ASPRS Professional Awards 2025 – Call for Nominations


Call for Nominations for the Outstanding Technical Achievement Award

The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is seeking nominations for its prestigious Outstanding Technical Achievement Award

The selected individual or team of individuals will be recognized and rewarded for developing a specific breakthrough technology or implementing a unique technique, which significantly advances the practice of photogrammetry, remote sensing, geo- graphic information systems, or related geospatial sciences in the United States. The achievement, or the recognition of its potential to tackle current challenges, is expected to be within the past decade, though earlier contributions may be considered since maturing time may be required to demonstrate significance. A lifetime of notable achievement is not the intended recognition. (It is understood that the nominee may have excellent career credentials, but that is not the focus of the award.) “Breakthrough” or “turning point” or “disruptive change” are all terms that should be considered in the description of the achievement.

The Award is made to the individual or team responsible for the innovation and not to the companies, agencies, bureaus, or associations for whom they work. The selection committee consists of active senior members of ASPRS.

This year’s award will be presented during GeoWeek in February 2025 at the ASPRS annual conference.
The Award includes a silver presentation plaque and a cash award of $8000.
Nominations may come from an organization or an individual but not from the nominee. All materials relevant to the nomination must be in one package. The nomination package
must include:
• brief information about who is making the nomination,
• a description of the achievement, and why it would generally be regarded as a breakthrough, (not to exceed two pages of text), and,
• a two-page biography. (Note: Do not include an extended resume – Curriculum Vitae – for an individual nominee or an extensive list of significant publications.)

If a team is nominated, the composition of the team and the roles of each individual should be explained in not more than two pages.
The nomination package must include two additional references, who endorse the nomination but each must limit comments to one page. Those comments should focus on the relevance of the achievement to the profession.

Nominations must be received by 5 pm EST, 11 November 2024

Nominations should be submitted as a .pdf to
Direct questions to that email address or call 225-408-4747. |  225-408-4747


Call for Nominations for the Estes Memorial Teaching Award

The Estes Memorial Teaching Award recognizes an exceptionally meritorious contribution to higher education in remote sensing with a particular focus on teaching excellence. The Selection Committee is seeking nominations for the 2025 awards cycle.

This award is designed to recognize individual achievement in the promotion of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) technology and applications through educational efforts. The Award consists of a presentation plaque and a cash award of $3000. This Award is made in honor of the late Professor John E. (“Jack”) Estes, teacher, mentor, scientist, and friend of ASPRS and is presented by ASPRS through the ASPRS Foundation.

Nominations should present evidence of superior teaching which includes course, curricular and program development, testimonials from supervisors, teaching awards and demonstrated student success.The nomination materials should include:
i) Letter of nomination highlighting teaching excellence.
ii) A curriculum vitae.
iii) At least two letters of reference with contact information.
iv) Other evidence highlighting achievement in teaching excellence, with a special focus on student success.

Eligibility to receive the Award is not restricted to members of ASPRS. The Award is made to an individual (or two or more collaborating individuals, provide each played a major role in the achievement) best meets the criteria established. The Award is not made to companies, agencies, bureaus, schools, or associations; however, their personnel are eligible as individuals to receive the Award.

Email the nomination materials by Nov 11, 2024 as a single PDF file to: with the subject line as: Estes Award Nomination.