July 2016
Section 4. Friend
A Friend is an individual or organization who wishes to sup-
port the mission of the Society and shall be entitled to all the
rights and privileges of the Society negotiated and set out in
the terms of membership with the Executive Director and set
forth in an annual written agreement with the Society ap-
proved by the Board of Directors. These rights and privileges
may not exceed those of Individual or Corporate Members.
Completion of negotiation, signing a written agreement, and
fulfilling initial conditions of the agreement shall constitute
fulfillment of admission requirements.
Section 5. Membership Termination
Membership may be terminated in any of the following ways:
a. Any member desiring to resign from the Society shall sub-
mit their resignation in writing to the Executive Director.
b. Any member who does not maintain his/her qualifications
for membership or honor the terms of his/her member-
ship agreement (including but not limited to the failure
to pay dues) shall be subject to immediate termination.
c. Any member may be separated for any other reason not
described in Section 5(b) of this Article III by a two-thirds
vote of the Directors present at a duly convened Board
meeting. The member shall have the opportunity to re-
spond to the separation decision to the Board of Directors.
The Board shall make a final decision on the member’s
membership status after hearing the member’s response
by a majority vote of the Directors present at a duly con-
vened Board meeting, and this decision of the Board shall
be final.
Section 1. Elective Officers
The Elective Officers of the Society shall be President, Presi-
dent-Elect, Vice President and Immediate Past President.
Section 2. President
The President shall be the principal Elective Officer of the
Society, shall preside at Annual and Special Meetings of the
Society and at meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall
be a member
ex officio
, with the right to vote, of all Society
Committees except for the Audit and Governance Commit-
tees. The President shall provide guidance for promoting the
welfare and effectiveness of the Society, and shall perform
such other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of
President or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. President-Elect
The President-Elect shall perform, as necessary, the duties of
the President in the event of disability or other absence of the
President, shall oversee the activities of the Technical Divisions
and Corporate Members Councils, and shall have such other
duties as the President or the Board of Directors may assign.
Section 4. Vice President
The Vice President shall represent the elective officers at
meetings of the Region Officers Council, oversee the Trea-
surer’s activity, and have such other duties as the President
or the Board of Directors may assign, including those of the
President-Elect in the event of disability of that officer.
Section 5. Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President shall chair the Governance
Committee, defined in Article IX, Section 7, and serve as an
advisor to the President.
Section 6. Appointed Officers
The Executive Director, the Secretary, and the Treasurer
shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the
Board of Directors. The Appointer Officers shall be responsi-
ble to the Board of Directors. Duties for the Appointed Officers
are defined in Article XI of these bylaws.
Section 7 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Elective Officers,
Council Chairs, and Appointed Officers. The Appointed Offi-
cers shall be
ex officio
members without voting rights.
Section 8. Councils’ Representation on the Board
of Directors
Council Chairs shall represent Councils, which are defined in
Article VIII, on the Board of Directors. The Corporate Mem-
bers, Early-Career Professionals, Region Officers, Student
Advisory and Technical Division Directors Councils shall
have one Chair each for Council representation on the Board
of Directors.
Section 9. Nomination and Election Procedures
a. Elective Officers
1. The office of President shall be filled by automatic
succession of the President-Elect, who shall normally
succeed to office from the office of Vice President. The
Vice President is elected by a plurality of the members
voting at large from a choice of two or more nominees
on the ballot.
2. Nominations for any vacant Elective Officer position
of the Society shall be made by the Governance Com-
mittee, defined in Article IX, Section 7.
3. The Governance Committee shall nominate can-
didates for the office of Vice President on or before
a date that is twenty weeks prior to the date of the
Annual Meeting. Nominee selections shall normally
rotate annually among members representing govern-
ment, industry, and academia. An announcement of
the nominations shall be made in a Society publica-
tion received by the members eighteen weeks prior to
ASPRS Bylaws