May 2020
The Esri Award for Best Scientific Paper in GIS
Place: X. Wang, F. Rottensteiner, and C. Heipke for”Robust Structure
From Motion Based on Relative Rotations and Tie Points,”
85 (5).
Place: Andreas Wichmann, Amgad Agoub, Valentina Schmidt, and
Martin Kada for “RoofN3D: A Database for 3D Building Reconstruction
with Deep Learning,”
85 (6).
Place: Harith Aljumaily, Debra F. Laefer, and Dolores Cuadra for
”Integration of Lidar Data and GIS Data for Point Cloud Semantic
Enrichment at the Point Level,”
, 85 (1).
Purpose: Established in 1991, the fully-endowed ESRI Award honors
individuals who publish papers of scientific merit that advance our
knowledge about GIS technology.
Donor: Esri, Inc. through the ASPRS Foundation
The Esri Award first prize is $1,000 and a hand-engrossed certificate;
second prize is $600 and a hand-engrossed certificate; third prize is $400
and a hand-engrossed certificate.
Talbert Abrams Award
2020 recipients:
Grand Award: Chang Li, Xiaojuan Liu, andWei Lu for “An Image-
Pyramid-Based Raster-to-Vector Conversion (IPBRTVC) Framework for
Consecutive-Scale Cartography and Synchronized Generalization of
Classic Objects,”
, 85 (3).
Honorable Mention: Niclas Börlin, Arnadi Murtiyoso, Pierre
Grussenmeyer, Fabio Menna, and Erica Nocerino for ”Flexible
Photogrammetric Computations Using Modular Bundle Adjustment:
The Chain Rule and the Collinearity Equations,”
, 85 (5).
Honorable Mention: Qiang Zhou, Shuguang Liu, and Michael J
Hill for “A Novel Method for SeparatingWoody and Herbaceous Time
, 85 (7).
Purpose: The Talbert Abrams Award was established in 1945 to encour-
age the authorship and recording of current, historical, engineering, and
scientific developments in photogrammetry. The Award is determined
from papers published in PE&RS.
Donor: The ASPRS Foundation
The award consists of a check for $3,000 and an engraved plaque for the
Grand Award, and an award certificate for the First and Second Honor-
able Mentions.
Region Awards
2020 recipients:
Region of the Year
Florida Region
Potomac Region
Pacific Southwest Region
Website & Newsletter of the Year
Pacific Southwest Region
Western Great Lakes Region
Rocky Mountain Region
Roger Hoffer Membership Award
2020 Honorable Mention: Dr. Xiaojun Yang, Florida State
Purpose: First awarded in 1968 as the ASPRS Ford Bartlett Membership
Award (which was originally sponsored by the firm of Lockwood, Kessler,
and Bartlett, Inc.) to honor members for actively promoting membership
in ASPRS. This award now marks the the exceptional efforts of ASPRS
Past President Roger Hoffer in managing the Membership Committee
and recruiting hundreds of student members.
Donor: ASPRS
Amember is eligible to receive the Award after sponsoring ten or more mem-
bers in one year. Each recipient receives a hand-engrossed certificate and a
one-year membership in the Society. An Honorable Mention is awarded to
those who sponsor at least five newmembers.
Introduction of the Rising Stars
The ASPRS Rising Star program is focused on mentorship of tomorrow’s
leaders within ASPRS and the geospatial and remote sensing communi-
ty. Rising Stars are defined as early career professionals within the first
ten years of their geospatial careers who are selected for sponsorship
within the program.
The current Rising Stars are:
Amanda Aragon
Charles Krugger