We encourage those students who are attending the conference to consider serving as conference volunteers. Applications for the volunteer positions available at the Pecora 18 Symposium will be available in September 2011.
The following information outlines the details of the volunteer positions available for the Pecora 18 Symposium.
There are two levels of commitment as a conference volunteer.
Students who are current members of ASPRS or the ISPRS Student Consortium are eligible to apply as Student Assistants and Volunteers for this conference.
Students who apply for a Student Assistantship MUST be available to serve during the entire week of the conference (Sunday, November 13 through Thursday, November 17) and MUST attend the orientation meeting on Sunday evening, November 13 at 5:30 pm.
Students who are accepted to serve as Student Assistants receive complimentary conference registration, complimentary lodging (two students share a room) from Sunday, November 13 through Wednesday, November 16. They also receive a $100 stipend when their full work assignments have been completed.
Both Student Assistants and Student Volunteers who are accepted to serve receive complimentary conference registration.
Any Student Assistant or Volunteer who works 7.5 hours in one day is eligible for a lunch stipend of $10.
Any student accepted to serve as either a Student Assistant or Volunteer must be able to cover their own travel and meal expenses. Volunteers must also be able to cover their own lodging during the conference.
Only those Student Assistants or Volunteers who are assigned to an ASPRS Workshop as part of their volunteer duties may attend the assigned workshop at no cost. All others who wish to attend a workshop must register for the workshop of their choice and pay the student registration fee. These workshops are not part of the general conference registration fee.
Students who have never served as Student Assistants at a past ASPRS Conference will be given preference in the application review process. It is the aim of the Student Assistantship Program to give as many students as possible an opportunity to benefit from these awards.
Application forms for the volunteer positions will be available in early September 2011.
For questions regarding volunteer opportunities please contact: Dr. Rakesh Malhotra at rmalhotr@uncfsu.edu.