PERS_April14_Flipping - page 300

April 2014
have been used in concert with ground and airborne obser-
vations for forest assessment at global extents. Future forest
monitoring efforts will benefit from access to remote sensing
data collected at high spatial and temporal resolution that in-
cludes optical imaging as well as 3D structure measurements
obtained from both SAR and lidar instruments.
Global Forest Monitoring from Earth Observation
, the
authors have made the case that accurate understanding
of the area, and change in area, of forest resources requires
the kind of information that can be obtained with EO remote
sensing. Achard and Hansen make it clear that data access
policies for current and future satellite missions are just as
important as the data itself, and use the data policies of the
MODIS and Landsat sensors as examples of systems that
work. Along with data access, the editors also make mention
of the tremendous value of measurements of vegetation struc-
ture obtained from remote sensing systems, which should play
an equally important part in future satellite missions as the
more traditional optical imaging systems. Overall, the text
achieves its goal of demonstrating the value of EO remote
sensing for monitoring forest resources and makes a good case
for more open data policies in the future. The text is well-suit-
ed to those less familiar with the methods available for forest
monitoring from EO and is accessible to a wide audience of
scientists and non-scientists alike.
Let me first wish you a Happy New Year!
I am inviting you to contribute chapters: To the “Handbook of Research on Geospatial Science and Technologies” scheduled
to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), please see the attachment and please visit
more information. This publication is anticipated to be released in 2015.
For more information about this book, please visit:
To submit a Chapter, please visit the following LINK:
Please distribute as much as possible so that this call for chapters could reach the types of professionals for this
Kind Regards,
Joyce Maphanyane
Dr. Joyce Gosata Maphanyane,
University of Botswana
Department of Environmental Science,
Private Bag UB 00704, Gaborone, Botswana
Cell: +267 73 499 399; +267 72 878098; +267 71 220526
Fax: +267 355 2908
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