should not exceed five pages; if longer, submit an abstract and article highlights.
    • Scholarship winners will be asked to submit official transcripts.
      • Please contact your university’s Registrar for assistance in sending an official transcript directly to ASPRS Headquarters.
      • Foreign language transcripts or documents must be translated into English by an official translating agency and submitted directly from the translating agency to ASPRS Headquarters.

    Final notes:

    Many awards call for specific additional information. Please read the award descriptions carefully for details. Incomplete applications will be disqualified. If your scholarship requires additional documentation please upload where the form says: “Please attach supporting documentation such as published articles, research samples, or imagery.”

    The awards will normally be made annually. If the committee deems there are no applications of sufficient quality to warrant approval, no award will be given that year. Any application that does not comply in its entirety with the terms stated above or with the terms of the specific award(s) applied for will be ineligible.

  • While students can submit applications to multiple awards, the application criteria should be reviewed carefully. Submissions are not successful when the scholarship focus does not match the student’s qualifications and intended career focus. It is the policy of the Awards Committee that a student cannot receive the same scholarship twice and will only receive a single scholarship in one year. The contact information for ASPRS awards and scholarships is:

    ASPRS Scholarship Coordinator
    8550 United Plaza Blvd, Ste 1001 Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Robert E. Altenhofen Scholarship


      • To encourage and commend college students who display exceptional interest and ability in the theoretical aspects of photogrammetry.


      • Undergraduate or graduate student members of ASPRS


      • Cash prize of $3,000 and a certificate.
      • The award is administered by the ASPRS Foundation from funds provided by the estate of Mrs. Helen Altenhofen as a memorial to her husband, Robert E. Altenhofen. A past president of ASPRS, Mr. Robert Altenhofen was an outstanding practitioner of photogrammetry and made notable contributions to the mathematical aspects of the science.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A 500-word statement detailing plans for continuing studies in theoretical photogrammetry.
  • Papers, research reports, or other items produced by the applicant that indicate capability in these fields.

Abraham Anson Scholarship


      • The purpose of this award is to encourage students who have an exceptional interest in pursuing scientific research or education in geospatial science or technology related to photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, and mapping to enter a professional field where they can use the knowledge of their discipline to excel in their profession.


      • The award is made to an undergraduate student currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States for the purpose of pursuing a program of study to enter a profession in which education in photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, and mapping and geospatial science or technology disciplines will advance the value of those disciplines within that profession.


      • The award consists of a certificate, a check in the amount of $3,000 and a one-year membership extension in the society.
      • This award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation from funds donated by the Anson bequest and contributions from the Society and the Potomac Region as a tribute to Abe Anson’s many contributions to the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and long, dedicated service to the Society.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A listing of courses taken or to be taken in photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying and mapping, data management, and geospatial science or technology disciplines recognizing that instruction in remote sensing and geo sciences is often taught in many disciplines.
  • A statement of work experience and listings that may include internships, other forms of work experience, special projects, papers, research reports, courses taught as a teaching assistant or other items produced by the applicant that may support the capabilities in this field. The statement should include the nature, location, and date of each experience.

John O. Behrens Scholarship

John O. Behrens Institute for Land Information (ILI) Memorial Scholarship


      • The purpose of the award is to encourage those who have an exceptional interest in pursuing scientific research or education in geospatial science or technology or land information systems/records to enter a professional field where they can use the knowledge of this discipline to excel in their profession.


      • The Scholarship is made to an undergraduate student enrolled in a college or university in the United States for the purpose of pursuing a program of study that prepares them to enter a profession in which education in geospatial science or land information disciplines will advance the value of those disciplines within that profession.


      • The award consists of a certificate and a check in the amount of $3,000 and a one year membership extension in the Society.
      • Funds from the ILI were donated to the ASPRS Foundation to support the John O. Behrens ILI memorial Scholarship in recognition of Mr. Behrens’ outstanding contributions over the many years of his distinguished career.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A listing of courses taken in land information, data management and geospatial information and technology and the academic grades received.
  • Papers, research reports, or other items produced by the applicant that may support the capabilities in this field.
  • A statement of work experience that may include internships, other forms of work experience, or special projects that demonstrates excellence in geospatial science, technology, land information systems/records research, and/or in communications and collaboration. The statement should include the nature, location, and date(s) of the experience.

Robert N. Colwell Fellowship


      • The purpose of the Award is to encourage and commend college/university graduate students at the PhD level who display exceptional interest, desire, ability, and aptitude in the field of remote sensing technologies, and who have a special interest in developing practical uses of these technologies.


      • The Award is made to a PhD level graduate student enrolled in the United States or Canada who is pursuing a program of study aimed at starting a professional career where expertise is required in remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies.


      • The award consists of a certificate and a check in the amount of $9,000 and a one-year membership extension in ASPRS.
      • The award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation from funds donated by students, associates, colleagues, and friends of Robert Colwell, one of the world’s most respected leaders in remote sensing, a field that he stewarded from the interpretation of World War II aerial photographs to the advanced acquisition and analysis of many types of geospatial data from military and civilian satellite programs.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement detailing the applicant's educational research goals that relate to the advancement of remote sensing, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A listing of courses taken, and/or those to be taken, in remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies, recognizing that instruction in remote sensing is often embedded in courses taught in many different disciplines.
  • A listing of internships, special projects or work experience; technical papers, research reports or other documents; courses taught as a lecturer or teaching assistant; and presentations made that may support the applicant’s capabilities in this field.
  • A 500-word statement describing the applicant’s intended applications of remote sensing for mapping, monitoring, or assessing land (including coastal) resources and helping solve land resource planning or management issues.  (Note: Dr. Colwell’s research focused mostly on developing and demonstrating practical uses of remote sensing.)

William A. Fischer Scholarship


      • To facilitate graduate-level studies and career goals directed towards new and innovative uses of remote sensing data/techniques that relate to the natural, cultural, or agricultural resources of the Earth.


      • Current or prospective graduate student members of ASPRS.


      • One year scholarship of $3,000 and a certificate.
      • This award is presented by ASPRS with funding provided by a grant from the ASPRS Foundation, on behalf of individual and corporate contributions to the Foundation in memory of William A. Fischer, a pioneer in the use of remote sensing from space for the study of the planet Earth.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. Applicants for this award are also encouraged to submit technical papers, research reports, or other pertinent items indicating applicant’s capabilities.

Government Services Scholarship


  • The ASPRS Government Services Scholarship is awarded annually to encourage students in the United States or Canada to pursue a course of study in photogrammetry and related topics leading to a career in the geospatial mapping profession in the government sector (federal, state, or local) within the United States.  The scholarship also encourages geospatial professionals already in government service to pursue advanced degrees and provides a preference to U.S. veterans. ASPRS membership (active or student) is required.


  • Undergraduate-level and graduate-level college students in the United States or Canada


  • The award consists of a certificate and a check in the amount of $7,000.
  • This award is presented by ASPRS through the ASPRS Foundation from funds donated by a past member of ASPRS. The Deed of Award will be revised after the donor’s passing to include the background and professional contributions of the donor.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A listing of courses taken or planned in photogrammetry and related geospatial information technologies, recognizing that instruction in remote sensing is often embedded in courses taught in many different disciplines.

A listing of internships, special projects, or work experience; technical papers, research reports or other documents; courses taught as a lecturer or teaching assistant; and presentations made that demonstrate the applicant’s capabilities in this field.

Lyman J. Ladner Memorial Scholarship


      • The purpose of the Award is to encourage undergraduate and graduate level college students to pursue a course of study in surveying and photogrammetry leading to a career in the geospatial mapping profession.


      • The Award is to be made to an undergraduate or a graduate student currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States or Canada, who is pursuing a program of study in photogrammetry leading to a career in the geospatial mapping profession.


      • The award consists of a certificate, a check in the amount of $2,000 and a one-year membership extension in ASPRS.
      • This award is presented by ASPRS through the ASPRS Foundation from funds donated by his family, colleagues and friends of Lyman Ladner as a memorial to his lifetime contributions to the photogrammetric profession and his support for fellow employees.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts (including high school for those recently entering college), and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A listing of courses taken, and/or those to be taken, in photogrammetry and other related geospatial information technologies, recognizing that instruction in remote sensing is often embedded in courses taught in many different disciplines.
  • A listing of internships, special projects or work experience; technical papers, research reports or other documents; courses taught as a lecturer or teaching assistant; and presentations made that may support the applicant’s capabilities in this field.

Award Selection:

  • The Committee evaluates each candidate’s application, applying equal weight to each element.
  • The Committee will also assign additional points to factors that emphasize the values and accomplishments that best honor Lyman’s memory: (1) pursuing a career in government, (2) pursuing a curriculum in photogrammetry, and (3) volunteer work or extracurricular activities.

Francis H. Moffitt Scholarship


      • The purpose of the award is to encourage undergraduate college students to pursue a course of study in surveying and photogrammetry leading to a career in the geospatial mapping profession.


      • Students currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States or Canada, who are pursuing a program of study in surveying or photogrammetry leading to a career in the geospatial mapping profession.


      • The award consists of a certificate, a check in the amount of $9,000 and a one-year membership extension in ASPRS.
      • This award is presented by ASPRS through the ASPRS Foundation from funds donated by students, associates, colleagues, and friends of Frank Moffitt as a memorial to his lifetime contributions to the photogrammetric surveying profession.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts (including high school for those recently entering college), and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A listing of courses taken, and those to be taken, in surveying and photogrammetry and other related geospatial information technologies, recognizing that instruction in remote sensing is often embedded in courses taught in many different disciplines.
  • A listing of: 1) work experience and internships; 2) technical papers, research reports or other publications; 3) courses taught as a lecturer or teaching assistant; and 4) presentations made that may support the applicant’s capabilities in this field.

Award Selection:

  • The Committee evaluates each candidate’s application, applying equal weight to each element.
  • The Committee will also assign additional points, as appropriate, to the final scores for those applicants having attributes that reflect Professor Moffitt’s career and contributions.

Kenneth J. Osborn Scholarship


      • The purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage and commend college students who display exceptional interest, desire, ability, and aptitude to enter the profession of surveying, mapping, photogrammetry, or geospatial information and technology. In addition, the Scholarship recognizes students who excel at an aspect of the profession that Ken Osborn demonstrated so very well, that of communications and collaboration.


      • The Scholarship is made to an undergraduate student currently enrolled or intending to enroll in a college or university in the United States, who is pursuing a program of study in preparation for entering the profession in the general area of surveying, mapping, photogrammetry, or geospatial information and technology.


      • This annual Scholarship consists of a certificate and a check in the amount of $3,000 and a one year membership extension in the Society.
      • This award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation, with funding provided by donations from friends and colleagues of Kenneth Osborn as a tribute to him.


Candidates must submit an application form and the following items:

      • A listing of courses taken in surveying, mapping, photogrammetry, and geospatial information and technology and the academic grades received.
      • An official transcript of all college or university level courses completed and grades received to demonstrate scholastic ability.
      • Two letters of recommendation from faculty members or professionals having knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities (demonstrated or potential) as a professional in this field.
      • Papers, research reports, or other items produced by the applicant that may support the capabilities in this field.
      • A statement of work experience that may include internships, other forms of work experience, or special projects that demonstrate excellence in these fields and in communications and collaboration. The statement should include the nature, location and date(s) of the experience.
      • A statement, not to exceed 2 pages, detailing the applicant’s plans for continuing studies towards becoming a professional in surveying, mapping, photogrammetry, or geospatial information and technology.

Award Selection:

        • The Committee evaluates each application, applying equal weight to each of the items listed above.  The applicant who, in the opinion of the majority of the Committee, has the highest overall ranking is designated as the winner.

Ta Liang Award


      • To facilitate research-related travel by outstanding graduate students in remote sensing.
      • Such travel includes field investigations, agency visits, participation in conferences, or any travel that enhances or facilitates a graduate research program.


      • Graduate Student members of ASPRS.


      • A $3,000 award presented by ASPRS, with funding provided on behalf of individual and corporate contributions to the ASPRS Foundation in memory of Ta Liang, a skilled civil engineer, an excellent teacher, and one of the world’s foremost air-photo interpreters.


Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:

  • A 500-word statement detailing the plan for research-related travel and how it fits into the applicant’s research and educational objectives
  • A description of the applicant’s extracurricular activities, particularly as they relate to community service.

Award Selection:

The selection committee will evaluate each application, applying necessary weights as indicated below:

  • 40% on the basis of scholastic record
  • 30% on the basis of the research travel plan
  • 20% on the basis of letters of recommendation
  • 10% on the basis of community service activities

Paul R. Wolf Scholarship


  • The purpose of the Award is to encourage and commend college students who display exceptional interest, desire, ability, and aptitude to enter the profession of teaching Surveying, Mapping, or Photogrammetry.


  • The Award is made to a graduate student member of ASPRS currently enrolled or intending to enroll in a college or university in the United States, who is pursuing a program of study in preparation for entering the teaching profession in the general area of Surveying, Mapping, or Photogrammetry.


  • The award consists of a certificate and a check in the amount of $5,000.
  • This Award is administered by the ASPRS Foundationfrom funds donated by the friends and colleagues of Paul R. Wolf as a memorial to him. Recognized nationally and internationally, Paul was an outstanding educator and practitioner of Surveying, Mapping, and Photogrammetry and a great friend of the Society. As author, teacher, and mentor, Paul made significant educational and academic contributions to these fields.


  • Applicants must submit (1) the application form, (2) the general statement, (3) transcripts, and (4) two reference letters. In addition, this award requires the following items:
    • A listing of courses taken in Surveying, Mapping, and Photogrammetry and the academic grades received.
    • Papers, research reports, or other items produced by the applicant that may support the capabilities in this field.
    • A statement of teaching experience that may include teaching assistantships, seminars, and formal course teaching. The statement should include the nature, location, and date(s) of the experience.

General Information

The applications portal will be open from September 27 – November 1, 2024.

  • Scholarship eligibility requires ASPRS membership.
    • Submit the application form and all supporting materials or documents using the online application.
  • The online application system requires students to log in with their ASPRS credentials to apply.

Click Here to Login and Start

Applicants should request references from two faculty members or professionals who have knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities. Letters of reference are directly submitted by the referee using a google form.  Referees do not need to be ASPRS members.

Provide your reviewers with this link:

Award Winners