April 2020
Optical Polarization Remote Sensing &
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
) is seeking submissions for special issue
on optical polarization remote sensing.
Light is an electromagnetic wave vector and its wave equation of scalar propagation has four basic
parameters: amplitude, frequency, phase and polarization. The polarization signal is usually ig-
nored, and the remaining three parameters provide the physical basis of the four major resolutions
(radiometric, spectral, spatial and temporal) of optical remote sensing. Nevertheless, polarization,
which refers to the asymmetry of the light vibration, provides key information for studying the
properties of materials.
More than 30 years of work has resulted in a science of polarization remote sensing (PolRS). PolRS
includes the underlying physical theories, measurement instruments, including precision detection
technology, and analytical approaches for studying polarization in imagery. The general conclusion
of this research is that including the polarization signal in optical remote sensing images (such as
hyperspectral or infrared images) can increase the contrast ratio by 2–3 orders of magnitude for
mapping snow and ice, water quality, environmental pollution, rock density and roughness, oil
spills, vegetation biomass, air pollution particle detection and atmospheric attenuation applica-
tions. Thus, PolRS offers a unique detection capability.
This special issue seeks papers on all aspects of optical polarization remote sensing science and
technology, including theory, technology and applications.
How to Submit your Manuscript
All submissions will be peer reviewed according to the Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
Sensing (
) guidelines. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published or be under
review elsewhere.
Prospective authors should consult the
Instructions for Authors on the journal homepage for
guidelines and information on paper formatting and submission.
Authors should submit manuscripts using the
manuscript central system at
editorialmanager.com/asprs-pers/default.aspx. Please choose ‘
Special Issue Paper’ from the
‘Manuscript Type’ picklist on the submission form, irrespective of the paper type (i.e. even if your
paper would normally be classified as a Research Letter, Tech Note, Research Paper, or Review Arti-
cle). Also, please enter “Polarization” in the space provided on the submission form for the name of
the special issue.
Important Dates
Deadline for the submission of contributions:
May 31, 2020
Expected print publication date:
Late 2020
Articles will be available online after acceptance, final technical review and the completion of
revisions for compliance with journal format. However, the paper copy of the special issue will be
published only when all papers are accepted.
If you have any specific questions about the special issue, please contact the editorial team listed
Editorial Team
Lei Yan, Peking University, China,
Jouni Peltoniemi, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) Finland,
Associate Editor:
Bin Yang, Hunan University, China,
Special Issue
Call for Submissions