July 2016
tional Museum of American History in Washington, DC, since
and in the Geodesy and Mapping Department of the
Deutsches Museum in Munich since 1998.
Until Professor Counselman’s patents
expired, virtual-
ly all GPS receivers made in this country were made under
licenses from Western Atlas International Inc., which had ac-
quired the patents in 1984.
Professor Counselman continued to collaborate with the
Air Force through the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory and
Lincoln Laboratory; and, from 1994 to 1998, he consulted for
the U.S. Secretary of Defense as a member of Defense Science
Board Task Forces I & II on GPS.
References and Notes
1. Counselman III, C. C., Very-long-baseline interferome-
try techniques applied to problems of geodesy, geophys-
ics, planetary science, astronomy, and general relativi-
Proc. IEEE
, vol. 61, pp. 1225-1230, September 1973.
Counselman III, C. C., Radio Astrometry, chapter in
Rev. Astron. and Astrophys.
, vol. 14, pp. 197-214, 1976.
2. Counselman III, C. C., Kent, S. M., Knight, C. A., Shap-
iro, I. I., Clark, T. A., Hinter-egger, H. F., Rogers, A. E.
E., and Whitney, A. R., Solar gravitational deflection of
radio waves measured by very-long-baseline interferome-
Phys. Rev. Lett.
, vol. 33, pp. 1621- 1623, December 30,
3. Counselman III, C. C., Hinteregger, H. F., King, R. W., and
Shapiro, I. I., Precision selenodesy via differential inter-
, vol. 181, pp. 772-774, August 24, 1973.
Counselman III, C. C., Hinteregger, H. F., King, R. W., and
Shapiro, I. I., Lunar baselines and libration from differen-
tial VLBI observations of ALSEPs,
The Moon
, vol. 8, pp.
484-489, 1973.
4. Counselman III, C. C., Hinteregger, H. F., and Shapiro,
I. I., Astronomical applications of differential interferom-
, vol. 178, pp. 607-608, November 10, 1972.
5. Counselman III, C. C., Gourevitch, S. A., King, R. W., Lo-
riot, G. B., and Ginsberg, E. S., Zonal and meridional cir-
culation of the lower atmosphere of Venus determined by
radio interferometry,
J. Geophys. Res.
, vol. 85, pp. 8026-
8030, 30 December 1980.
6. Counselman III, C. C., and Shapiro, I. I., Miniature inter-
ferometer terminals for earth surveying, in Proc. 9th GEOP
Conference, pp. 65-85 (Dept. of Geodetic Science Rept. No.
280,OhioStateUniv., Columbus,Ohio43210)October 1978.
Counselman III, C. C., Cox, D. B., Greenspan, R. L., and
Shapiro, I. I., Backpack VLBI terminal with subcentime-
ter capability, in
Radio Interferometry Techniques for Ge-
(NASA conference pub. no. 2115), pp. 409-414, 1980.
7. Counselman III, C. C., and Steinbrecher, D. H., The MAC-
ROMETERTM compact radio interferometry terminal for
geodesy with GPS, in
Proc. Third Intl. Geodetic Symp. on
Satellite Doppler Positioning
, vol. 2, pp. 1165-1172, 8 Feb-
ruary 1982.
8. Report on Test and Demonstration of MACROMETER™
Model 1000 Interfero¬metric Surveyor, by L. D. Hothem
and C. J. Fronczek, Federal Geodetic Control Committee,
Report FGCC-IS-83-2, May 1983.
9. <
nmah_1184540> as of 23 March 2016.
10. Counselman III, C. C., Method and System for Determin-
ing Position Using Signals from Satellites, U. S. Patent No.
4,667,203, 24 pp. incl. 9 figs. and 80 claims, May 19, 1987.
Counselman III, C. C., Multi-Antenna GPS Receiver
for Seismic Survey Vessels, U. S. Patent No. 4,809,005,
77 pp. incl. 25 figs. & 9 claims, February 28, 1989.
Counselman III, C. C., System for Simultaneously De-
riving Position Information from a Plurality of Satellite
Transmissions, U. S. Patent No. 5,014,066 (19 pp. incl. 9
figs. and 12 claims), May 7, 1991.
and others.
he ASPRS Outstanding Technical Achievement Award
was first introduced in 2012 This Award consists of a
silver presentation plaque mounted on a wood panel
plus a monetary award of $5,500.
This generous grant is designed to reward the de-
veloper[s] of a specific breakthrough technology which caus-
es quantum advances in the practice of photogrammetry, re-
mote sensing or geographic information systems in the United
In 2011, ASPRS and the ASPRS Foundation received
a very generous individual donation from Honorary Member
and ASPRS Fellow Clifford W. Greve to endow a new Out-
standing Technical Achievement Award. This award is now
fully endowed at the $5,500 level.
ASPRS Fellow Award
Ross Lunetta
Ross Lunetta is a Senior Research Physical Scientist at the
United States Environmental Protection Agency in Research
Triangle Park, NC. He obtained his B.A. (1977) and M.A.
(1979) in Biology from Northern Michigan University. Also,
he completed Post M.A. research in aquatic ecology (1979-81)
fromWayne State University and in remote sensing (1981-83)
from Eastern Michigan University.
For nearly three decades, Lunetta has made significant
contributions to characterize landscape condition and monitor
watershed changes at regional scales using remote sensing.
He has developed methods for monitoring vegetation phenolo-
gy related to landscape dynamics, and to land cover condition
and changes in near real-time using automated approaches
An important thrust of this work has been collaboration with
ASPRS in a number of venues to both communicate the value
of the technology and to reach out to a wide body of users to
illustrate that utility.
Lunetta has been an active member since 1984 He has pro-
vided untiring support of ASPRS activities through a variety of
Awards & Scholarships