PE&RS May 2020 Public - page 260

Fourth Edition
edited by: Stanley A. Morain,
Michael S. Renslow and Amelia M. Budge
ASPRS Announces the 4
Edition of the
Manual of Remote Sensing!
Manual of Remote Sensing, 4th Ed.
(MRS-4) is an “enhanced” electronic publication available
online from ASPRS. This edition expands its scope from previous editions, focusing on new and up-
dated material since the turn of the 21st Century. Stanley Morain (Editor-in-Chief), and co-editors
Michael Renslow and Amelia Budge have compiled material provided by numerous contributors who
are experts in various aspects of remote sensing technologies, data preservation practices, data ac-
cess mechanisms, data processing and modeling techniques, societal benefits, and legal aspects such
as space policies and space law. These topics are organized into nine chapters. MRS4 is unique from
previous editions in that it is a “living” document that can be updated easily in years to come as new
technologies and practices evolve. It also is designed to include animated illustrations and videos to
further enhance the reader’s experience.
MRS-4 is available to ASPRS Members as a member benefit or can be purchased
by non-members. To access MRS-4, visit
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