August 23-28 27th International Cartographic Conference Rio de Janeiro Brazil

US National Committee to the International Cartographic Association Invites Applications for Travel Funding to the 27th International Cartographic Conference

Rio de Janeiro Brazil

August 23-28 2015

The US National Committee (USNC) to the International Cartographic Association (ICA) invites American scholars and international scholars at American institutions to submit applications for consideration for travel funding support to attend and participate in the 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) in Rio de Janeiro Brazil August 23-28 2015 ( The USNC supports a number of U.S. scholars to attend the ICC through a competitive evaluation based on submitted abstracts a short vita and career standing (with early career scholars given priority). The deadline for applications for these awards is October 15 2014 the same as the deadline for submission of abstracts and papers to the Local Organizing Committee in Rio.

The abstract and a short vita are the only information required for consideration although all supported scholars are required to develop a full paper by the conference deadlines (Oct 15 2014 for refereed journal papers; March 15 2015 for conference proceedings papers) and provide the USNC a short statement of participation and benefits after the conference. The total number of scholars supported is contingent upon the available funds. Preference is given to early career scholars (graduate students and those completing the Ph.D. in the last 5 years). Support for maturing scholars (5 to 10 years past the Ph.D.) and senior scholars also is available and the amounts and number of scholars supported depends on the success of the USNC in securing funds from the National Science Foundation commercial companies government agencies and societies. The USNC encourages diversity in participation and welcomes applications from women minorities and those with disabilities.

Acceptance of abstracts for funding support from the USNC is contingent upon acceptance of the abstracts by the ICC. Thus notification of USNC awards will be made in February 2015 after the ICC determines acceptance of abstracts and papers.

For consideration for funding support simultaneous to submitting your abstract to the Rio Local Organizing Committee please submit a copy of the abstract and a short (1 page max) vita or resume as an email attachment to E. Lynn Usery Chair of the USNC Include abstract and vita/resume in a single pdf or Word document. Please name the document “lastname ICC Rio Abstract.pdf (or .doc or .docx)” where lastname is the lastname of the first author. The USNC will only consider one abstract per author including co-authorship. Single-authored abstracts by early career scholars are given preference.

October 15 2014

USNC Deadline for Abstract Submission for Travel Funding
Consideration for 2015 ICC Rio. Submit to