February 2016
ety, or act on matters of national importance without
specific approval of the Board of Directors.
(4) Developing concepts for Society technical meetings,
workshops and seminars within the Region.
(5) Proposing, preparing and sponsoring preparation of
technical articles and other publications for the Soci-
ety publications program.
b. The Region officers shall assure coordination of Region
activities with Society’s Operating Procedures.
Section 1. Definition
Chapters shall be sub-elements of Regions, established as
necessary by the Regions to improve Society support to their
members and to encourage local participation in Society activ-
ities. All Chapter members shall be members in good standing
of the Society and members of the Region hosting the Chapter.
Section 2. Establishing Chapters
Regions shall determine their need for establishment of
Chapters and shall operate them in accordance with Region
Bylaws after a charter for each Chapter is issued by the Re-
gion’s officers. At least five members of the Region, who are
students, and one Member Faculty Advisor at a host institu-
tion, must indicate their intent to participate in a Student
Chapter before a charter can be issued. For other non-stu-
dent Chapters, at least ten members must indicate intent to
participate in a Chapter, based upon some local geography
or affinity of interest. The Region shall send the Region Offi-
cers Council and the Executive Director a copy of the petition
signed by the required number of members and a copy of the
Chapter Bylaws. Those Chapter Bylaws shall be approved by
the Region’s officers prior to the charter being issued.
Student Chapters may also be established at large by di-
rect charter of the Society if support at the Region level is
unavailable, in which case a surrogate host region shall be
selected by mutual consent of the Student Chapter and the
surrogate host region.
Section 3. Dissolution
Chapters shall be dissolved in accordance with the Region
Bylaws and their charters rescinded by a two-thirds vote of
the Region’s officers. Notification of the dissolution should be
provided to the Region Officers Council.
Section 1. Definition
Technical Divisions shall be used to organize and direct the
technical, scientific and professional activities of the Society.
Section 2. Establishing Technical Divisions
Technical Divisions shall be established by a two-thirds vote
of the Board of Directors, based on a proposal and at the rec-
ommendation of the Technical Division Directors Council.
Evidence shall be included showing that the specified area of
interest has been actively pursued by a committee or working
group of the Society for a period of at least one year.
Section 3. Dissolution
Dissolution of Technical Divisions shall be initiated by the
Technical Divisions’ Council. Technical Divisions shall be
dissolved upon a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors if:
a. A desirable level of activity as determined by the Board
of Directors is not maintained, and/or
b. The Technical Division no longer represents an area of
technical, scientific or professional interest.
Section 4. Officers and their Responsibilities
Each Technical Division shall have, as a minimum, a Tech-
nical Division Director and Assistant Technical Division Di-
rector elected by the membership of the Society in accordance
with Article IV of these Bylaws. The Assistant Technical Di-
vision Director shall serve in the capacity of the Technical Di-
vision Director in his/her absence. The duties of the Technical
Division Director are, as a minimum:
a. Development and maintenance of a strategic plan for the
Technical Division, and the supervision of its activation;
b. Preparation and presentation of periodic reports, in oral
or written format, to the Board of Directors, which show
the status of program activities;
c. Submission of an annual written report to the Techn
cal Divisions Council, which forwards it to the Executive
Director and the President for the membership of the
Society, to include an assessment of progress within the
Technical Division’s sphere of interest;
d. Preparation and maintenance of Technical Division op-
erating procedures, for inclusion in the Society’s Operat-
ing Procedures, providing a current copy for file with the
Executive Director;
e. Representation of the Technical Division on the Techni-
cal Division Directors Council; and
f. If elected Chair of the Technical Division Directors Coun-
cil, serve on the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Operations
As needed, Technical Divisions shall organize working groups
and other appropriate organizational subdivisions as neces-
sary to carry forward the work of the Society in their sphere
of interest. Joint working groups among Technical Divisions
may be organized to permit effective action on issues of com-
mon interest. The chair of the Technical Division Directors
Council shall be apprised of establishing or dissolving these
subdivisions for reporting purposes.
Notice of Proposed Change to the Bylaws: Member Comment Invited