This Award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation on behalf of Mr. Talbert Abrams a distinguished charter member of ASPRS.
The purpose of the Award is to encourage the authorship and recording of current historical engineering and scientific developments in photogrammetry. The Award consists of:
- A Grand Award which includes a presentation plaque with the name of the recipient permanently affixed to it and $3,000.
- First and second honorable mention. These two awards include a certificate [one each] to those authors who were given second and third place honors by the selection committee.
If an award goes to a single-authored paper the author must be a member of ASPRS who has been a member in good standing for at least one year prior to the date of selection as recipient of the Award. If a multiple-authored paper is selected for any of the awards at least one author must have been a member in good standing of ASPRS for at least one year prior to the date of selection as recipient of the Award. If a multiple-authored paper is selected for any of the Awards the senior author is presented the award plaque. The other recipients will receive certificates. No application is required since the nominees are determined by an award selection committee.
The committee will evaluate each author-nominee for their article that appeared in PE&RS during the 12-month period ending with and including the November issue of the year prior to the year of the annual meeting of ASPRS. The committee will determine the publication having the greatest merit by any or all of the recognized standards of originality practical and theoretical value clarity of exposition and general interest.