September 2019 Full - page 624

September 2019
analysis carefully explores important place-based concerns
bearing on disease spread and treatment that properly high-
light why geography matters.
Topics that might be added in subsequent iterations; more
discussion of the “Spanish Flu” as it was truly one of the most
important epidemics in modern history. This epidemic par-
ticularly lends itself to further spatial/geographical analysis
given the manner in which the disease spread socio-political
issues and the significant effect the epidemic had on modern
medicine and public health. In line with this, more coverage of
mid-twentieth century disease and geography would be help-
ful. Although not meant as a spatial statistics primer, pre-
senting emerging work on spatial and temporal issues would
have been useful
All told, CoD is a comprehensive and deep accounting of the
history and current state of public health/medical geography.
Indeed, Koch argues successfully for the idea that place is
an important constituent element for understanding disease
and illness, no different than considering individual charac-
teristics or those of the disease/illness agent (virus, bacteria,
lead, etc). This normalization of geography as a unit of anal-
ysis on its own terms is well described in Koch’s accounting.
Beyond the pedagogical utility of CoD for college and medical
school students, an important achievement of this volume in-
tegration of geography as a constituent element of good public
health and medical research. Koch has written a book, that
because of its deep historical understanding, will not become
obsolete. Readers and students can first learn of these import-
ant topics in this volume and return and grow with the depth
of Koch’s ideas.
Has ASPRS helped further your career? If so, how?
ASPRS has set the benchmarks for professionals in this industry
and has made available the resources for us to learn and grow.
It has also led me to a network of like-minded professionals with
whom I (we) can share ideas, problems, and solutions. I would
also like to add that I am very encouraged by the new leadership
in the organization. I think ASPRS has a bright future.
At the Great Wall of China.”Traveling has become one of my greatest passions”
What is the biggest open question in your field of
photogrammetry that will require the most attention
in the future?
As I mentioned earlier, the introduction of UAV/UAS has brought
a large number of people into the field. Many of these newcomers
have little if any, experience with the survey/mapping accuracies
required for geospatial products. They are confident that by just
using one of the new, very user-friendly software packages that
they’ll deliver a high-quality topo. I say again that education is
the solution. Educating the consumer on the right questions to
ask and what to expect, educating the newcomers on standards,
best practices, etc., and educating ourselves on the newest tech-
nology and how we can help our client and better our craft. I
think ASPRS needs to be the leader in this effort.
“Traveling has become one of my
greatest passions”
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Advance Mapping Technologies
To correct the authorship of
“Aerodynamic Roughness Length Estimation with Lidar and Imaging Spectroscopy in a Shrub-Dominated
to include Venkataramana Sridhar, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia
Tech as one of the author. To reflect the following:
Aerodynamic Roughness Length Estimation with Lidar and Imaging Spectroscopy in a Shrub-Dominated Dryland
Aihua Li, Wenguang Zhao, Jessica J. Mitchell, Nancy F. Glenn, Matthew J. Germino, Joel B. Sankey, Richard G. Allen, and Venkatara-
mana Sridhar
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