PE&RS April 2015 - page 321

McGwire, K.C., M.A. Weltz, J.A. Finzel, C.E. Morris, L.F.
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Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Springer
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Merino, L., J. Wiklund, F. Caballero, A. Moe, J.R. Marínez-de-Dios,
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Merino, L., J.R. Martinez-de-Dios, and A. Ollero, 2015. Cooperative
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Merino, L., F. Caballero, J.R. Martínez-de-Dios, I. Maza, and A. Ollero,
2010. Automatic forest fire monitoring and measurement using
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Merino, L., F. Caballero, J.R. Martínez-de-Dios, I. Maza, and A. Ollero,
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Meron, M., V. Alchanatis, Y. Cohen, and J. Tsipris, 2013. Aerial ther-
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Merz, T., and S. Chapman, 2011. Autonomous unmanned heli-
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Mesas-Carrascosa, F.J., M.D. Notario-García, J.E. Meroño de Larriva,
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Validation of measurements of land plot area using UAV im-
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and
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Mesas-Carrascosa, F.J., I.C. Rumbao, J.A.B. Berrocal, and A.G.F.
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Metni, N., and T. Hamel, 2007. A UAV for bridge inspection: Visual
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Miller, A., P. Babenko, M. Hu, and M., Shah, 2008. Person tracking in
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Misnan, M.F., N.H.M. Arshad, R.L.A. Shauri, N.A., Razak, N.M.
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Misnan, M.F., N.H.M. Arshad, and N.A. Razak, 2012b. Construction
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Molina, P., M. Parés, I. Colomina, T. Vitoria, P. Silva, J. Skaloud, W.
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Molina, P., P. Fortuny, I. Colomina, M. Remy, K.A.C. Macedo, Y.R.C.
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Navigation and remote sensing payloads of the SARVANT
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Moranduzzo, T., and F. Melgani, 2014a. Detecting cars in UAV images
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Moranduzzo, T., and F. Melgani, 2014b. Automatic car counting
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IEEE Transactions
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Morillas, L., M. García, H. Nieto, L. Villagarcia, I. Sandholt, M.P.
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Mozas-Calvache, A.T., J.L. Pérez-García, F.J. Cardenal-Escarcena, E.
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April 2015
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