Call for Papers
Oral Presentations:
Don't miss this once a year opportunity to share your work with your industry associates and experience the premier conference in your field.
Poster/Electronic Presentations:
These will also be part of the technical program. Please use the online abstract form to submit your poster or electronic presentation. These presentations are for technical work ONLY and are not intended for commercial displays.
Workshop Presentations:
Anyone interested in proposing a workshop presentation for consideration should contact Russ Congalton, ASPRS Workshop Coordinator, at mailto: by June 14, 2006 for instructions.
Please submit your abstract from a system that has Internet Explorer 5.5 and above or Netscape Navigator 5.X and above. If you are trying with a compatible browser and the browser takes a long time to load without going to the next stage, please close your browser and start a new submission. If you have reached an error page, please send your abstract to: in a text/MS word file format in the same order as it appears on the abstract submission page.
If you do not receive an auto-email confirming your abstract submission, please send an email to: with the primary author name and Unique Identifier details.
Click HERE to download information about how to submit your abstract (Adobe PDF 922Kb)
Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts should be submitted electronically only, using the form linked from the above button. Presenters will be asked to select their category and topic area from a list provided on the web site.
Abstracts are limited to 250 words and must include:
- Paper Title
- 3 - 5 key words
- Author Name(s)
- Proposed Presenter(s)
- Affiliation(s)
- Mailing Address
- Phone, Fax, and E-mail for ALL authors and presenters
ASPRS 2007 Technical Program Co-chairs
Dr. Bon A. Dewitt
Dr. Scot E. Smith
NOTE: If electronic submission using the web site abstract form is not possible, please send the above information in paper form to:
ASPRS 2007 Conference
Geomatics Program, University of Florida
P.O. Box 110565, Gainesville, FL 32611-0565
352-392-4957 (fax)
Selection Criteria
All abstracts will be reviewed for content and appropriateness. The final decision on program and inclusion of topics will depend on response to this call and space availability. By August 4, 2006, all authors who submitted abstracts will be notified regarding acceptance by the Technical Program Co-chairs for this conference. After August 4, 2006, if an author who submitted
an abstract has not received notification of whether the abstract has been accepted, the author should contact the Technical Program Co-chairs. Upon notification of acceptance,
authors must sign and return the acceptance letter indicating their guarantee to present at the conference.