Authors submitting a new manuscript for peer-review should follow these instructions. Failure to do so will result in the manuscript being returned to the author.

The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) seeks to publish in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS) theoretical and applied manuscripts that address topics in photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), the Global Positioning System (GPS), and/or other geospatial information technologies. Contributions that deal with technical advancements in instrumentation, novel or improved modes of analysis, such as using artificial intelligence, or innovative applications of these technologies in natural and cultural resources assessment environmental modeling or the Earth sciences (atmosphere hydrosphere lithosphere biosphere or geosphere) are especially encouraged. In addition, manuscripts dealing with the practical or applied aspects for these disciplines will be published as “Applications” manuscripts. PE&RS publishes a maximum of one application manuscript per issue.

Are PE&RS manuscripts open-access?

PE&RS allows open-access manuscripts.  The open-access fee is waived for primary authors from subscribing institutions. Additionally, primary authors who are Individual Members of ASPRS will be able to publish one open-access article per year at no cost and will receive a 50% discount on open-access fees for additional articles. Click here for more information.

How do I submit a peer-review manuscript to PE&RS?

Authors must submit peer-review manuscripts electronically to PE&RS via the Editorial Manager site. The all-digital submission method for PE&RS is hosted by the Editorial Manager Peer-Track system. Click here to submit a manuscript to PE&RS (requires free login).

What documentation should accompany the peer-review manuscript submission?

All submissions must also include a separate cover letter. Please download the Sample Cover Letter and modify with your details.

The manuscript must be original work and not currently being considered for publication in any other journal. Finally, the authors must pay for any page charges for manuscripts longer than nine journal pages.

What language should peer-review manuscripts be submitted in?

All manuscripts must be submitted in U.S. English. Authors whose first language is not English must have their manuscripts reviewed by an English-speaking colleague or editor to refine use of the English language (vocabulary grammar syntax). At the discretion of the Editor manuscripts may be returned for English language issues before they are sent for review.

What are the review procedures?

Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and refereed by a panel of experts selected by the Associate Editor assigned by the Editor in Charge. A double-blind review procedure is used. The identities and affiliations of authors are not provided to reviewers nor are reviewers’ names disclosed to authors. Our goal is to provide authors with completed reviews within 90 days of receipt of a manuscript by the Editor. Manuscripts accepted for publication will be returned to the author(s) for final editing before being placed in the queue for publication. Manuscripts not accepted will either be (1) rejected or (2) returned to the author(s) for revision and subsequent reconsideration by the review panel. Details on PE&RS Manuscript Review Procedures can be found at here.

How should manuscripts submitted to PE&RS be formatted?

Manuscripts submitted for peer-review must be formatted as outlined below. Manuscripts that do not conform to the requirements described below will be returned for format revisions before they are sent for review.

  • Single column
  • Font type and size: 11pointArial
  • Margins 1 inch all sides (A4 or US letter size)
  • Spacing double
  • Include line numbers
  • Include page numbers
  • Do not include author names
  • Sections are enumerated and bold face font
  • Free page count: 9 pages publication format
  • 150-word abstract

A detailed list of formatting instructions can be found here.

For the final manuscript

  • Include a 75-word author bio for each author
  • Include acknowledgements

Does PE&RS allow authors to submit author bios with their manuscript?

Yes. Each manuscript author is allowed to have a 75-word bio printed in the manuscript.