American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
Remote Sensing Applications Division

Remote Sensing Applications Division


RSAD Director

Joe Knight, Assistant Professor, University of Minesota

RSAD Assistant Director

Dave Szymanski, Lead Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc



Division Meeting Reports

April 2010 San Diego, CA

November 2009 San Antonio, TX

March 2009 Baltimore, MD

November 2008 Denver, CO



RSAD-sponsored Hot Topics and Special Sessions

2011 Spring Conference Milwaukee:

Hot Topic: "Breaking the 85% Barrier" Despite roughly 35 years of new classification algorithms and improved approaches, it is rare to find statistically valid land cover/use classification studies with peer-reviewed accuracy estimates that exceed 85%. In fact, some remote sensing scientists are skeptical of studies that do perform better. This Hot Topic will foster discussion centerered around the reasons we cannot consistently break this '85% barrier,' and potential ways we might do so in the future.

Special Session: "Red Edge Remote Sensing" This Special Session on Red Edge remote sensing is intended to highlight the capabilities and applications of sensors with bands in the so called red edge portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, including new sensors such as Worldview-2.

Next Meetings

November 2010 11:00 - Orlando, FL

May 2011 Milwaukee, WI




The RSAD Committee structure is currently under-development.


RSAD Adminstered Awards  


Remote Sensing Tutorials


RSAD Web-Master

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