For Immediate Release
Contact: Anna Marie Kinerney, Marketing/Meetings Manager
301-493-0290 ext.106;
February 01, 2007
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Lillesand, Crystal and Renslow Reappointed as ASPRS Foundation, Inc. Officers

Dr. Thomas Lillesand, President; Roger Crystal, Vice President and Secretary, and Mike Renslow, Treasurer, have been reappointed for a two-year renewable term as officers of the ASPRS Foundation, Inc. by ASPRS President Kari Craun.  The ASPRS Foundation, Inc. is an independently registered entity that raises, invests, and grants funds to the ASPRS Awards and Scholarships Program.  The reappointed officers are all past presidents of ASPRS. 

In announcing the reappointment, Craun said, “We believe the Foundation is making a significant and lasting contribution to the development of our future workforce. By focusing the Foundation on the awards and scholarships mission of ASPRS, our members have responded generously and enthusiastically to its recent reacquisition.  The participation of eminent leaders in our profession, such as these officers, in the guidance of the Foundation will continue to inspire confidence and commitment to achieve our goals. Together we are working to ensure a bright future for the geospatial information industry.  We most certainly appreciate their personal support of the profession and its future.”

The ASPRS Foundation is an extensive and broadly-based program that provides grants, scholarships, loans and other forms of aid to individuals or organizations pursuing knowledge of imaging and geospatial information science and technology, and their applications across the scientific, governmental, and commercial sectors.  A key short-term goal of the Foundation is to fully endow all existing ASPRS awards and scholarships.  This effort is making a significant and lasting contribution to the development of the future workforce of the industry.

Contributions to the ASPRS Foundation are invited from individuals, businesses, and organizations that see value in supporting the goals and programs of the Foundation.  The Foundation Trustees review proposed large donations and any terms specified by the donor to ensure that the donation will legitimately and substantially enhance the charitable programs of the Foundation and that any conditions associated with the donation can be met.  The activities, bylaws, operating procedures, and Board of Trustees are listed on the web site at, and donations may be made online at

Founded in 1979, The ASPRS Foundation, Inc. is an independent 501 (c) 3 organization established to provide grants, scholarships, loans and other forms of aid to individuals or organizations pursuing knowledge of imaging and geospatial information science and technology, and their applications across the scientific, governmental, and commercial sectors.  The Foundation is the primary funding source for all non-sponsored awards and scholarships recognized by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Founded in 1934, ASPRS is an international professional organization of 6,000 geospatial data professionals. ASPRS is devoted to advancing knowledge and improving understanding of the mapping sciences to promote responsible application of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems and supporting technologies.