PE&RS February 2016 - page 99

February 2016
succeed to office from the office of Vice President. The
Vice President is elected by a plurality of the mem-
bers voting at large from a choice of two or more nom-
inees on the ballot.
(2) Nominations for any vacant Elective Officer position
of the Society shall be made by the Governance Com-
mittee, defined in Article IX, Section 7.
(3) The Governance Committee shall nominate can-
didates for the office of Vice President on or before
a date that is twenty weeks prior to the date of the
Annual Meeting. Nominee selections shall normally
rotate annually among members representing gov-
ernment, industry, and academia. An announcement
of the nominations shall be made in a Society publica-
tion received by the members eighteen weeks prior to
the Annual Meeting. Additional nominations may be
made by a nominating letter signed by no fewer than
250 voting members of the Society to be received by
the Executive Director no later than fourteen weeks
prior to the Annual Meeting. Each candidate shall
submit a biographical sketch and a photograph, to be
received by the Executive Director no later than thir-
teen weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
(4) The Governance Committee shall certify that all
nominees are qualified, willing to serve, and meet the
requirements set forth in these Bylaws before the an-
nouncement of nominees. Nominees may not be can-
didates for Vice President and any other Board posi-
tion simultaneously.
b. Technical Division Directors
The Assistant Technical Division Director shall normally
succeed to the office of Technical Division Director. Nom-
inees for Assistant Technical Division Director and/or
Technical Division Director (if position has no successor)
shall be determined by Technical Division operating pro-
cedures, as published in the Society’s Operating Proce-
dures. Their names, biographical data and photographs
shall be forwarded to the Executive Director no later
than thirteen weeks before the Annual Meeting, so that
they may be included in the election ballot. An Assistant
Technical Division Director and/or Technical Division
Director (if position has no successor) shall be elected by
a plurality of members voting.
c. Vice President and Technical Division Directors Election
(1) The Executive Director shall be responsible for trans-
mitting to all qualified voting members at least ten
weeks before the Annual Meeting the election ballot
accompanied by biographical data, photographs, and
clear and complete instructions for the balloting pro-
cedure. The ballot shall also contain any proposals
requiring a vote by the membership. Ballots may be
cast electronically or by mail.
(2) Ballots cast electronically must be submitted before
12:00 p.m. Eastern Time of the twenty-first day prior to
the Annual Meeting. Member status is required to vote.
(3) Ballots cast by mail must be received at Society head-
quarters before 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time of the twen-
ty-first day prior to the Annual Meeting. The com-
pleted mail ballot shall be unsigned and sealed in an
envelope showing on the outside the member’s name,
written or printed, to determine eligibility to vote.
(4) Election tellers, appointed and informed of their du-
ties by the President, shall record the ballots cast and
submit a report to the President twenty days before
the Annual Meeting, so that the President may notify
the candidates of the outcome nineteen days prior to
the Annual Meeting.
(5) A tie vote shall be decided by a majority vote of the
Board of Directors.
d. Councils’ Representation on the Board of Directors
The Corporate Members, Early-Career Professionals,
Region Officers, Student Advisory and Technical Di-
vision Directors Councils each shall elect a Chair who
serves on the Board of Directors.
(1) The Councils shall each have an election process for
the Chair, published in the Society’s Operating Proce-
dures. The Corporate Members Council has members,
which are organizations that vote but vest the repre-
sentative responsibility to an individual who may or
may not be an Individual Member of ASPRS. Each
Council shall ensure that its Council’s membership
has an opportunity to nominate candidates. At the
time of nomination all candidates shall be individual
members or corporate member representatives of the
(2) Elections shall be by ballot. The Council’s Chair shall
be elected by a plurality of the members of the Coun-
cil Voting is restricted to members of the Society or
Corporate Members’ representatives.
(3) The name, biographical data and photograph of the
elected Chair shall be submitted to the Executive Di-
rector not later than forty days prior to the Annual
Meeting of the Society.
Section 10. Terms of Office
a. Each Elective Officer and new Council Chair shall take
office during the Annual Meeting of the Society and shall
serve until the successor is duly elected and installed at
the appropriate Annual Meeting. A Council Chair may
not serve two consecutive terms in the same office except
as provided for elsewhere in the Bylaws.
b. The term for Assistant Technical Division Directors shall
be two years. Assistant Technical Division Directors au-
tomatically accede to the Technical Division Director po-
sition for another two year term.
Notice of Proposed Change to the Bylaws: Member Comment Invited
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