April 2017
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and
outreach event sponsored by AmericaView to celebrate the
Landsat mission
. The annual October event is aligned with
Earth Science Week activities, coordinated by the American
Geosciences Institute (AGI). In 2016 over 800 individuals joined
EOD events sponsored by 14 SVs. Any interested organization,
group, club, or class is encouraged to join the educational fun!
WisconsinView, TexasView, MichiganView, and Indiana
University have developed programs that directly access
Landsat 8 imagery following initial USGS data processing
steps. The imagery is delivered via the high-speed Earth
Observation Depot Network (EODN) to researchers at
the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison who transform the imagery
and data for systems and software used by weather scientists.
Wisconsin’s RealEarth™ system
can immediately display
and animate the imagery. If you follow weather maps, take a
look at your own area.
The academic leadership and advocacy role of AV and individual
SVs for remote sensing understanding and exploitation and the
persistent innovation by experienced educators and researchers
characterize the continued influence of theAV consortium.Many
AmericaView-affiliated professionals are also active ASPRS
members. In its Value Proposition, ASPRS describes itself as “
thought leader
” and “
persistent innovator
” and “
.” AV
members alignwell with those descriptors whether in education,
disaster response support, water quality actions, citizen science
advancement, or anywhere that remote sensing can have a
profound effect. AV commitment nurtures work at local levels,
transmits well-articulated needs to federal agencies and other
providers, and renders the nationwide AmericaView consortium
a notable resource in the ever-expanding field of remote sensing.
Both ASPRS and AV organizations synergistically benefit from
the joint memberships and globally influence the application
of Earth science to pressing environmental and socio-economic
challenges. Both organizations will continue to support joint
proposals for funded grants and welcome recommendations for
such opportunities.
Christopher McGinty is the Assistant Director of the Quinney
College of Natural Resources Remote Sensing and GIS
Laboratory at Utah State University and serves as Program
Manager for AmericaView.
Roberta Lenczowski is an ASPRS past President and
current Secretary. She serves as the Executive Director for
3 AmericaView, Inc. Earth Observation Day (EOD), URL:
(last date accessed 1 March 2017).
4 University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering
Center and the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite
Studies, URL:
(last date accessed 1 March