July 2019
Publisher ASPRS
Editor-In-Chief Alper Yilmaz
Assistant Editor Jie Shan
Assistant Director — Publications Rae Kelley
Electronic Publications Manager/Graphic Artist Matthew Austin
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
is the official journal
of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It is
devoted to the exchange of ideas and information about the applications of
photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. The
technical activities of the Society are conducted through the following Technical
Divisions: Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetric Applications,
Lidar, Primary Data Acquisition, Professional Practice, and Remote Sensing
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A witch’s cauldron. Gastrointestinal reflux. A kale smoothie. The green swirls of this
satellite image may conjure up many mental pictures—except what it actually is. On
April 12, 2019, the Operational Land Imager on Landsat 8 acquired this image of Lake
This shallow freshwater lake is located on the border of Russia and northeastern China.
The green hues in the water are most likely chlorophyll-rich phytoplankton in the lake,
which contains a fairly constant presence of diatoms. The phytoplankton and other
suspended solids in the lake are easily mixed by wind. This mixing of material between
the surface and bottom often clouds the water, which usually starts to lose clarity in
less than a meter.
The microscopic particles and organisms can be seen in great detail due to a special
editing technique that combines scientific expertise and an artistic touch. Like a pho-
tographer adjusting lighting and using filters, Norman Kuring of NASA’s Ocean Biology
group works with various software programs and color-filtering techniques to draw out
the fine details in the water. The swirls in the water are all quite real; Kuring simply
separates and enhances certain shades and tones in the data to make the biomass
more visible. Without Kuring’s processing of the subtle colors in the image, Lake Khan-
ka can appear less compelling.
As one of the largest freshwater lakes (by area) in Far Eastern Russia and China, Lake
Khanka (known as Lake Xingkai in Chinese) plays an important role in supporting bio-
diversity. It is a major source of freshwater for birds (particularly waterfowl) and home
to some of the highest levels of bird diversity in Eurasia. Khanka is also home to many
freshwater species of fish and aquatic animals, including a large population of rare
Chinese soft-shelled turtles.
The lake is surrounded by open lowlands, wetlands, grassy meadows, and swamps,
which also contain many rare and endangered plants. The lake has been designated
as a Ramsar Convention Wetland Site, promoting conservation and sustainable use of
the wetlands. The lake is also included on UNESCO’s “World Biosphere Reserves” list.
For more information, visit
Image by Norman Kuring, NASA’s Ocean Color web, and Lauren Dauphin. Story by Ka-
sha Patel.