PE&RS February 2016 - page 104

February 2016
c. Professional Conduct
The Committee shall be the custodian of the Society Code
of Professional Ethics, responsible for preparing and recom-
ing standards of professional conduct and the pro-
cedures to be followed in professional conduct investiga-
tions; take respo
nsibility for review and investigation of all
questions of professional conduct, to include charges against
a member of the Society. The Committee shall inform the
Board of Directors of its decisions on all cases considered,
including its recommendations for Society action when nec-
essary. The Board of Directors, after review of the report of
the Committee concerning a case of violation of the Code
of Professional Ethics, shall vote to decide whether formal
hearings should be held by the Board of Directors. If the vote
is negative, the case is closed. If affirmative, the Board of Di-
rectors in formal session shall hear all evidence and decide
by secret ballot on appropriate action. A vote of three-quar-
ters of the Board members shall be required for any action.
d. External Relations
The Committee shall identify relationships with external
organizations and designate representation or liaison
where required.
Section 8. Committee Expenses
Operating expenses for committees shall be included in the So-
ciety budget process. Committee chairs shall provide estimates
and reports of expenses as required by the Executive Director.
Section 9. Assignment of Responsibilities
Detailed assignments of responsibilities to Permanent Com-
mittees, Standing Committees, and Task Forces shall be in
the form of a written charter approved by the Board of Direc-
tors and published in the Society’s Operating Procedures. An
annual charge or set of tasks may be added by the President.
Section 1. Membership Dues and Fees
Membership dues and other fees shall be determined annual-
ly by the Board of Directors after considering the recommen-
dations of the Executive Director. New memberships shall
begin in the month dues are received and are subject to re-
newal 12 months later, i.e., the anniversary date. Dues shall
be collected from all categories of membership.
Section 2. Budget
The Executive Director shall prepare an annual budget propos-
al for the Society showing projected receipts and expenditures
for the ensuing fiscal year with recommendations for dues and
fees structure, supported with records of receipt and expendi-
ture data for the current and the previous fiscal year. The bud-
get planning process shall include submission of requests from
the Council chairs. The budget shall be submitted to the Board
of Directors for discussion, recommendation, and approval at its
last meeting prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.
Section 1. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall have control and direction of the
affairs of the Society and shall determine its policies in accor-
dance with the laws under which the Society is organized and
within the provisions of the Bylaws. Its powers and responsi-
bilities shall include the following:
a. To have, hold, and administer the property and funds of
the Society;
b. To adopt and publish an annual budget for the Society,
to review the annual audit of Society accounts, and to
review the Society’s financial policies;
c. To determine the privileges of members and the dues and
fees to be paid by them;
d. To confirm the appointment, contractual arrangements
and compensation for the Executive Director, who shall
serve at the direction of the Board and who shall be sub-
ject to removal from office at any time for cause by a ma-
jority vote of the Board;
e. To make appropriations for specific purposes;
f. To authorize public statements on behalf of the Society;
g. To foster and oversee relations with related organizations;
h. To adopt changes to the Bylaws of the Society;
i. To report Board actions to the members of the Society;
j. To take measures to advance the disciplines and interests
of the Society and of the profession; and
k. To fill vacancies on the Board of Directors caused by
death, disability, or flagrant neglect of performance, af-
ter declaring the office vacant.
Section 2. Responsibilities of the Elective Officers
The President shall have supervision of the affairs of the
Society, presiding at all Annual and Special Meetings of the
Society and meetings of the Board of Directors. In addition to
the responsibilities stated in Article IV, the President-Elect
and the Vice President shall assist the President as neces-
sary and shall, in the absence of the President, assume the
duties of the President, in succession. Detailed guidelines for
the responsibilities of the Elective Officers are provided in
the Society’s Operating Procedures.
Section 3. Responsibilities of the Executive Director
a. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the admin-
istration and management of the Society subject to policy
guidance of the Board of Directors through the President.
b. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the financial
arrangements of the Society subject to policy guidance of the
Board of Directors through the President and Treasurer.
c. The Executive Director shall have responsibility for employ-
ing, directing, and evaluating the performance of the sala-
ried staff of the Society and for operation of Society office(s).
Notice of Proposed Change to the Bylaws: Member Comment Invited
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