
UAS Reno 2015

ASPRS UAS Technical Demonstration and Symposium – September 29 – September 30 2015 Reno Nevada Conference Website Preparing Geospatial Analysts for UAS and SmallSats Data BoomMax Baber PhD FBCart.SDirector of …

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Tampa 2015

IGTF 2015 – Imaging & Geospatial Technology ForumASPRS 2015 Annual Conference & co-located JACIE Workshop May 4 – 8 2015 — Tampa Florida USA Visit the Conference Website here.

Florida Region Webinars

“GIS -The Basics Series:

Helpful Hints and Best Practices”

presented by Al Karlin Southwest FL Water Management District


IGTF2016 CMYK websmall

SAVE the DATE for the ASPRS 2016 Annual Conference

The ASPRS 2016 Annual Conference IGTF 2016 is just around the corner so mark your calendars now and Save the Dates of April 11 – 15 2016 for IGTF 2016! Beginning on Monday April 11th and continuing through the week with sessions keynote speakers networking receptions the co-located JACIE Workshop and much more until Friday April 15 2016; the conference week is sure to provide many educational informational and networking opportunities for all attendees.

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UAS Mapping 2015 Reno: CALL FOR POSTERS

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The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) has released a call for posters for the fast-approaching UAS MAPPING 2015 RENO symposium which will be held at the Reno Ballroom in downtown Reno Nevada on September 29-30. The symposium is focused on education and collaboration on UAS technology and its application to the survey mapping and remote sensing field. Industry experts from the private sector academia and the government will present practical information on flight planning mission control acquisition and data processing for data analysis and production of mapping products.

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Symposium Program Announced for UAS MAPPING 2015 Reno

Uasreno 2015 logo1 300x64The symposium program is announced for the second annual technical UAS MAPPING 2015 RENO symposium sponsored by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS).  The dates of the conference are September 29 & 30 2015 at the Reno Ballroom in downtown Reno Nevada.  In addition to the technical symposium ASPRS is also sponsoring a workshop on UAS Data Processing on Monday September 28 2015.

The symposium is focused on UAS mapping and this year’s program is organized to provide the latest information on UAS technology and software development as well as looking at ancillary issues that impact the UAS mapping industry.

Morton VP

ASPRS Elects Rebecca Morton as Vice President

Morton VPThe results of the 2015 election have been tallied by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Tellers Committee and finalized that Rebecca Morton GeoWing Mapping Inc. won the election to become ASPRS Vice President for 2015. With the installation of officers at the IGTF 2015 – ASPRS Annual Conference in May E. Lynn Usery moves into the position of President; Charles Toth becomes President-Elect and Stewart Walker becomes Past President.

Rebecca Morton is President and CEO of GeoWing Mapping Inc. (GeoWing) based in San Francisco California. She founded the company in January of 2015 with the goal of offering both traditional photogram-metric mapping services as well as services related to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Her interest in UAS photogrammetry began several years before she started her company. She was impressed by the accessi-bility of the new technology and for the first time she could consider integrating and flying her own mapping cameras!


ASPRS Outstanding Technical Achievement Award Outstanding Service Awards and Region Award Winners

BETHESDA Md. June 2 2015 – The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) proudly announces the 2015 Outstanding Technical Achievement Award to Tom Barclay for the development of the Microsoft TerraServer. Stewart Walker immediate Past President presented Barclay with a silver plaque and a monetary grant at the IGTF 2015 – ASPRS Annual Conference in Tampa Florida along with a number of other Service Conference Management and Membership awards.

OTAAwardBarclay is currently partner architect and development manager of Bing Imagery Technologies and the Bing Search team at Microsoft. He has been with Microsoft Corporation since 1994 and was the lead researcher on Microsoft TerraServer.  Prior to his career at Microsoft Barclay was a software consultant with Digital Equipment Corporation from 1976 to 1994.  Barclay is interested in database design scientific computing and data mining.


ASPRS Announces 2015 Award Winners

BETHESDA Md. May 2 2015 – The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) and the ASPRS Foundation proudly announce J. B. Sharma as the recipient of the Leidos/Estes Memorial Teaching Award and Professor George Vosselman as the recipient of the Photogrammetric (Fairchild) Award. These and other awards were presented at  the IGTF 2015 – ASPRS Annual Conference and co-located JACIE Workshop in Tampa Florida May 4 through 8 2015. 

J.B.sharma Sharma Winner of Leidos/ Estes Memorial Teaching Award

This year’s recipient of the Leidos/ Estes Memorial Teaching Award is J.B. Sharma. Sharma is a faculty member at the University of North Georgia (UNG) and is the Assistant Head of the Department of Physics.

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Registration is Now Open for UAS Mapping 2015 Reno

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Bethesda Md. May 28 2015 – The second annual technical UAS symposium sponsored by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) is approaching (September 29-30)! The current fee for ASPRS members to attend the event is only $350. The current fee for non-ASPRS members to attend the event is only $400.  Student rates are available. Exhibitors are provided an exhibit booth and benefits which include two complimentary registrations for only $650. All rates will increase on August 15 2015 so register now!

GeoLeague Challenge 2015

  2015 GeoLeague Canceled – 2016 GeoLeauge announcements coming soon. The 5th Annual ASPRS SAC GeoLeague Challenge – 2015 Online Voting Opens June 15th and Closes July 1st Vs.  Philmont …

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Beginning Slate of Flyers Announced for ASPRS UAS Mapping 2015 Reno Symposium

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BETHESDA Md. April 10 2015 – UAS flyers are signing up to participate in the 2nd Annual UAS MAPPING Test Flights. Ten firms have already expressed their interest in putting their systems through the paces and many more firms are expected to join in! Flights will occur at the beautiful Turf Farm outside of Reno which hosted the test flights at the 2014 event. Organizations interested in performing test flights on the calibration range should contact Pierre le Roux at