September 2019 Full - page 630

September 2019
National Permanent GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite Systems) Network
Consists of more than 20 permanent GPS/GNSS stations
which data are archived, proceeded and analyzed in Center
for procession and analysis. The procession and analysis of
the measurements permits to carry out a monitoring of the
current crustal motions in Bulgaria and Balkan Peninsula
and, along with the seismic information, to evaluate the seis-
mic risk.
Center for Procession and Analysis of GPS/GNSS
The Center was established in 2002-2003, in connection with
the obligations of the Department of Geodesy, in the building
and maintaining of the (new) State GPS network of the Re-
public of Bulgaria. Equipped with high technology computer
techniques and possessing modern software for processing and
analysis of GPS/GNSS measurements as: 
elaborated in the Massachusetts Technological Institute;
of the Astronomical Institute of the University of
Bern, software packages
In the Center are archived, proceeded and analyzed the
measurements from the permanent GPS/GNSS stations on
the territory of Bulgaria, Balkan Peninsula and Europe.
The principal Hemus-NET permanent stations are the sta-
tions of the National GPS/GNSS Permanent Network of the
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography
(NIGGG) including the stations maintained together with
NAVITEK Network; also are noted permanent stations of the
NAVITEK Network with EUREF permanent stations.
The first permanent stations of the National Permanent
Network were settled in the mid of 2007 in the framework
of the Project, financed in the Science for Peace NATO pro-
gram, “Monitoring of the deformation of the Earth’s crust in
the Central-Western Bulgaria and Northern Greece with the
Global positioning GPS –
The main permanent network Hemus-NET consists of 8
GPS/GNSS stations – 6 on Bulgarian territory and 2 on the
territory of Greece:
meteorological station Dragoman;
meteorological station Kyustendil;
meteorological station Sandanski;
roof of the Agency for Geodesy, Cartogra-
phy and Cadastre, Sofia;
meteorological station Pazardzhik;
roof of the research base of the Univer-
sity of Forestry, Sofia;
Kato Nevrokopi, Greece (NEVR);
Lemnos island, Greece (LEMN).
The permanent GPS/GNSS stations are stabilized on the
Data from the permanent GPS/GNSS stations of the main
permanent network Hemus-NET have free access at:
Bulgaria – at anonymous ftp server
Greece – via web server 
From 2007 to present, NIGGG has installed consider-
able number of new permanent stations, united in a Na-
tional Permanent GPS/GNSS Network – Hemus-NET.
The settled stations of the National network at the moment are:
Plana (PLA1),
Valandovo (VALA), Republic of Macedonia;
Vidin (VIDI);
Oryahovo (ORIA);
Pleven (PLEV);
Troyan (TROY), Military-geographic service of Bulgarian
Rakovski (RAKO);
Kardzhali (KARJ), Station of the National Seismological
Network of NIGGG;
Harmanli (HARM);
Elhovo (ELHO);
Rozhen (ROZE), National Astronomical Observatory in
Varna (VARN), Astronomical Observatory in Varna;
Provadia (PROV), Station of the National Seismological
Network of NIGGG;
Varna (VTAG), permanent GPS/GNSS station in the ma-
reographic station in Varna of the National Mareograph-
ic Network.
Permanent GPS/GNSS stations in Tran and Pernik will
be installed in the framework of the Project in the near
Additionally, a receiver in the mareographic station in
Burgas from the National Mareographic Network will be in-
With the intended three new stations in Tran and Pernik
and the mareographic station in Burgas the total number of
the permanent GPS/GNSS stations from the National Perma-
nent GPS/GNSS Network – Hemus-NET is 26.
The permanent GPS/GNSS stations in Vidin, Oryaho-
vo, Pleven, Kardzhali, Harmanli, Elhovo and Rakovski
are installed and operated jointly with the permanent net-
possession of SB Group. The data from all
permanent GPS/GNSS stations of the network NAVITEK are
given to NIGGG, according a binding contract, and are used
for the research purposes of the National Institute.
The contents of this column reflect the views of the author, who is
responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of
the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and/
or the Louisiana State University Center for GeoInformatics (C
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