July 2016
The mission of ASPRS: The Imaging and Geospatial
Information Society is to promote the ethical application of
active and passive sensors, the disciplines of photogrammetry,
remote sensing, geographic information systems, and other
supporting technologies; to advance the understanding of the
geospatial and related sciences; to expand public awareness
of the profession; and to promote a balanced representation
of the interests of government, academia, and private
Geospatial information answers the questions who,
what, when, and primarily where. ASPRS is committed to
providing the highest quality spatial information to all people
for effective decision making and better understanding to
improve their quality of life.
The ASPRS Strategic Plan sets forth the goals which
represent the focus of the organization that are to be adopted
on the national, regional, and local levels. This plan is
available at http://
Founded in 1934, ASPRS has given increasing service to
the scientific, user communities, and the nation through
development of the art and science of photogrammetry,
remote sensing and geographic information systems.
Scope of Society Interest
Initially, the core technologies represented by ASPRS
are photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic
information systems (GIS). Supporting technologies include,
but are not limited to, cartography, spatial positioning, image
processing, and photo interpretation.
The Society’s integration of core and supporting
technologies to real-world applications are currently
concentrated in the areas of: mapping; environmental and
natural resources; modeling; simulation; visualization;
close range; and sociocultural. The Society advances
responsible practice through its professional certification
program, continuing education and workshops, publications,
standards, and venues for social and career net- working. The
ASPRS Certification Program was accredited by the Council
of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB) in
January 2013.
Dissemination of Scientific Information
The Society disseminates scientific information through
meetings and publications. Publications of the Society include
our journal,
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
), published monthly, and the basic manuals
of the science —
Manual of Airborne Topographic Lidar,
Manual of Photogrammetry, Sixth edition
Manual of Remote
Sensing, Third edition
Manual of Photographic Interpretation,
Second edition
Manual of Geographic InformationSystems, DEM
Users Manual, Second edition
; proceedings from technical
meetings and symposia; compendiums and monographs on
the industry’s hottest topics; and an index to the
In addition to its publications, the Society thrives through
local and national meetings, and specialty conferences
to disseminate knowledge of the science as rapidly and
effectively as possible. The national Society is responsible for
the development and presentation of the Annual Convention
and specialty meetings to help keep professionals up-to-
date on new developments and technology in the field. The
Society is the U.S. Member of the International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Society Membership
Seven classes of members constitute our Society: Honorary
Members who stand preeminent, having rendered
outstanding service to the Society and the profession; Fellow
Members who have been active for at least ten years and
who have performed exceptional service in advancing the
science and use of the technologies; Active Members —
those from whom the Society draws its officers, directors,
and committees; Associate Member — those individuals who
are moving from being students to beginning their careers;
Student Members — a special class of members established
to assure a continuing flow of scientific capability in the
field of photogrammetry and remote sensing; Sustaining
Members — commercial companies and government agencies
who desire to render monetary support to the Society; and
Emeritus (life) Members who have maintained continuous
membership for 25 years and have reached the age of 65, or
for 35 consecutive years and have reached the age of 60.
Governance of the Society
The governance of the national Society is vested in its Board
of Directors and its Officers. Responsibility for the day-to-
day management of Society affairs rests with the Executive
Director. The Society has established and supports a series
of committees, which are responsible to the President. Their
function is advisory. However, committee chairpersons may
act for the President when directed to do so. The Society is
subdivided geographically into 17 Regions, some of which
have organized additional Chapters. Each of these regions
selects its own officers and directors, and elects one member
to the Board of Directors of the national Society. The Society
organization includes six Technical Divisions: Remote
Sensing Applications Division, Primary Data Acquisition
Division, Professional Practice Division, Photogrammetric
Applications Division, Lidar Division, and Geographic
Information Systems Division. The purpose of these Divisions
is to bring the Society closer to its members who are ordinarily
specialists in a limited phase of the discipline. The Division
The ASPRS of 2014 vs. the ASPRS of 2016