May 2020
The ASPRS Lifetime Achievement Award
2020 Recipient: Marguerite Madden
Dr. Marguerite Madden is a Professor in the University of Georgia
(UGA) Department of Geography and Director of the Center for
Geospatial Research (CGR). She holds Bachelor and Master of Arts
degrees in Biology from the State University of New York (SUNY) and
Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Georgia. Her research interests
combining geographic information science with landscape ecology
with particular focus on mapping and analyzing human-animal-en-
vironment interactions, began as an 11-year old assistant to her
father who was a land surveyor in northern New York. In college, she
mapped wetlands from aerial imagery in the Lake Champlain Valley
and Adirondack Mountains with her colleagues in the Center for Earth
& Environmental Science at SUNY Plattsburgh. After working for two
years in road construction as an Engineer’s Assistant, she joined the
UGA Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science (CRMS) in 1985
working under the direction of CRMS Director, Dr. RoyWelch. She
completed her Ph.D. in Ecology in 1990, was a CRMS Postdoctoral
Researcher (1990-1991) and held a Research Scientist position in the
CRMS from 1991-2003. Following the retirement of Dr. RoyWelch,
she served as the CRMS Interim Director and was appointed Director
and Associate Professor in the UGA Geography Department in 2005
with promotion to Full Professor in 2008. For 30 years, she and her
colleague, CRMS Associate Director, Dr. Thomas Jordan, developed
and analyzed numerous detailed vegetation databases for local, state
and national conservation lands, including over 20 National Park
units located throughout the Southeastern United States. Her current
research with CGR Associate Director, Dr. Sergio Bernardes, Research
Scientist, Dr. David Cotten, and numerous affiliated faculty, staff and
students involves remote sensing, GIS, spatio-temporal analysis,
geovisualization and geographic object-based analysis as applied to
landscape-scale biological/physical processes and human-animal
impacts on the environment. She and her colleagues have obtained 64
external grants since 1989 totalling over 9.67M$ and have published
over 75 peer-review journal articles and book chapters. She is the edi-
tor or co-editor of 17 books, proceedings and special issues of journals,
serves on the Editorial Boards of 5 geospatial journals and was the
Associate Editor of Wetlands, Wetlands, Ecology and Management and
the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Prior-
itizing the involvement of students in her research, she has served
as major advisor to 21 Ph.D. and 19 M.S./M.A. students since joining
the UGA faculty in 2005. Professor Madden is an American Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Past President and Edi-
tor of the 2009 ASPRS Manual of GIS. She served as the International
Society for Photogrammetry and Remoe Sensing (ISPRS) Commission
IV, “Digital Mapping and Geodatabases”Technical President (2008-
2012), ISPRS Council Second Vice President (2012-2016) and Treasurer
of The ISPRS Foundation (2010 to present). She is the lead Science
Advisor of the Georgia node of the NASA DEVELOP National Program
(2014 to present) and the recipient of the ISPRSWillem Schermerhorn
Award (2004), ASPRS Fellow Award (2010), ASPRS SAIC Estes Memori-
al Teaching Award (2011) and NASA Silver Achievement Medal (2018).
The ASPRS Lifetime Achievement Award (formerly the Honorary Lifetime
Achievement Award and the Honorary Member Award) is the highest
award an ASPRS member can receive, and there are only 25 living
Lifetime Achievement Awardees of the Society at any given time. Can-
didates are chosen by a Nominating Committee made up of the past five
recipients of the award and chaired by the most recent recipient.
Purpose: Initiated in 1937, this life-time award is given in recognition of
individuals who have rendered distinguished service to ASPRS and/or who
have attained distinction in advancing the science and use of the geospatial
information sciences. It is awarded for professional excellence and for at
least 20 years of service to ASPRS and consists of a plaque and a certificate.
Donor: ASPRS
ASPRS Photogrammetric Award (Fairchild)
2020 Recipient: Jie Shan
The 2020 Photogrammetric Award (Fairchild) is presented to Jie Shan
in recognition of his lifelong contribution to the science and art of
photogrammetry, remote sensing, and image interpretation.
Dr. Shan is a Professor at the Lyles School of Civil Engineering. His
primary research field is image- and lidar-based geospatial data
processing, analysis and modeling. During his decades long career
experience, he has made original contributions in several academic
subject areas and provided long time, consistent technical services
to our societies and communities. He is a leader in automated object
extraction from images and point clouds. The work pushes the knowl-
edge boarder of traditional photogrammetry. He has led developing
and applying novel analytical and statistical methods for various
topographic imagery and lidar data collected from space, air, ground,
and handheld sensors. The results of these efforts were published in
top journals of related subjects. He has received a number of ASPRS
Best Paper awards and was elected an ASPRS Fellow. He is the
Highlight Article Editor, serves on the Editorial boards of IEEE Trans-
actions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of
Remote Sensing, and Remote Sensing.
Purpose: The Photogrammetric Fairchild Award is designed to stimulate
the development of the art of aerial photogrammetry in the United
States. Practicability is the essence of the Award and is the basis for the
review of all candidates.
Donor: ASPRS
The award consists of an engraved presentation plaque.