PE&RS April 2015 - page 316

González-Partida, J.T., P. Almorox-González, M. Burgos-García, and
B.P. Dorta-Naranjo, 2008. SAR system for UAV operation with
motion error compensation beyond the resolution cell,
Grenzdörffer, G., A. Engel, and B. Teichert, 2008. The photogram-
metric potential of low-cost UAVs in forestry and agriculture,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences
, (1):207-1213.
Grenzdörffer, G., and F. Niemeyer, 2011. UAV-based BRDF-
measurements of agricultural surfaces with PFIFFikus,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and
Spatial Information Sciences
, Zurich, XXXVIII-1/C22:229–234.
Grenzdörffer, G., F. Niemeyer, and F. Schmidt, 2012. Development
of four vision camera system for a micro-UAV,
Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial
Information Sciences
, XXXIX-B1:369–374.
Grenzdörffer, G.J., 2013. UAS-based automatic bird count of a common
gull colony,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Grün, A., Z. Zhang, and H. Eisenbeiss, 2012. UAV photogramme-
try in remote areas - 3D modeling of Drapham Dzong, Bhutan,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences
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Guillen-Climent, M.L., P.J. Zarco-Tejada, J.A.J. Berni, P.R.J. North, and
F.J. Villalobos, 2012. Mapping radiation interception in row-
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Precision Agriculture
Gülch, E., 2012. Photogrammetric measurements in fixed wing UAV
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
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Gunderson, D., 2014. Agriculture on the cusp of a drone boom,
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Gupta, S.G., M.M. Ghonge, and P.M. Jawandhiya, 2013. Review
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International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology
Gurtner, A., D.G. Greer, R. Glassock, L. Mejias, R.A. Walker, and W.W.
Boles, 2009. Investigation of fish-eye lenses for small-UAV aerial
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
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Gyongyosi, A.Z., P. Kardos, R. Kurunczi, and Z. Bottyan, 2013.
Development of a complex dynamical modeling system for
the meteorological support of unmanned aerial operation
in Hungary,
Proceedings of the International Conference on
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS)
, 28-31 May, Atlanta,
Georgia, pp. 8-16.
Haala, N., M. Cramer, F. Weimer, and M. Trittler, 2011. Performance
test on UAV-based photogrammetric data collection,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences
, XXXVIII-1/C22:7–12.
Haarbrink, R., 2011. UAS for geo-information: Current status and per-
ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry,
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
C22, pp. 207–212.
Haas de, T., D. Ventra, P.E. Carbonneau, and M.G. Kleinhans, 2014.
Debris-flow dominance of alluvial fans masked by runoff rework-
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Habib, A., and M. Morgan, 2005. Stability analysis and geometric
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Engineering & Remote Sensing
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Hakala, T., E. Honkavaara, H. Saari, J. Mäkynen, J. Kaivosoja, L.
Pesonen, I. Pölönen, 2013. Spectral imaging from UAVs under
varying illumination conditions,
ISPRS International Archives
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
, XL-1/W2, pp. 189–194.
Hakala, T., J. Suomalainen, and J.I. Peltoniemi, 2010. Acquisition
of bidirectional reflectance factor dataset using a micro un-
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Remote Sensing
Hall, A.R., and C.J. Coyne, 2014. The political economy of drones,
Defense and Peace Economics
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Hambling, D., 2013. Swarms will dominate the sky,
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Handwerk, B., 2013. 5 surprising drone uses (besides Amazon
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Han, J., Y. Xu, L. Di, and Y. Chen, 2013. Low-cost multi-UAV tech-
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of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
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Hardin, P.J., and T.J. Hardin, 2010. Small-scale remotely piloted
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Geography Compass
Hardin, P.J., and M.W. Jackson, 2005. An unmanned aerial vehicle
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Rangeland Ecological Manag
Hardin, P.J., and R.R. Jensen, 2011. Introduction-small-scale un-
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GISciences and Remote Sensing
Harwin, S., and A. Lucieer, 2012
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applied to imagery acquired via unmanned aerial vehicle,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences
, Vol. XXXIX-B7, pp. 475–480.
Harwin, S., and A. Lucieer, 2012
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Remote Sens
Haus, T., M. Orsag, and S. Bogdan, 2013. Omnidirectional vision
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Proceedings of the
International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
, 28-31 May, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 326–332.
Hendrickx, M., W. Gheyle, J. Bonne, J. Bourgeois, A. DeWulf, and
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Heredia, G., F. Caballero, I. Maza, L. Merino, A. Viguria, and A.
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Hernández-Clemente, R., R.M. Navarro-Cerrillo, and P.J. Zarco-Tejada,
2012. Carotenoid content estimation in a heterogeneous conifer
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Remote Sensing of Environment
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Hervouet, A., R. Dunford, H. Piégay, B. Belletti, and M.L. Trémélo,
2011. Analysis of post-flood recruitment patterns in braided
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GIScience and Remote Sensing
, 48:50–73.
Herwitz, S.R., L.F. Johnson, S.E. Dunagand, R.G. Higgins, D.V.
Sullivan, J. Zheng, B.M. Lobitz, J.G. Leung, B.A. Gallmeyer,
M. Aoyagi, R.E. Slye, and J.A. Brass, 2004. Imaging from an
unmanned aerial vehicle: Agricultural surveillance and decision
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
, 44:49–61.
Hinkley, E.A., and T. Zajkowski, 2011. USDA Forest Service - NASA:
Unmanned aerial systems demonstrations pushing the leading
edge in fire mapping,
International, 26(2):103–111.
Hinsberg van, W., M. Rijsdijk, and W. Witteveen, 2013. UAS for
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GIM International
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Hodgson, A., N. Kelly, and D. Peel, 2013. Unmanned aerial vehicles
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