PE&RS August 2014 - page 771

approaches to estimating the fraction of absorbed photosynthet-
ically active radiation, a major component of evapotranspiration
models. This again will provide improved statewide estimates
of another important factor in crop water productivity.
This work was primarily supported by the United States
Geological Survey (
) Climate and Land Use Mission
area’s Geographic Analysis and Monitoring and Land Remote
Sensing programs under the supervision of the Mendenhall
Research Fellowship Program. Funding to support undergrad-
uate/graduate students was granted through a cooperative
initiative between the
and The National Association
of Geoscience Teachers
First, we would like to thank Tony
Chang, Jeff Peters, and Bobbijean Freeman, who worked long
hours under adverse conditions to gather field data required
for this project. Second, we would like to thank the agricul-
tural extentionists (Mark Keeley, Chris Greer, Cayle Little,
Bob Hutmacher, and Shannon Mueller) from the University of
California at Davis (
) who put us in contact with growers
or farm managers interested in our work and permitted us to
collect data on
managed research farms (West Side and
Shafter Research and Extension Centers). Third, we would
like to thank the growers and farm managers (Chuck Mathews,
Don Bransford, Jim Casey, Blake Harlan, Mark Boyd, Danny
Kirshenmann, John Diener, Marty Roads, Joel Ackerknecht,
Scott Schmidt, and Kurt Boeger) who gave us the opportunity
to work in their fields and set aside their time to make ar-
rangements and lend us their valuable experience. And to the
grower Steve Mellow who welcomed us to a 4
of July celebra-
tion at his home when we were far from home. Last, we would
like to thank Deborah Soltesz, Miguel Velasco, Larry Gaffney,
and Lois Hales who dealt with ordering/repairing parts, made
travel arrangements, and arranged other field work logistics.
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