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ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium 2018
May 7 2018 @ 4:00 AM - May 10 2018 @ 1:00 PM EDT

Beijing, China, May 7 – 10, 2018
Developments, Technologies and Applications in Remote Sensing
It is our pleasure to announce that International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Technical Commission III Symposium on “Developments, Technologies and applications in Remote Sensing” will be held in Beijing, China, during May 7-10,2018. The symposium will include plenary sessions, technical sessions, tutorials, social activities, exhibitions, etc.
The symposium will provide a inter-disciplinary platform for experts, scholars and practitioners to present the latest developments and applications, discuss cutting-edge technologies, exchange research ideas, and promote international collaboration in the field of remote sensing. Over 500 participants from around the world are expected to join in this international academic event, and you are welcome to meet old friends and creat new contacts.
Symposium website: http://www.isprs-tc3.tianditu.com/
Important dates:
ISPRS Archives
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: 12 January 2018
- Notification to authors of acceptance of abstract: 15 February 2018
- Deadline for submission of camera ready manuscript of full papers: 31 March 2018
ISPRS Annals
- Deadline for submission of full paper (including author’s award): 12 January 2018
- Notification to authors of acceptance of paper: 28 February 2018
- Deadline for submission of camera ready manuscript of full papers: 31 March 2018
- Early registration date: 15 March 2018
- Normal online registration due 7 May 2018
Topics and Themes
- Thematic Information Extraction (WG III/1)
- Microwave Remote Sensing (WG III/2)
- SAR-based Surface Generation and Deformation Monitoring (WG III/3)
- Hyperspectral Image Processing (WG III/4)
- Information Extraction from LiDAR Intensity Data (WG III/5)
- Remote Sensing Data Fusion (WG III/6)
- Landuse and Landcover Change Detection (WG III/7)
- Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Environment (WG III/8)
- Cryosphere and Hydrosphere (WG III/9)
- Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems Modelling and Monitoring (WG III/10)
- Planetary Remote Sensing and Mapping (ICWG III/II)
- Disaster Assessment, Monitoring and Management (ICWG III/IVa)
- Remote Sensing Data Quality (ICWG III/IVb)
- Environment and Health (ICWG III/IVc)
- Pattern Analysis in Remote Sensing (ICWG II/III)
- Global Mapping: Updating, Verification and Interoperability (ICWG IV/III)
- Urban Sensing and Mobility
- Remote Sensing for Regional SDI (UNGGIM-AP & ISPRS TC III)
Further Information
For further information please contact us at:
E-mail Organizing Committee: isprstc3@ngcc.cn
E-mail Secretariat:zhanghongping@ngcc.cn
Symposium Websites: http://www.isprs-tc3.tianditu.com/
Hongping Zhang
Secretary, ISPRS Technical Commission III
National Geomatics Center of China
28 Lianhuachi West Road, Beijing,100830
Tel: +86 10 63881266
Fax: +86 10 63881219
E-mail: zhanghongping@ngcc.cn , zhp7260@gmail.com