PE&RS August 2015 - page 667

This paper presents a method for positional quality control
valid for
-dimensional spatial data (e.g., 1D, 2D, 3D) based
on acceptance sampling by means of
2859-1. In order to
understand this method, we have presented the basics of ac-
ceptance by sampling, including the user and producer risks,
and the International Standard
2859-1. The capability for
dealing with positional errors within a standard originated for
non-quantitative values is achieved by the model proposed
by Ariza-López and Rodríguez-Avi (2014), and this model
have been summarized. An example of its application to a
sequence of lots has been shown for a specific metric toler-
and discussing the relation of the
parameter in
relation to the actual quality of the lots.
The main features of the proposed method can be summa-
rized as follows:
• It is not limited by the requirement of normality of
positional errors, one of the major drawbacks of other
existing methods (e.g., The
• No previous underlying assumption is needed for the
base statistical model of errors, which means that the
application is universal (e.g., 1D, 2D, 3D, etc. with
parametric or non-parametric error models).
• It is based on a statistical contrast process and requires
smaller sample sizes than statistical accuracy estima-
tion processes.
• This method introduces the user and producer risk into
positional accuracy controls, which is a very desirable
circumstance because it gives transparency to trade
• It can be applied to any type of positional and geo-
metric controls (points, line-strings, etc.) because the
statistical basis is very simple.
• Positional quality is expressed in a very simple and
understandable way by the percentage of positional
defectives combined with a metric tolerance.
• Positional quality is expressed in the same way as other
spatial data quality elements and can be expressed by
the percentage of defectives or defects.
• The same control framework is valid for other quality
aspects (e.g., thematic, completeness, logical consis-
tence), which is a very desirable circumstance in order
to facilitate quality analysis, management, and reporting.
• The method can be applied to lot by lot data supplies;
this situation is very new for positional accuracy con-
trols and is of great interest for supply contracts.
• It is based on the application of a very well-known
international standard (
2859-1), and this can stimu-
late the transfer of knowledge and best practices from
other sectors of the industry to the geomatic sector.
• The use of a
as described opens up the opportunity
of applying all the possibilities that the
2859 series
of standards offers: isolated lot inspection (
skip-lot sampling (
2859-3), assessment of declared
quality levels (2859-4), and sequential sampling plans
This work has been funded by the Ministry of Science and
Technology of Spain and the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund under Grant No. BIA2011-23217. The authors also
acknowledge the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain)
for the financial support since 1997 for their research group
(Ingeniería Cartográfica) with code PAIDI-TEP-164.
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