PE&RS August 2015 - page 604

August 2015
Dr. Michael Hauck
Russell G. Congalton
Technical Editor
Michael S. Renslow
Assistant Editor
Jie Shan
Assistant Director — Publications
Rae Kelley
Electronic Publications Manager/Graphic Artist
Matthew Austin
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
is the official journal
of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It is
devoted to the exchange of ideas and information about the applications of
photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. The
technical activities of the Society are conducted through the following Technical
Divisions: Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetric Applications,
Lidar, Primary Data Acquisition, Professional Practice, and Remote Sensing
Applications. Additional information on the functioning of the Technical
Divisions and the Society can be found in the Yearbook issue of
Correspondence relating to all business and editorial matters pertaining to
this and other Society publications should be directed to the American Society
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210,
Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144, including inquiries, memberships, sub-
scriptions, changes in address, manuscripts for publication, advertising, back
issues, and publications. The telephone number of the Society Headquarters is
301-493-0290; the fax number is 301-493-0208; web address is
(ISSN0099-1112) is published monthly by the American So-
ciety for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite
210, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda,
Maryland and at additional mailing offices.
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Membership is open to any person actively engaged in the
practice of photogrammetry, photointerpretation, remote sensing and geo-
graphic information systems; or who by means of education or profession
is interested in the application or development of these arts and sciences.
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. Copyright by the American Society for Photogrammetry
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continued on page
The Imaging and Geospatial Informa-
tion Society is in a state of change. As
a scientific and technological organiza-
tion, change has been a part of ASPRS
since its inception. The Society evolved
from photogrammetry to include re-
mote sensing. Later geographic infor-
mation systems (GIS) became a core
area of ASPRS and formed another
technical Division. The wide adoption
of lidar technology led ASPRS to form
a new Lidar Division. In the last two
years, unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
became a vital technological component of ASPRS and in 2014,
the ASPRS Board of Directors voted to form a UAS Division.
Thus, ASPRS has continually embraced new developments in im-
aging and geospatial technology forming new technical Divisions.
Simultaneous to the expanding diversity of technological capabil-
ities for collecting and analyzing Earth images and resources, cul-
tural and institutional changes also occurred. With the passing of
the baby-boom generation into retirement age, Gen Xers and Mil-
lennials have become the predominate groups in the workforce.
With the different generations, societal and institutional involve-
ment have changed and resulted in declining membership in AS-
PRS. Recent changes in the publishing industry have affected
the Society’s journal,
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
. Advertising in both print and digital forms has declined
and revenues are much lower than in the past. Conference atten-
dance is down and exhibitors are concerned with lower traffic in
the exhibit areas and some vendors are opting not to have a booth
at ASPRS conferences. Thus, the primary sources of revenue for
ASPRS, member dues, advertising, and conferences, have all de-
As a result of the technological, societal, and revenue changes,
ASPRS also is changing as a Society. The changes include orga-
nization, conferences, and details of internal ASPRS operations.
These changes will make ASPRS a different organization and one
that better serves its members and better addresses the mission
and vision of the Society. In 2014 and 2015, Dr. Stewart Walker,
then president of ASPRS, led a small taskforce to streamline the
governance structure of ASPRS. The work of the Streamlining
Taskforce built from the work of previous president, Steve DeGlo-
ria, and his Restructuring taskforce, which provided a new stra-
tegic plan and a series of goals and actions to restructure ASPRS
to better serve its membership. The ASPRS Board of Directors in
Tampa, Florida on May 7, 2015, voted to accept the recommenda-
tions of the Streamlining Task Force. At that meeting I became
President and inherited the task of making the recommenda-
tions from the Restructuring and the Streamlining Task Forces
a reality. We are well on the path to implementation of the new
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