PE&RS February 2015 - page 99

February 2015
Center and the newly established USAF 69th Observation Wing
at the Grand Forks Air Force Base. The group was chauffeured
by USAF MSgt Agustin Pascual to a warm welcome by Director
of Air Operations, Max Raterman who gave an overview of the
manned and unmanned operations which includes training and
monitoring the border. Deputy Director, Dave Fulcher gave a
more in depth technical view of the operations as well as leading
the tour of their operations center, flight operations trailers and
their General Atomics Predator B UAS.
University of Minnesota ASPRS Students Keith Pelletier
and Jim Klassen check out the Air Operations flight monitor-
ing station for the Predator B.
The tour was wrapped up with a visit to the USAF 69th Ob-
servation Squadron next door which oversees all Global Hawk
operations. Capt. Ben Davis illustrated how the newly estab-
lished squadron is supporting operations all over the world
with the Global Hawk. The Northrop Grumman Global Hawk
RQ-4 UAS has three basic configurations of EO/IR, radar and
telecommunications. ASPRS members were able to see first-
hand a couple of the latest radar equipped RQ-4 Block 40 air-
craft. All attendees were impressed by the size of the aircraft
along with its automated design, endurance and reliability.
The last two photos were taken by USAF Ssgt Susan Davis.
All others where taken by Brian Huberty
AUVSI Heartland Chapter
Announces Unmanned Systems for
Agriculture Conference
The Asso
ciation of Unmanned Systems International (AUVSI)
Heartland Chapter is pleased to announce a conference focus-
ing on the application of unmanned systems within agriculture.
The event is titled “Unmanned Systems & Agriculture: Realiz-
ing the Field of Dreams.” The event will be a 1 day conference
emphasizing the regulatory and legal issues impacting the use
of unmanned systems in agriculture as well as leading research
and applications for the use of unmanned systems to improve
The conference will be held on Wednesday, March 4th, 2015
at the Grand River Center in Dubuque, IA from 9:00 am – 4:30
pm. For more information, visit
AUVSI Heartland Chapter Announces Unmanned
Systems for Agriculture Conference
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