What: The Mid-South Region of ASPRS invites all persons (ASPRS member or not) to create a video of 2-5 minutes in length that performs one of the following:
- explains a concept from photogrammetry or remote sensing (e.g. “Let me explain shadow layover from SAR imagery”)
- teaches how to do something in photogrammetry or remote sensing (e.g. “this is how you accurately apply NDVI to an image”)
3. provides some insight into photogrammetry and/or remote sensing that could be artistic or scientific in nature (feel free to use a soundtrack if you’d like but avoid copyrighted material)
4.Prizes: One first place prize of $200, one second place prize of $150, and onethird place prize of $125 (any non-ASPRS members who might compete and win will be considered, in lieu of a cash prize, for a free year membership in ASPRS)
When: Please notify ASPRS Office at office@asprs.org, of your interest to participate by June 27, 2022. In that notification of interest please send:
+ Name
+ Email address
+ Topic you intend to cover with your video (this can change later, but send your thoughts on what you’d create)
The list of persons who submit intent by June 27 will be placed on an email distribution list where they will be notified of how to submit videos and status on competition.
The deadline for submitting videos will be September 19, 2022.
Some caveats:
+ No advertising (e.g. “This is why I always use [commercial software name] to do my work because it’s awesome and only costs $10k…contact your local representative at…”)
+ Stay away from any affiliations if possible (e.g. “We at [name of institution or company] do this…”). Keep it agnostic to organization and just science and engineering content and no copyrighted or proprietary content.
+ Avoid crude language and inappropriate stuff. Please keep it clean.
+ Submitted videos will be considered for posting to regional/national ASPRS websites and attributed to the prize winner(s). So any content in them cannot be proprietary or subject to licensing or payment for use.
Take note:
+ The video you make can be of any quality; you could do the video from your cellphone if you’d like. Judging is mostly on creativity, subject matter, and scientific accuracy.
+ Judging will be done by a collection of Mid-south regional leadership.