PERS_April14_Flipping - page 301

April 2014
To have your press release published in
, contact Rae Kelley,
, the world leader in the development, manufacture and
support of high-accuracy lidar 3D survey systems and productivi-
ty-enhancing workflow software, is pleased to announce the launch of
our new and improved website.
The new website introduces a brand-new look with the goal of
making it much easier to find information about the sensors you
need, or solutions for the applications you focus on. The site is
designed to help you contact the right person when you need specific
information about the latest sensor systems, workflow software or
custom solutions. It also keeps you up-to-date about current news
and events where we can meet and share ideas.
Check out the new website at
Clark Labs
was recently awarded a grant from Esri to create a
cloud-based version of their Land Change Modeler for ArcGIS.
Currently, Clark Labs’ extension is for the ArcGIS desktop. Land
Change Modeler for ArcGIS, first released in 2007 with Version 2
released this past month, is a software extension for ArcGIS users,
offering a suite of tools to assess and predict land change and
evaluate the impacts of such change. The new version is compatible
with ArcGIS Version 10.2
The Land Change Modeler offers an extensive suite of tools
for land change research in a simple and automated workflow. It
provides a variety of tools for land change analysis and prediction,
as well as the impacts of those changes. The new version release
of this fall provides significant enhancements, particularly for its
utility for REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation). Land Change Modeler now includes functionality for
modeling the impact of land cover change on carbon emissions. The
new version also provides more capability for estimating land change
impacts on habitat and biodiversity. With the grant from Esri, Clark
Labs will be creating a cloud-based implementation of Land Change
Modeler for their platform. For further information, please contact
Clark Labs, Worcester, MA, 508-793-7526,
is pleased to announce that the Optech CZMIL HydroFusion
software solution has won the 2014 MAPPS Geospatial Products
and Services Excellence Award for Technology Innovation. Designed
to handle the highly efficient data acquisition of the Optech CZMIL
airborne bathymetry system, CZMIL HydroFusion represents a
significant advance in bathymetric and data fusion algorithms
while combining planning, acquisition optimization, and 3D voxel
visualization in the production of advanced fused environmental data
products. This tightly integrated workflow solution combines the data
streams from CZMIL's three sensors (lidar, RGB and hyperspectral)
into one deliverable with many data fusion outputs, including seam-
less topographic/bathymetry, bottom classification, object detection,
and turbid water bathymetry products. For further information,
please contact
Spatial Energy becomes a part of
as the Energy
customer and operational unit.
DigitalGlobe is committed to the Spatial Energy unit continuing as
an innovative provider of geospatial information into the workflow of
the global energy enterprise. As an integrated customer and oper-
ational unit, the Spatial Energy focus will stay intact: serving you,
the customer. You will have the same dedicated team and choice of
multiple suppliers for recommended solutions. Together, we will take
another important step toward our shared vision of becoming the indis-
pensable source of information about our changing planet by 2020. For
further information, please contact
MDA’s Information Systems group
(MDA) announced today
that they will be hosting an exciting range of informative geospatial
webinars. Throughout 2014, you are invited to join MDA’s geospatial
experts for an engaging series of webinar discussions on our range
of advanced solutions using spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR). For further information, please visit
Honeywell and
are celebrating 10 years of collaboration with
FMA Live! Forces in Motion a newly expanded, award-winning, hip-
hop physics education program that inspires middle school students
to learn and enjoy math and science in a compelling, fun and
memorable way. The popular show is in high demand, having been
performed before more than 350,000 students at 933 middle schools
in all 48 contiguous U.S. states, as well as in Mexico and Canada.
The spring tour launches in Houston, TX this week.
While the United States still has the world's largest pool of scien-
tists and engineers, that lead is declining. In recent world rankings
from the National Science Board, the United States lagged in science
and math performance with high school students showing below-aver-
age math skills and ranking 26th in the world.
Over the course of 10 weeks, the show, under the direction of
Honeywell Hometown Solutions, will reach 30 public, private and
military-connected middle schools in nine central and southeast U.S.
states, including stops in: Houston, TX; Baton Rouge, LA; Hattiesburg,
MS; Atlanta, GA; Huntsville, AL; Nashville, TN; Pulaski, VA;
Columbia, SC; and Jacksonville, Miami and West Palm Beach, FL.
A similar schedule is slated for the western part of the United States
this fall. For more information, visit
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