GeoLeague Challenge 2015


2015 GeoLeague Canceled – 2016 GeoLeauge announcements coming soon.

The 5th Annual ASPRS SAC

GeoLeague Challenge – 2015

Online Voting Opens June 15th and Closes July 1st


Philmont Campfire Sustainability Stories

GeoLeague Challenge

Time for campers to pack their digital packs put their geospatial hiking skills to work and get ready for some exciting camp adventures. This year the ASPRS 2015 Geoleague Challenge is returning to the legendary Philmont Scout Ranch to tackle some difficult problems seen within our treasured wild lands and all around our dynamic planet in creating and maintaining sustainable environments.

This will mark the fifth year of the GeoLeague Challenge to be held at the ASPRS Annual Conference in May 2015.  Teams from across the country compete to solve the challenge put forth by the ASPRS Student Advisory Council (SAC) and create an innovative story to share with the ASPRS community.  Please review the challenge and the rules for 2015.  The topic for 2015 is mapping sustainable recreation areas of North American trails and camp sites.


In 2013 the ASPRS GeoLeague Challenge took on the approach of building and identifying trails on the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch near Cimarron New Mexico. This year we take another exciting approach to return to camp and make an impact by investigating sustainable recreation.

Challenge Scope & Objectives

Each team will take a visionary approach to solve the various questions asked in this section. Questions are to be answered through mapping techniques that are both sensitive and appropriate for the area being studied.

Assessment of this area should be approached as if each team has been hired as a group of geospatial experts to investigate and identify areas of the Scout Ranch that are concerning to the sustainability of the current placement of trails and campsites with regards to human interactions.

  • How to engaging community involvement using geospatial technologies?

  • What economic and social challenges are important to consider in this community?

  • Identify areas of risk and how to mitigate changes needed to susceptible areas.

  • Identify natural resources.

  • Provide a short detailed history of the Boy Scouts 2-3pages and ideologies in their mission and purpose.

  • Create a susceptibility rating for existing trails

Create a camp-style story of a simulated experience at camp in creating and preserving trails and campsites. Use Geospatial methods including maps Landsat imagery provided materials and additional sources of the groups choosing to analyze the current trails on the Scout ranch. Each team is to approach this challenge as if they are placed directly in the heart of the ranch.

Final Presentation

The final presentation will be submitted in a video format no longer than 10 minutes. Each team will also include an essay 5 pages in length and allowed an additional 2 pages for graphics.

Once submissions are in a video presentation will be posted on the ASPRS Website for members to vote and comment on. Winners will be announced shortly after polls close.

Participation Guidelines
Form a group of at least 5 undergraduate and/or graduate students and a faculty advisor in your region (at least 3 students must be ASPRS student members by the registration deadline and remain student members through the Annual Conference).
Students must do all of the work. Those who are not students can only provide guidance.

For more information contact:
SAC Deputy Chair Amanda Aragón

The votes will be counted based on a poll point-system survey using the following evaluation criteria guide.


The solutions will be evaluated by ASPRS members by voting online once polls are open.

Importance relevance & applicability of solution to the stated objectives – 15 pts

This metric assesses whether the project report is responsive to the objectives and requirements stated in the Challenge. How does the solution address an important problem? (i.e. why is mapping ecosystem services change important?)

Creativity of solution – 10 pts

The creativity of the solution will be specifically addressed by these questions: Does the solution challenge an existing method(s) develop new methodologies or incorporate innovative technologies? If so what effect will the results have on concepts or methods that drive this field?

Technical/scientific merit – 30 pts

This metric assesses whether the approach is technically sound whether the methods are appropriate and whether there are clear project goals and objectives consistent with the Challenge objectives. Solutions should address the approach/soundness of design and judges will consider the following questions: Are the conceptual framework design methods and analyses adequately developed well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project? Does the applicant acknowledge potential problem areas and consider alternative approaches? Is the workflow capable of being replicated in other areas on a larger scale? Does the solution indicate how the proposed methodology is an improvement over existing methods in terms of efficiency/cost or accuracy and timeliness? Does the solution help stakeholders make more informed decisions about how to use lands and waters?

Mapping/Visualization – 15 pts

Is the mapping framework comprehensive in considering all necessary factors including a well-organized and thorough plan visualization techniques to create appealing maps etc.?  Do the cartographic elements of the map serve the function of the ecosystem services change mapping effectively accurately and efficiently?

Presentation Content – 20 pts

Does the video presentation show the general process by which the methodology was created?  Does the PowerPoint effectively convey why the team’s solution is the most effective and comprehensive? Is the video presentation informative and understandable for a wide range of audiences?  Does the presenter provide a compelling argument for why his/her team has the most thorough solution?

Project Report Format– 10 pts

Does the paper follow the PE&RS format guidelines for Highlight Articles?  Are all project report format items addressed clearly and concisely?


Winning team will receive a prestigious certificate and exciting gifts from the Philmont Scout Ranch.

Please contact the ASPRS SAC Deputy Chair if you have any questions:
Amanda Aragón
ASPRS Student Advisory Council Deputy Chair

Recommended References