These are the abstracts from the papers we have received for the ISPRS
Commission I Mid-term Symposium and the FIEOS Special Sessions. This list
is current as of 9/12/02. If other abstracts are received, they will be
posted here.
ISPRS Abstracts | FIEOS Abstracts
ISPRS Commission I Mid-term Symposium Abstracts
James S. Aber and Susan W. Aber, Earth Science Department, and Firooza Pavri, Dept. of Social Sciences
Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas 66801 USA
Kite aerial photography (KAP) involves large kites for lifting cameras 50-150 m above the ground. Either soft (airfoil) or rigid (delta, rokkaku) kites may be utilized in wind ranging from 10 to 40 km/h. Various film, digital, or video imaging devices are employed in single- or dual-camera rigs for acquiring individual images, multiband photos, or stereopairs. Camera pan, tilt, and shutter are operated by radio control from the ground. Photographs may be obtained in visible and near-infrared portions of the spectrum using different film/filter combinations. Photographs can be taken in any position--vertical, low- and high-oblique, and in any orientation relative to the sun and ground object. Vertical digital KAP typically has pixel resolution of 5-10 cm, and about ½ to 1 hectare ground area is depicted in a single scene.
Kite aerial photography is highly portable and can be operated in almost any situation with an open flying field. A crew of two is sufficient normally, one to fly the kite, the other to operate radio controls and take pictures. Low cost makes this method feasible for routine operation by small organizations, and the method is convenient for frequent photography to document environmental changes. We have utilized kite aerial photography for diverse research and commercial applications including assessment of forests and wetlands, investigations of fluvial and glacial landforms, depiction of multiview-angle reflectance phenomena, and surveys of property and construction sites. KAP has proven valuable for bridging the scale and resolution gap between ground observations and conventional airphotos and satellite images.
Howard S. Bowen
Vehicle Payload Specialist, Space Imaging, 12076 Grant Street, Thornton, Colorado, USA
KEY WORDS: IKONOS, Sensor, Multispectral, Radiometric, Calibration, Stellar
Radiometric calibration of remote sensing satellites has traditionally been accomplished by means of vicarious ground calibration techniques. These methods employ extensive modelling algorithms to describe the ground reflectance, atmospheric absorption, etc. The agile-body IKONOS satellite has the capability to maneuver the vehicle such that celestial scenes can be imaged. Hence, several radiometrically characterized stellar sources have been imaged, on three separate occasions at one-year intervals. The data has been used to develop a radiometric calibration that simply correlates the detector counts in the imagery to the energy presented at the telescope aperture. While the results do not yet fully agree with vicarious ground calibration techniques, the stellar data is highly repeatable, easily predictable, the collection activities are easily scheduled and repeatable, and the results extremely linear. This method has established excellent long-term stability. It promises future absolute radiometric calibration.
E. Breton a*, A. Bouillon a*, R.Gachet a*, F. Delussy a
a CNES, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, 18 avenue Edouard Belin - Eric.Breton@cnes.fr
* IGN engineer (French Cartographic Institute) working with CNES
KEY WORDS: SPOT5, Geometric Calibration, In-flight, Commissioning, HRG, HRS
SPOT5 Location model calibration addresses five main issues. The first issue is to get best relative and absolute location performances. It consists of relative orientation calibration for HRG, HRS and stellar location unit reference frames. Such a calibration started in-house, using theodolites; it ends in-flight using GCPs. The second issue is to get a model of THR pairs relative shifts good enough to deliver the best 2.5m sampled image. The first ever, true HRG images have been acquired during satellite design, a few months before launch. Such images contributed to THR processing validation and allowed ground calibration of THR detection lines relative shifts, way before launch. In-flight measures confirmed that such ground measures are reliable. Third issue is to turn HRS stereo pairs parallax in a precise enough altitude estimate. That means that HRS location models have to include an accurate model of objectives distortion. A fourth issue consists of HRG's steering mirror mechanism calibration, in order to get the same location performance, whatever the HRG mirror viewing angle is. Final issue deals with optimisation of time delay between two HRG off nadir images acquisition. Such time delay depends on mirror damping speed. For a given viewing angle, called "Autotest", one can acquire HRG images of a designed pattern located in the focal plane. A straightforward processing of this kind of images indicates if the mirror command can be improved. This new calibration process is available in flight as well as on ground. After the two months commissioning phase, objectives are met: images location models are accurate enough to meet all requirements. Absolute location performances provided by the stellar unit are such that new phenomena, never seen on initial SPOT satellites, appear. Initial results show performances trends that we should be able to model, once confirmed through further images acquisition. We specially think about orbital and/or seasonal effects. Work is still carried on.
I.Colomina, F.Creixell, M.Wis
Institute of Geomatics, Generalitat de Catalunya & Universitat Polit` ecnica de Catalunya
Castelldefels, SPAIN
Working Group I/5
KEY WORDS: Galileo, GPS, IMU, INS, attitude determination, trajectory determination, Internet computing, WebTop computing.
Since 1999 the Institute of Geomatics has been involved in research and experimental advanced development in the area of integrated inertial/GPS kinematic positioning, attitude determination and gravity measurement. In this paper, a general description of the related hardware and software systems developed by the Institute is given. The systems deal with inertial/GPS data acquisition and processing. The paper discusses, as well, the current ongoing work on distributing geo-processing systems through the Internet. Considering the remarkable progress in the area of integrated systems for airborne Earth observation made in the last years by commercial integrators, the paper will not describe any particular technical details but the overall concept and the development policies behind the systems.
Gene Dial, Jacek Grodecki
Space Imaging, 12076 Grant St., Thornton CO USA 80241
(gdial, jgrodecki)@spaceimaging.com
KEY WORDS: IKONOS, satellite, high resolution, imagery, metric, photogrammetry, algorithms, accuracy.
The ground-to-image relationship of an IKONOS image is described by its nominal RPC camera geometry supplemented with bias and drift parameters. Experimental data shows that the RMS bias is 4-meters and the RMS drift is 50 PPM. Residual errors after bias and drift correction are 0.5 meters RMS. A mathematical model to estimate ground coordinates from block-adjusted imagery is developed. Experimental results for this point measurement process will be presented at the conference.
J. Grodecki, G. Dial
Space Imaging, 12076 Grant Street, Thornton, CO 80241, U.S.A.
(jgrodecki, gdial)@spaceimaging.com
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Calibration, Camera, Satellite, IKONOS, Accuracy, Geometric, High resolution
Since its launch in September of 1999, the IKONOS satellite has been consistently providing high quality 1-meter panchromatic and 4-meter multispectral images. Accurate interior and exterior orientation enable IKONOS to achieve high geometric accuracy with or without ground control. Exterior orientation is determined by on-board GPS receivers, star trackers, gyros, and interlock angles. Post-processing of GPS data with software incorporating sophisticated filtering and orbital modeling algorithms results in accurate ephemeris. Kalman filtering of gyro and star tracker data results in optimal combination of lower frequency star tracker attitude data exhibiting high absolute accuracy with high frequency gyro data being very accurate over short time intervals. Interlock angles relate the attitude and the camera coordinate systems and have been calibrated both pre-launch and in-flight. Initial interior orientation parameter values were determined by pre-launch measurements and later refined by in-flight calibration. In this paper, we shall first demonstrate the high accuracy of such calibrations based on test range data. Later, we shall quantify the geometric accuracy of the IKONOS camera using large IKONOS stereo image blocks with and without ground control, thus validating the exterior and the interior orientation calibrations.
Bill Gutelius
Government Relations Manager, Optech Incorporated, 100 Wildcat Road, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2Z9 Canada -
KEY WORDS: Algorithms, Bathymetry, Compression, Digitization, Laser scanning, LIDAR, Mapping
Current discussions in lidar technology often focus on the ability to report multiple returns from each laser pulse. For example, three or more data parameters can be reported from a single pulse (e.g., ranges and intensity). Lidar systems capable of reporting five or more returns are now commercially available. This presentation however, takes the position that merely increasing the number of pulse returns is of limited, and even questionable utility. Instead, an entirely different approach is presented: Waveform Digitization, a technology with far greater potential to add value to the information in the lidar data set. Full waveform analysis has clear advantages over a multiple return approach. The laser pulse's waveform reveals useful information for classifying the surface target. A pulse reflecting off a vertical wall, for example, shows an extended waveform caused by the elliptical "footprint" of the laser spot. From this waveform "signature," the angle of the reflecting surface with respect to the laser beam can be inferred. Waveform characteristics such as "stretching" and "flattening" reveal surface qualities of roughness and smoothness. Multi-peaks and bottoms indicate target characteristics such as density and shape complexity, aiding in point classification. As far back as 1984 Optech Incorporated introduced a bathymetric lidar system with waveform digitization that extracted bottom surface classification information based on the amplitude of bottom returns. Waveform digitization in the Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne Lidar Survey (SHOALS) enables it to identify fish, plankton, algae, turbid materials, etc. Flying at altitudes of 200 - 400 m, SHOALS can locate a bottom elevation to within 25 cm (1.... ) accuracy. This degree of accuracy is all the more striking when the phenomenon of backscatter in the water column is considered. What SHOALS demonstrates in water is directly applicable to terrain mapping because it proves that the elevation of the target of interest can be accurately measured even in the presence of ground fog. Waveform digitization however, produces voluminous data. To avoid exceeding storage capacity an Intelligent Waveform Digitizer (IWD) is proposed. Based on intelligent algorithms for lossless data compression the IWD stores data only from "trigger event" to "event end." Unlike a general purpose digitizer which operates indiscriminately, the IWD stores data only from the area of interest. In a forest survey, for example, the IWD stores forest data only, discarding redundant zeroes from non-forest targets. Technical limitations also make it difficult for indiscriminate waveform digitizers to operate at the frequencies common among today's laser systems (...50 kHz). Building upon the success of waveform digitization used in its bathymetric lidar systems, Optech Incorporated proposes to offer IWD in all its lidar systems.
A.F. Habib a , M. F. Morgan a
a Department of Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW, Calgary AB T2N 1N4, Canada - (habib, morgan)@geomatics.ucalgary.ca
Commission I, WG I/6
KEY WORDS: Straight line, Self-Calibration, Bundle Adjustment and Digital Cameras
Recent developments of digital cameras in terms of size of Charged Coupled Device (CCD) arrays and reduced costs are leading to their applications to traditional as well as new photogrammetric, surveying, and mapping functions. Digital cameras, intended to replace the conventional film based mapping cameras, are becoming available along with many smaller format digital cameras
capable of precise measurement applications. All such cameras require careful assessment to determine their metric characteristics, which are essential to carry out photogrammetric activities. These characteristics include estimates of the calibrated focal length, location of the principal point relative to the array coordinate system, lens distortion, and the short and long-term stability of these quantities. These characteristics are known collectively as the Interior Orientation Parameters (IOP). Current calibration methods are based on traditional test fields with numerous distinct targets, which have to be professionally surveyed prior to the calibration procedure in order to precisely determine their three-dimensional coordinates. Establishing, surveying, and maintaining traditional calibration test fields are very expensive and not easy tasks for non-photogrammetric users of digital cameras. This paper relates to the development of a new laboratory calibration procedure that requires an easy-to-establish calibration test field (group of straight lines). In addition, the whole calibration process can be automatically carried out with minimal human interaction. It is expected that this calibration procedure would provide a good tool for studying the short and long-term stability of off-the-shelf digital cameras. In addition, it will give a great push to using those cameras in large scale mapping applications as well as various close range photogrammetric activities.
H.B. Hanley, T. Yamakawa, C.S. Fraser
Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia
, ,
Commission I, WG I/5
KEY WORDS: high-resolution satellite imagery, Ikonos Geo imagery, sensor orientation, high-accuracy geopositioning
An investigation into the use of alternative sensor orientation models and their applicability for block adjustment of high-resolution satellite imagery is reported. Ikonos Geo imagery has been employed in the investigation, and since the explicit camera model and precise exterior orientation information required to apply conventional collinearity-based models is not provided with Ikonos data, alternative sensor orientation models are needed. The orientation models considered here are bias-corrected rational functions (with vendor-supplied rational polynomial coefficients) and the affine projection model. Test results arising from the application of the alternative image orientation/triangulation models within two multi-strip, stereo blocks of Geo imagery are reported. These results confirm that Geo imagery can yield three-dimensional geopositioning to pixel and even sub-pixel accuracy over areas of coverage extending well beyond the nominal single scene area for Ikonos. The accuracy achieved is not only consistent with expectations for rigorous sensor orientation models, but is also readily attainable in practice with only a small number of high-quality ground control points.
Karsten Jacobsen
University of Hannover, Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1, D-30167 Hannover
Commission I, WG I/5
KEYWORDS: : space images, mathematical models, orientation, GIS
Only few space images do have a perspective geometry like aerial cameras. But also the Russian perspective photos do have not negligible systematic image errors. By this reason special mathematical models have to be used for a correct handling of the space images. Polynomial models, often used for remote sensing purposes, are no economic solutions because they do mix the influence of the sensor geometry with the influence of the object elevation and require a high number of control points and do have problems with the identifications of blunders. Different mathematical models have to be used for the correct handling of perspective images together with the identification of systematic image errors, the handling of panoramic cameras like CORONA and KFA 1000, for satellite line scanner cameras and rectification derived from satellite line scanner cameras like the IKONOS Geo-images.
The different mathematical models are explained together with achieved results and problems of the sensors. The solution for the upgrade of IKONOS Geo-images based on a DEM and control points without using rational functions from SpaceImaging (SI) is described. The achieved results are better than specified by SI for the CARTERRA Precision plus.
Karsten Jacobsen
University of Hannover, Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation
Nienburger Str. 1, D-30167 Hannover, Germany
KEYWORDS: : direct sensor orientation, GPS, IMU, coordinate systems, boresight misalignment
The determination of the exterior orientation by a combination of an inertial measurement system (IMU) with relative kinematic GPS-positioning - the direct georeferencing - has a growing number of applications for standard photogrammetric projects. One mayor problem is the determination of the relation between the camera and the IMU - the boresight misalignment. The rigorous mathematical model requires the computation and use of it in an orthogonal coordinate system like a tangential system in relation to the earth ellipsoid. But the final data acquisition usually shall be made directly in the national coordinate system. The procedure to use the boresight misalignment without loss of accuracy in the national coordinate system in any location will be explained. Results of the stability of the misalignment over the time will be shown.
If the results of the boresight calibration shall be used for different image scales, also the inner orientation has to be determined together with the boresight misalignment. This has to be done with 2 different flying heights over a calibration site. Another problem is the limited accuracy of the model set up, today the direct sensor orientation is often not accurate enough to guarantee a model set up without a disturbing size of the y-parallaxes. This can be solved with a combined adjustment of the direct sensor orientation together with image coordinates of tie points, but without control points.
V.M. Jovanovic
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA, USA
Commission I, WG I/2
KEY WORDS: Calibration, Geometric, Global, Mapping, Orthorectification, Photogrammetry
In order to facilitate a unique georectification approach implemented for Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) data, a specific calibration datasets need to be derived during flight. In the case of the spaceborne MISR instrument with its unique configuration of nine fixed pushbroom cameras, continuous and autonomous coregistration and geolocation of image data are required prior to application of scientific retrieval algorithm. In-flight generated calibration datasets are required to: a) assure accuracy, b) reduce processing load, and c) support autonomous aspect of the processing algorithm. The Camera Geometric Model (CGM) is the first in-flight generated calibration dataset. It is designed to deal with the static pointing errors. However, calibrated CGM is not sufficient to constantly reach required accuracy and provide means for an on-line georectification quality assessment Therefore an off-line geometric accuracy assessment is implemented and will be operated until all of the required calibration datasets are generated and utilized. An overview of the in-flight geometric calibrations and quality assessment along with the current status and discussion of the operational results is presented.
Franz W. Leberl, Roland Perko
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Michael A. Gruber, Martin Ponticelli
Vexcel Imaging Austria, Muenzgrabenstr. 11, A-8010 Graz, Austria
KEY WORDS: Digital Aerial Camera, Aerial Film Camera, Color Sensing, Film Scanning
Aerial film cameras are highly standardized measuring systems. The race is on to find a digital successor applicable as a
photogrammetric measuring device with clear advantages over film, meeting accepted standards, covering a large field-of-view,
maximizing the geometric resolution of terrain surface detail, minimizing the number of flight lines. Some of today's digital cameras have a small format at a relatively low resolution for special applications. High expectations are associated with the ADS40 by Leica Geosystems (Leica, 2002) using multiple linear arrays in a push-broom mode in analogy to multi-spectral satellite remote sensing systems. Finally there exists the DMC by Z/I Inc. with multiple square arrays CCDs which are assembled into a large "virtual image" as explained by Z/I Inc (2002). We argue that these digital camera concepts are not replacing the existing film cameras. They have limitations as "photogrammetric measuring sensors" and they require a workflow that deviates from the established photogrammetric processes. We argue that the desired digital aerial camera will produce metric imagery as if it had been obtained from a traditional film camera and photogrammetric precision scanner, but at advantageous radiometric performance, advantages in the image acquisition and without the cost of film or film scanning.
James Lutes
Space Imaging, 12076 Grant Street, Thornton, CO 80241 USA - jlutes@spaceimaging.com
KEY WORDS: Digital, Photogrammetry, Calibration, Accuracy, Orthoimage
Space Imaging's Digital Airborne Imaging System (DAIS-1™) is a 12-bit multispectral imaging platform for the generation of orthomosaics at ground sample distances ranging from 0.3 to 2 meters. At the core of the system is a custom-built four-camera assembly utilizing narrow field-of-view sensors, with exterior orientation parameters provided by an onboard GPS/IMU navigation platform. Because all data collection is digital and no ground control is needed, seamless orthomosaics suitable for 1:4800 base mapping and land cover classification are generated within a very short time of overflight. Before the system was brought online, rigorous calibration procedures were required to ensure geometric accuracy and radiometric balancing of the final image product. This paper describes the DAIS platform and discusses the laboratory and field calibration required to prepare the system for production of accurate, tonally balanced orthomosaics.
Mohamed M.R. Mostafa
Applanix Corporation, 85 Leek Cr., Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4B 3B3 -
KEY WORDS: Aerial Mapping, Direct Sensor Orientation, Digital, Exterior Orientation, Photogrammetry,
Quality Control (QC) is a critical step in the mapping process when using Applanix POS AV system in the direct georeferencing mode or in the aerotriangulation mode of mapping. Therefore, in this paper, the necessary steps of quality control of direct georeferencing data is presented in some detail. This is presented through Applanix PSOPAC software package using real mapping data sets. First, a brief description of the quality control steps of POS data is introduced. Then a description of the simultaneous use of navigation/imagery data is presented through the DLC TM Concept.
Rupert Müller*, M.Lehner*, Rainer Müller*, P.Reinartz*, M.Schroeder*, B.Vollmer**
*DLR (German Aerospace Center), Remote Sensing Technology Institute, 82234 Wessling, Germany
**INS (Institute for Navigation), University Stuttgart, Breitscheidstr.2,70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Commission I, WG I/5
KEY WORDS: orthoimage, direct georeferencing, geometric rectification, airborne and spaceborne line scanner
For high quality direct georeferencing it is important that all geometric parameters influencing the rectification process are taken into account. These parameters are the exterior and interior orientation of the imaging system, the digital terrain model, the boresight misalignment and the mapping coordinate reference system. For airborne scanner images covering an area of only some miles extension simplifying assumptions can be made without noticeable loss of accuracy; e.g. the position and attitude data can be directly related to the geographic reference system. In airborne applications a high precision navigation sensor system (IMU, DGPS) aligned to the scanner system was used to obtain the parameters of the exterior orientation. Orthoimages were generated with 1-2 pixel accuracy from pushbroom and whiskbroom scanner images.
To rectify space imagery it is necessary to use orthogonal coordinate systems (e.g. Local Topocentric Systems) in an intermediate
processing step before finally the result are transformed to a map projection system. Orthoimages were produced from images of the German space camera MOMS-2P.
The software package RECTIFY was developed by DLR and serves as a generic geometry processor for data of different sensor types and navigation systems. It supports all well known coordinate- and map projection systems as well as different geodetic datums. Methods and theory underlying the software package and application examples of airborne and spaceborne imagery will be presented.
J. Nieke a, b , A. Neumann b , H. Schwarzer b , B. Penné c
a NASDA, Earth Observation Research Center, 1-8-10, Harumi, 104-6023 Tokyo, Japan b DLR, German Aerospace Center, Rutherford Str. 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany c OHB-System, Universitätsallee 27-29, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Commission I, Working Group I/4
KEY WORDS: Coastal Zone, Environment, Marine, Multisensor, Mini Satellite, Hyper spectral, Imaging Spectrometer
Recently, applicational and technological studies have been performed by a group of scientists and industry, led by DLR, basing on experiences with ocean-colour sensor MOS-IRS. The result is a new low-cost mission concept with special emphasis on coastal-zone remote sensing, which will be able to fill an imported gap in Earth observation data, i.e. to detect the strongly needed data for a better understanding of the rapid changes of coastal areas and to provide a tool for monitoring catastrophical hazards.
The proposed low-budget mission ECOMON (Regional Ecological Research and Monitoring) will provide visible to the thermal infrared data with relatively high spectral (1.4 nm) and spatial resolution (100 m). The VISŒSWIRŒTIR spectral region will be covered by 16 selectable channels in the visible, four channels in the SWIR, and one in the TIR. The swath width will be 400 km and a off-nadir tilting possibility ensures a high repetition rate of two days (for latitudes > 30°). Using mainly compact off-the-shelf technology and carrying this payload on a mini-satellite can ensure a low-budget mission with adequate performance for coastal zone observation.
Daniela Poli
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
KEY WORDS: Orientation, Modelling, GPS/INS, Integration, Triangulation, Three-Line
This paper describes a general model for CCD linear array sensors with along-track stereo viewing. The sensor external orientation, which is different for each image line, is modelled with time-dependent piecewise polynomial functions and integrated in the standard photogrammetric triangulation, resulting in an indirect georeferencing model. The continuity of the functions and their first and second derivatives between adjacent segments is imposed. In case of sensors carried on airplane, the sensor position and attitude observed by GPS/INS instruments are included in the piecewise polynomial functions. Using Ground Control Points (GCPs) and, additionally, Tie Points (TPs), the function parameters and the ground coordinates of the TPs are estimated in a least-squares adjustment.
The model was tested on imagery acquired by TLS and MOMS-02 sensors, which were carried on helicopter and satellite respectively, using different numbers and distributions of GCPs. The Japanese TLS (Three-Line Sensor) scans along-track in 3 directions with a one-lens optical system. The sensor external orientation for each image line was available by GPS/INS instruments, together with 46 GCPs measured in the images. An absolute accuracy of 4-13 cm in planimetry and 6-16 cm in height was achieved (ground pixel size: 10 cm).
MOMS-02 sensor was carried on the Russian MIR station. The stereopairs used for the test were acquired during the Priroda mission in 1997 and had ground resolution of 18m. The preliminary results showed an absolute accuracy of 6.3-9.3 m in planimetry and 3.0-12.3 m in height.
B. F. T. Rudorff a, J. Kono b, M. Quintino b, Y. E. Shimabukuro a
INPE, National Institute for Space Research, Av. dos Astronautas 1758, São José dos Campos, SP, 12227-010 - Brazil
a Remote Sensing Division - (bernardo, yosio)@ltid.inpe.br
b Space Engineering Division - (kono, quintino)@dss.inpe.br
Commission I, WG I/4
KEY WORDS: Vegetation, Monitoring, Small/micro satellites, Sensor, Multitemporal, Optical, Proposal
Frequent cloud cover over the Amazon region is the greatest limitation to monitor, via optical remote sensing systems, ongoing activities that are threatening the greatest rainforest of the world. Current optical remote sensing satellites do not have sufficient temporal and spatial resolution in order to be used as operational monitoring system. For instance, with the Landsat system it has been possible to cover the entire Brazilian Amazon with 229 cloud free scenes, only once a year. It is of high relevance to have an efficient monitoring system, from space, to assist the management of natural resources and to protect the Amazon environment. The SSR system presents an innovative solution through a small remote sensing satellite placed in a low equatorial orbit, providing synoptic images of the entire Amazon region, several times a day. The SSR will be a 400 kg satellite using the Brazilian multimission platform for small satellites, which is being developed under INPE's coordination and manufactured by the Brazilian industry. The SSR imaging system consists of a VIS/NIR sensor and a MIR sensor. The VIS/NIR sensor is a pushbroom CCD camera with three optical heads and five spectral bands: blue, green, red, NIR and an additional water vapor content band for atmospheric correction purpose. The MIR sensor is a pushbroom camera with two optical heads and one band in the 3.4 - 4.2 mm region. The spatial resolution at nadir should be 40 m for the VIS/NIR bands and 500 m for the MIR band.
R. Schuster *, I. Walter, D. Hundertmark, F. Schrandt
German Aerospace Center, Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration
Rutherfordstr. 2, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
KEY WORDS: Small Satellites, Payload, Platforms, Modulation Transfer Function, Pixelcoregistration
The BIRD (Bispectral Infra-Red Detection) is a small satellite mission of the German Aerospace Centre which was succesfully launched in October 2001as piggyback on the Indian PSLV rocket. High technological and scientific performance could be demonstrated under low budget constraints. The satellite is a three-axis stabilised spacecraft with a mass of 92 kg including over 30% of the total mass for the scientific instrumentation. The primary mission objectives are the test of a new generation of infrared array sensors for detection and scientific investigation of High Temperature Events (HTE) such as forest fires and volcanic activities. Together with a VIS/NIR-sensor with stereo capability as a redesign of the MARS-96 mission the diagnostics of vegetation and the discrimination of smoke and water vapor is possible. Due to the highly compact design a strong interaction of interfaces within a small volume leads to special platform technologies mainly driven by optical and thermal requirements.Therefore the calibration of the three image-forming sensors of BIRD in geometrical, radiometrical and spectral way had to be considered from a very early design phase on. The pixelcoregistration of four sensors working in different spectral ranges requires a very complex calibration facility.
Guy Séguin, Ralph Girard
Canadian Space Agency, 6767 Route de l'Aéroport, St. Hubert, Qc, Canada, J3Y 8Y9
KEY WORDS: Mapping, Change Detection, DEM/DTM, Radar, Satellite
The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is currently involved in the development of active membrane antenna technology for SAR applications. To qualify this new technology, it is proposed to develop a small satellite L-band SAR demonstrator. Such a demonstrator could be placed on the same orbit than the ALOS satellite for a tandem interferometric mission. The paper describes the initial science objectives and mission definition based on the proposed concept.
J. R. Smith
The Boeing Company, P.O. Box 3999, M/C 8F-26, Seattle, WA 98124-2499
KEY WORDS: Radiometry, Hyper spectral, Multispectral, Calibration, Spectral, Measurement, Agriculture, Sensor
This paper presents processes and performance for ground-based measurements used by The Boeing Company and RESOURCE21 for vicarious calibration tests of airborne and satellite multispectral and hyperspectral sensors. We highlight our methodology for measuring downwelling irradiance and scene radiance and reflectance from 400 to 2500 nm, and describe in-house enhancements made to commercial spectroradiometry hardware and software, developed over a period of four years, that facilitate data management and interpretation. Results from tests of the measurement protocols are presented. We present our web-based approach to file management and access, data processing, and quality assessment. Finally, "lessons learned" and issues associated with ground truthing for vicarious sensor tests are discussed.
Kurtis J. Thome
Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona - kurt.thome@opt-sci.arizona.edu
KEY WORDS: Radiometry, Radiometric calibration, Accuracy, Satellite sensor, Aerial sensor
Since the early 1990s, the availability of remote sensing imagery in the solar reflective (400 to 2500 nm) has seen a dramatic increase. Airborne- and satellite-based sensors now cover this spectral range with a variety of spectral resolutions (from the multispectral to hyperspectral) and spatial resolutions ranging from better than 0.3 m for some airborne systems (and better than 1 m for satellite-based sensors) to 1 km. A critical component to the successful use of data from these systems is the pre-flight and in-flight radiometric calibration of the sensors. This paper provides an overview of currently-used calibration approaches for the inflight calibration using terrestrially-based sites. These methods are colloquially known as vicarious calibration and, alternatively referred to as radiance validations. This discussion focuses on reflectance-based and cross-comparison approaches that can be used at a range of spatial and spectral resolutions. An example of the application of the in-flight and pre-flight calibrations is demonstrated showing results from ALI, ASTER, Hyperion, ETM+, Ikonos, and MODIS.
Helge Wegmann
Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, University of Hannover,
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany
KEY WORDS: GPS, IMU, Direct Sensor Orientation, Integrated Sensor Orientation
During recent years the direct sensor orientation with GPS and IMU has gained popularity. These systems allow the determination of all exterior orientation elements without using ground control points. This technology opens several new applications for photogrammetry and remote sensing. One precondition for direct sensor orientation with GPS and IMU is the correct sensor calibration. The related parameters as well as the relation between the IMU and the aerial camera (boresight misalignment) have to be determined by conventional bundle block adjustment. During this process a camera self calibration (focal length, principal point, additional parameters etc.) may be performed under operational conditions. To achieve the full accuracy potential of direct sensor orientation, the compensation of systematic errors with the correct mathematical model and an optimum number of parameters for sensor calibration is required. A series of tests was conducted and showed the good accuracy potential of direct GPS/IMU sensor orientation. First investigations showed also problems with y-parallaxes of stereo models based on direct sensor orientation.
Future developments in GPS and IMU sensors and data processing may reduce this problem. Just now we do need another save solution. A promising one is the integration of GPS/IMU and (automatic) aerial triangulation (AAT) into bundle block adjustment, also called integrated sensor orientation. This paper presents the sensor calibration based on data from test flights in large image scales. Furthermore it demonstrates the accuracy potential at independent check points in object and in image space for direct and integrated sensor orientation.
N. Yastikli a, , K. Jacobsen b
a Yildiz Technical University, Civil Engineering Faculty, TR-80750 Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
b Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, , Nienburger Str. 1, D-30167, Hannover, Germany
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, GPS, Navigation, Direct, Sensor, Orientation, DEM
The direct sensor orientation based on the combination of an inertial measurement system (IMU) and relative kinematic GPS-positioning has reached a high accuracy potential. By this reason it can be used not only for the generation of ortho images, but also for the georeferencing of models for the generation of digital elevation models (DEM). With the data set of the test 'Integrated Sensor Orientation' of the European Organization for Experimental Photogrammetric Research (OEEPE), the generation of DEM's has been investigated. The reached ground accuracy is in the range of ~ 10cm for X and Y, and ~ 10 - 20cm for Z is sufficient for several applications. A mayor problem are y-parallaxes appearing in the set up of the models which has been investigated in detail. This can be reduced by a combined adjustment of the image orientations from direct sensor orientation together with image coordinates of tie points, but without control points. The effect of remaining orientation discrepancies to the model orientation and the resulting model deformation was analyzed.
Tohru Yotsumata, Masaomi Okagawa, Yumiko Fukuzawa, Kikuo Tachibana, Tadashi Sasagawa
PASCO Corporation, 1-1-2 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
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ADS40 is an airborne digital sensor with 3 panchromatic and 4 multispectral (RGB and near infrared) CCD line sensors developed and supplied by the LH Systems, LLC. Each panchromatic sensor is set to collect forward, nadir and backward views, and it is able to acquire the same ground area 3 times at different angles. The exterior orientation parameters are calculated from the direct geocoordinate system that uses GPS, inertial measurement unit (IMU) and photogrammetric bundle adjustment. We conducted a study to estimate the mapping accuracy by utilizing the panchromatic images of ADS40 for the Tsukuba City in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The control and check points, distributed throughout the study area, were used to evaluate the accuracy.
E. F. Zalewskia,, M. A. Zenorb, R. W. Turnerb
aCorresponding author. Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
bBoeing Space & Communications Group, Remote Sensing Systems, Kent, WA 9803
(mark.zenor, robert.turner)@pss.boeing.com
KEY WORDS: Accuracy, Calibration, Camera, Imagery, Multispectral, Radiometric, Targets
We have characterized and calibrated in absolute radiance units (W/m2 sr mm) a four spectral band imaging radiometer for airborne applications. The characterizations consisted of setting the focus and co-aligning the four cameras in the system, setting the sensitivity via an F/number adjustment in each camera, and verifying the linearity versus both integration time and radiance level. The absolute radiance calibration of each camera was then performed with a large aperture integrating sphere whose calibration is traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). The final step was a verification of the calibration by the measurement of the radiance of a solar irradiated target. The camera radiance values were compared to those made with a portable, non-imaging spectroradiometer that had been calibrated at the same time as the imaging radiometer. The results of the calibration verification indicated the presence of a substantial amount of scattered light that did not affect the quality of the images but require correction for accurate radiometric results.
Dr. Wolfgang Zeitler, Christoph Doerstel
Z/I Imaging GmbH, P.O. Box 1106, 73442 Oberkochen, Germany
Dr.-Ing. Karsten Jacobsen
Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, University of Hannover, 30167 Hannover, Germany
KEYWORDS: digital camera, calibration, verification
The Digital Mapping Camera (DMC) is the well-known new digital aerial camera system of Z/I Imaging. Analogue aerial cameras manufactured by Carl Zeiss have been successfully used around the world for many decades due to their outstanding photogrammetric performance. The DMC will continue this success and uses therefore an optical design based on CCD-matrix sensors to achieve high geometrical resolution and accuracy together with multi-spectral capabilities. It comprises 8 synchronously operating CCD cameras. Four parallel cameras can generate multi-spectral imagery for the acquisition of colour composites. Four panchromatic images from converging cameras are mosaicked digitally to form a single high resolution image with a large ground coverage. The paper describes this key post processing mosaiking procedure to transform the four individual high-resolution panchromatic images into one virtual image, which can be considered being of a normal perspective projection, usable by all existing exploitation systems. Additionally, results of the geometric calibration and a test with DMC flight data are presented.
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FIEOS Abstracts
Zafer Boybeyia, David P. Baconb, and Michael L. Kaplanc
aComprehensive Atmospheric Modeling Program, School of Computational Sciences, George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
b Center for Atmospheric Physics, Science Applications International Corporation, 1710 SAIC Drive,
McLean, VA 22102, USA
c Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208, USA
Over the past 40 years there have been significant improvements in weather forecasting. These improvements are primarily due to (1) improved model physics and increased numerical grid resolution made possible by ever-increasing computational power, and (2) improved model initialization made possible by the use of satellite-derived remotely sensed data. In spite of these improvements, however, we are still not able to consistently and accurately forecast some of the most complex nonlinear diabatic mesoscale phenomena, such as propagating tropical mesoscale convective systems/cloud clusters, tropical storms, and intense extratropical storms. These phenomena develop over very fine spatial scales of motion and temporal periods and are dependent on convection for their existence. Poor observations of convection, boundary layer dynamics, and the larger scale pre-convective environment are often the cause of these substandard simulations and thus require improved observational data density and numerical forecast grid resolution.
This paper performs a set of Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE). The objective of the OSSE experiments is to demonstrate that an adaptive (targeted) observational strategy can improve forecast accuracy over existing more conventional observational strategies in terms of enhancing the initial conditions and subsequent accuracy of the simulations of a numerical weather prediction model. For the proof of this concept, hurricane Floyd (1999) is chosen as a test case. The set of experiments starts from a baseline high-resolution forecast of hurricane Floyd using the Operational Multiscale Environment model with Grid Adaptivity (OMEGA). This baseline run serves as the truth set for the OSSE under a "perfect model" assumption. From the baseline run, atmospheric vertical profiles were extracted to simulate "pseudo-observations" using different adaptive strategies. These data extracts were used to create new coarse-resolution forecasts of hurricane Floyd that were then compared against the both baseline and real atmospheric observations. In general, the experiments show that additional adaptive observations in sensitive areas can help to reduce hurricane forecast errors significantly from a Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model.
Wang Chao, Director; Qu Jishuang, Doctor Student; Liu Zhi, Associate Professor
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 100101
Currently, more and more earth observation data have been acquired by many kinds of sensors on different platform, such as optic sensors, microwave sensors, infrared sensors, hyperspectral sensors, etc. Thanks to giant resource being required to store and transmit these tremendous data so that the cost is very large and the efficiency is low, investigators are compelled to process them on-board as possible as they can. So far, on-board data processing only settles on some simple preprocessing, such as correction, denoising, compensation, etc. Information extraction not only is the objective of earth observation, but can distill large amount data so that amount of data needing to be stored and transmitted is reduced greatly. Feature extraction, change detection, and object recognition executed on-board will provide us an efficient information extraction system for earth observation.
Data fusion technique has been widely used to process earth observation data on the ground, which can generate data with higher quality and extract better information from multisource or multitemporal data. Furthermore, data fusion can also be used to extract better information from these data on-board, simultaneously, the redundant data will be eliminated greatly so as to accelerate data processing and reduce data for storage and transmission. However, on-board data fusion processing will confront more difficulty, one of the most principal troubles is that on-board data processing system must be completely autonomous, which results in some procedures such as image registration, feature extraction, change detection, object recognition becoming more complicated, while they can be processed by help of manual operates despite being difficult on the ground. Of course, the tremendous advantage of data fusion for on-board data processing will promote investigators to remove the obstacles on the road to on-board data fusion-based information extraction.
Jennifer Dungan, Jeremy Frank, Ari Jónsson, Robert Morris, David E. Smith
Computational Sciences Division
NASA Ames Research Center, MS 269-2
Moffett Field, CA 94035
This paper describes a system for planning and scheduling science observations for fleets of Earth observing satellites. Input requests for imaging time on an Earth observing satellite are specified in terms of the type of data desired, the location to be observed, and an objective priority of satisfying the request. The problem is to find a sequence of start times for observations and supporting activities such as instrument slewing and enforcement of instrument thermal duty cycles, that satisfy a set of temporal and resource constraints describing the physical operation of the spacecraft. We assume that there are more requests that can possibly be serviced over a given scheduling window, and that images may vary in their scientific utility, leading to an optmization problem. This paper presents an approach to solve this problem employing a formal declarative model of the problem, stochastic sampling methods to find plans, and special purpose heuristics based on a generalized contention measure.
M.P.Gough, A.M.Buckley, E.A.Bezerra, B. Popoola, and G. Seferiadis
Space Science Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QT, UK
The work of the Space Science Centre at the University of Sussex in the development of intelligent space plasma instruments is presented here. Previously the Centre has included various intelligent techniques within space instruments flown on a number of space missions. A neural network was included in the SPREE instruments flown on Shuttle flights STS-46 (1992), and STS-75 (1996). Fuzzy Logic control of telemetry compression and buffering was designed for the ELISMA instrument on MARS-96. Sussex pioneered the use of particle correlation via hardware and software processing as a means of studying plasma wave-particle interactions using particle detection pulses within particle sensors, (AMPTE UKS, CRRES, STS-46, STS-75, ESA Cluster II, and auroral sounding rockets). Large interacting arrays of microprocessors were employed to provide processing for the above activities (e.g. 20 separate processors were used within SPREE). Also fault-tolerant arrays of processors were designed for the MARS-96 ELISMA instrument. Current research at the Space Science Centre concentrates on the development of flexible space instruments compatible with on-board intelligence and on increased use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays, FPGA, for fast real-time implementations of dedicated complex algorithms. For example real-time plasma simulations of the spacecraft's plasma environment are being implemented in FPGA with local measurements used directly as input parameters. These simulations can then be used to optimise instantaneous instrument parameters and, most significantly, by comparing simulation results with actual measured parameters concentrate data transmission on phenomena whose physics is least understood.
W. Halle 1 K. Brieß, M. Schlicker, W. Skrbek, H. Venus
German Aerospace Centre, Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exportation
Rutherfordstraße 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany
The general trend in remote sensing is on one hand to increase the number of spectral bands and the geometric resolution of the imaging sensors which leads to higher data rates and data volumes. On the other hand the user is often only interested in special information of the received sensor data and not in the whole data mass. Concerning these two tendencies a main part of the signal pre-processing can already be done for special users and tasks on-board a satellite. For the BIRD (Bispectral InfraRed Detection) mission a new approach of an on-board data processing is made. The main goal of the BIRD mission is the fire recognition and the detection of hot spots.
This paper describes the technical solution and the first results, of an on-board image data processing system based on the sensor system on two new IR-Sensors and the stereo line scanner WAOSS (Wide-Angle-Optoelectronic-Scanner). The aim of this data processing system is to reduce the data stream from the satellite due to generations of thematic aps. This reduction will be made by a multispectral classification. For this classification a special hardware based on the neural network processor NI1000 was designed. This hardware is integrated in the payload data handling system of the satellite.
Qu Jishuang, Doctor Student, Wang Chao, Director
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 100101
While executing tasks such as sea surveilling, maritime searching and rescue, sea pollution monitoring utilizing remote sensed images, the coastal line feature should be determined at first. Thresholding methods is a type of simple but valid methods for image segmentation, likewise, they can be used to detect coastal line feature in remote sensed images. However, while conventional thresholding methods used to do it, they are always short of enough discriminating ability to objects' shadow, weak-scattering vegetations, dark artificial buildings, sea gulf blurred by noise along costal line. This paper proposes a multi-threshold based morphological approach, which divides the isolated regions by thresholding detecting into intra-continent, exterior-sea, and along-coastal isolated regions at first, and then utilizes two definitions and morphological operators to process along-coastal regions further so as to improve the detecting accuracy and decreasing false detecting, especially to enhance detecting accuracy for above objects' shadow, vegetations and dark artificial builds. Experiments are executed and the results exhibit the proposed approach possessing better performance than conventional thresholding approach.
Menas Kafatos, Ruixin Yang, Chaowei Yang, Richard Gomez, & Zafer Boybeyi
Center for Earth Observing and Space Research, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
We propose to optimize the use of new computer power, observational data systems, and telecommunication capabilities to extract and utilize remote sensed data available from a variety of means. This optimization is crucial in the sense that extracted both meteorological and surface characteristics datasets will be crucial for the use in an emergency response system. We will combine real-time remote sensing systems, existing remote sensing databases, conventional weather observational databases, and GIS together to provide necessary high spatial and temporal data sets necessary for an emergency response system to mitigate against hazardous material releases into the atmosphere. In this article, we give an overall design and also discuss potential issues for developing such a system. The GIS system will be used to provide access to the geographic information, to support GIS-based computing, and to display the results. Remote sensing databases will be used to provide local area terrain and man-made configuration information such as building shapes. Real-time remote sensing mission is needed for updated information after a massive deconstructive event and for related data assimilation. The distributed online weather data information system will be used to retrieve current and predicted weather parameters. The weather information and the local area geographic information may then be used to feed the selected fast atmospheric transport and dispersion model. The information will be accessed through the Internet following a system-wide specific protocol or open protocols such as those specified by OGC. The system will invoke the model run and convert the model results into GIS compatible format for displaying and for further computation. The final results will be displayed by a GIS/WebGIS based interface, tailored to particular user/agencies.
Michael Kostiuk, MA Geography
Geospatial Analyst, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Remote sensing data and Geographic information systems (GIS) are relatively new and potentially valuable tools for coastal zone management. This paper examines the effectiveness of using remote sensing data to detect sea level change. Since resolution is such an important and vital element of spatial digital data for use in geographic information systems, it is important to know how to assess its quality, accuracy and level of precision. Using remote sensing data to detect sea level change also requires accurate historical baseline spatial data and knowledge of how the coastline is defined and mapped. Map datum refers to the various locations to which geographic measurements are referenced. This referencing system is an important item on the list of cartographic components that help to identify and categorize individual maps. For example, many North American maps have been, or will soon be, converted to a horizontal map datum known as NAD83. Along with horizontal datum, maps are also referenced to vertical datum. The choice of vertical and horizontal map datum along with other cartographic elements such as map projection, scale and meta data will determine to what level of precision coastal change can be accurately measured. This paper will explain how to select the most appropriate baseline spatial data as well as the type of the remote sensing data that will provide the most reliable results for the detection of seal level change. Cobscook Bay, Maine was used for two case studies to demonstrate some of these coastal mapping parameters
Reinhart Kühne, Carsten Dalaff, Martin Ruhé
German Aerospace Center (DLR) e.V., Institute of Transport Research, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
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Thomas Rupp, Ludger Froebel
German Aerospace Center (DLR) e.V., German Space Operations Center, D-82234 Wessling, Germany
Klaus Janschek, Valerij Tchernykh
Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Automation, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
Peter Behr
FhG-FIRST Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software Technology, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
MultiSat WebService is a spaceborne service concept primarily to support, extend or substitute information services for mobility and traffic purposes. It allows the determination of traffic data from space on a global and near-real-time scale. Main objective is to provide a profitable service for mobility and traffic management. A market survey being made shows that spaceborne online information services may be viable. The service provides the possibility to receive pre-processed, near-real-time Earth surface data with E-commerce compatible methods. The system design gives the opportunity to freely configure the space system according to customers needs.
The MultiSat infrastructure design features a satellite constellation with imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical payloads combined with low-rate communication especially established to support this service. Also included is a scalable, fault tolerant, multi-computer system. The development cycle focuses on an airborne demonstration of the service idea as a first milestone.
The MultiSat WebService concept is being created and designed by a consortium consisting of German Aerospace Center (DLR), Technische Universität Dresden and Fraunhofer Gesellschaft FIRST and presented here as a visionary feasibility study.
Mona Lacoul, Dr. Lal Samarakkon and Dr. Kiyoshi Honda
Asian Center for Research on Remote Sensing, Space Technology Applications and Research Program,
Asian Institute of Technology, Km. 42, Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND
Tel : +66-2-524-6148 Fax : +66-2-524-6147 Email : mlacoul@ait.ac.th
This paper describes the preparation of vegetation map of Ganges river basin that could be used for various hydrological analysis that could be useful for water resources planning, flood forecasting and disaster mitigation. This study focuses on vegetation mapping of the Ganges river basin covering from 70° E to 95° E and 35° N to 20° N using NOAA AVHRR.
Initial vegetation cover of the area was prepared by monthly maximum NDVI data. The reason for aggregate daily NOAA-AVHRR data for monthly average was the presence of considerable amount of cloud cover in this region. Having generated the basic vegetation map based on NDVI, it was further classified according to climatic and elevation zones. The final vegetation map represents vegetation classes that are interpreted considering their temporal climatic and altitudinal variation that are needed to be considered for hydrological analysis.
Xueping Liu, Xiaoming Wang
Room 3301, Department of Urban and Environment Science, Peking University 100871, Beijing , China
Department of Urban and Environment Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University
Telephone: 086-010-62751174
Mobile telephone 086-13681216695
Remote satellites regularly supply lots of remote images representing surface status. We can extract lots of information such as land cover, vegetation distribution. (Townshend et al.1991.1). In the meanwhile, Because of the temporal dynamics and changes in land surface, remote sensing is the only practical means for monitoring land-cover changes (S. Liang, 2001, 2).
With environmental changes, population's explosion, city expands. Correspondingly, it also makes land cover and land use structure vary. Northwest of Beijing is one of a source of duststorm in spring, so it's surface variation will influence environmental changes in Beijing. Vegetation's reduction makes the increase of naked zone. More and more sand dust suspends in the air, and it increases the absorbable grains in the air, which leads to the decrease of environmental quality and influences the environment in Beijing to great degree. (5,Li Lingjun, et al. 2001). Researching surface status of circumjacent zone by remote technology in Beijing will produce meaningful influence on environmental protection and sustainable development.
We select Northwest of Beijing as the research zone, and use remote sensing data of TM and MSS to make the land cover statistics. By this, we research the changes of surface status in northwest Beijing. VI can reflect vegetation types, vegetation growing status and the variations of vegetation types, which is an important parameter to the research of surface status. Influenced by land cover and climates, NDVI will vary in different period. We can find the variation of surface status by comparing NDVI in different period.
J. C. Pembertona, L. G. Greenwaldb
a Veridian, 14150 Newbrook Drive, Suite 300, Chantilly, VA 20151 - joseph.pemberton@veridian.com
b Department of Computer Science, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 - lgreenwald@mcs.drexel.edu
Imaging satellites are traditionally scheduled in a static fashion; namely the schedule is created off-line and then uploaded to one or more imaging satellites to be executed as an immutable sequence of commands. In this paper, we make the case for dynamic scheduling of imaging satellites. Dynamic schedules will allow satellite systems to take advantage of information gathered during the execution of the schedule and react to changes in the environment, desired tasking, and the availability of resources. We develop the remote sensing scheduling problem and discuss contingency conditions under which the satellite scheduling problem becomes dynamic. We then review existing work on contingency scheduling and conditional scheduling and propose extensions to address the dynamic satellite scheduling problem. Dynamic schedules will yield improved mission schedules and reduced mission costs.
Yiming Pi, Hui Long, Shunji Huang
Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, P. R. China
With the development of SAR processing techniques, high image precision and high real time rate have becoming an important index, especially on military filed. This paper presents a medium grained parallel processing algorithm for SAR imaging. In this parallel processing algorithm, every processing stage is done in parallel, and the degree of parallelism is task-level. It is fit for the parallel computer with good communication capacity. The experiments on DAWNING3000 shows this parallel processing algorithm can get good result on real time rate and processing efficiency.
Jianhe (John) Qu1, Menas Kafatos and Ruixin Yang
Center for Earth Observing and Space Research (CEOSR), School of Computational of Sciences (SCS)
George Mason University (GMU), Fairfax, VA 220300-4444, USA
1Email: jqu@gmu.edu
With increasing numbers of Earth observing satellites in space, huge volumes of remote sensing data will be produced. Traditional remote sensing data processing and distribution methods may not be sufficient for various end users, including novice, intermeddle and advance user communities to efficiently use such datasets. Information and knowledge distribution with these data may help the data usage more efficiently. The Earth remote sensing data processing and distribution will face a new challenge. Maintaining the increasing volumes of data in forms that are readily accessible and that meet the needs of very diverse user communities presents intellectual challenges that are at least the equal of the challenges of building and launching hardware into space. Information distribution may be as important as data distribution. The following issues may be crucial for wider usage of the Earth observing remote sensing datasets: 1. Huge data volumes; 2. Complex data formats, such as, HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) and HDF-EOS (Hierarchical Data Format Earth Observing System); 3.Different map projections; 4.Geographic information system (GIS) applications; 5.Communication protocol and capability; and 6.Processing time. Customized real-time remote sensing data with GIS/Web-GIS compatible formats may become very important for a lot of end users. End users need to obtain Earth observing remote sensing data in more useful forms. On the other hand, more widely distributed Earth observing remote sensing data in different formats through diversified protocols will result in better usage of future Earth observing satellite systems. To address these issues, data compressing and pre-processing (sub-setting and sub-sampling), data format conversing (easy accessing data format such as, GIS compatible format), GIS and Open GIS applications, and simple real time data processing for future Earth observing satellite systems will be discussed in the paper.
H. K. Ramapriyan a,*, R. McConaughy a, C. S. Lynnes a, R. Harberts b, L. Roelofs b, S. J. Kempler a, K. R. McDonald
a NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
(Ramapriyan, Gail.R.McConaughy, Christopher.S.Lynnes, Steven.J.Kempler, Kenneth.R.McDonald)@gsfc.nasa.gov
b Global Science & Technology, Inc., 6411 Ivy Lane, Suite 300, Greenbelt, MD 20770
(harberts, roelofs)@gst.com
Sponsored by NASA's Intelligent Systems Project, a conceptual architecture study is under way to address the problem of getting the most societal value from the large volumes of scientific data that NASA expects to accumulate in the future. Beyond improvements in hardware technologies, advances are needed in concepts and tools to enable intelligent data understanding and utilization. Some of the challenges besides large and ever-growing volumes of data are: data acquisition and accumulation rates tend to outpace the ability to access and analyze them; the variety of data implies a heterogeneous and distributed set of data providers and users; unassisted human-based manipulation of vast quantities of archived data is intellectually overwhelming and cost prohibitive; for applying NASA technologies to operational agencies' decision support systems, it is necessary to demonstrate feasibility of near-real-time utilization of vast quantities of data and the derived information and knowledge; and future data access and usage are difficult to anticipate. The objective of the study is to formulate ideas and concepts and to provide recommendations that lead to research by the computer science community in the near-term, prototyping to demonstrate feasibility in the mid-term, and operational implementation in the period from 2012 to 2025. An abstracted architecture is defined for an intelligent archive showing functionality without regard to physical distribution. The architecture shows significantly enhanced functionality anticipated by NASA as required to serve its and society's future needs. This expression of functionality can help target research by the computer science and information technology communities.
Rob Sherwood, Steve Chien, Rebecca Castano, Gregg Rabideau
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109
Firstname.lastname@jpl.nasa.gov; http://ase.jpl.nasa.gov
The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE) will fly onboard the Air Force TechSat 21 constellation of three spacecraft scheduled for launch in 2006. ASE uses onboard continuous planning, robust task and goal-based execution, model-based mode identification and reconfiguration, and onboard machine learning and pattern recognition to radically increase science return by enabling intelligent downlink selection and autonomous retargeting. Demonstration of these capabilities in a flight environment will open up tremendous new opportunities in planetary science, space physics, and earth science that would be unreachable without this technology.
Huang Shunji Zhang Xiaoling Zeng Bin
The Cluster Micro-Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar?SAR? System is an innovative SAR system brought forward recently. In the Cluster Micro-Satellite System, technology of cross-track interferometric SAR (INSAR) imaging processing is studied. Analyze the influence of the rotating of the cluster micro-satellite to the baseline and the phase of INSAR. Derive the corrected formula of the baseline and the INSAR phase. By computer simulation, compare the errors between corrected and uncorrected height measurement. The analysis results verify the correction of the formula and necessity to correct the baseline and the phase.
M. Spigaia, *, G. Oller a,
a ALCATEL SPACE INDUSTRIES, 26 av. JF. Champollion, BP 1187, 31037 Toulouse, France - (marc.spigai@space.alcatel.fr, guillaume.oller@space.alcatel.fr)
The aim of this paper is to describe a potential on-board change detection chain by earth observation satellites (optical and SAR). The benefits of such an on-board chain are multiple : reduction of the amount of data to transmit from board to ground and autonomy of the system for example. We describe particularly one component of the chain : a detection/classification module based on the neural network, this type of algorithm being a part of a more global future fusion-based classification module. First experiments have allowed to validate the algorithm based on neural networks and first results are satisfying. The continuation consists first to enlarge the classification module with the implementation of other classification algorithms and to compare them with a more exhaustive set of data.
P.M. Teillet 1 , R.P. Gauthier, and A. Chichagov
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 588 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0Y7, Canada
Significant advancements in Earth observation are expected to come about by developing more systematic capabilities for assimilating remote sensing observations and in situ measurements for use in models, at relevant scales, to generate geophysical and biospheric information products. This paper provides an overview of the role of in situ sensing in the context of integrated Earth sensing. It also defines a framework for taking advantage of intelligent sensorwebs based on the converging technologies of micro-sensors, computers, and wireless telecommunications in support of critical activities such as the monitoring of remote environments, risk assessment and hazard mapping, and renewable resource information management. The knowledge gleaned from integrated Earth sensing has the potential to empower managers and decision makers to act on critical climate, sustainable development, natural resource, and environmental issues. The paper also describes early work on a prototype wireless intelligent sensorweb evaluation in the context of watershed management and flood forecasting.
Gilberto Vicente, James McManus, Menas Kafatos, John Qu, Zhong Liu and Long Chiu
George Mason University - School of Computational Sciences, Fairfax, VA
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Satellite remote sensing for disease surveillance will play a major role in public health in the coming years. Although the ability to predict epidemic outbreaks is still limited by current research and technology, satellite remote sensing has the potential to become an important tool for assisting epidemiologists in locating areas where disease outbreaks are likely to occur. This will permit the optimization of resources and save lives, especially in developing countries where health related resources are limited and disease outbreaks have far-reaching social and economic consequences.
In order to make satellite sensors reliable tools for epidemiological research, we need to improve upon the capabilities of the current sensors, which are providing data on key epidemiological variables. The most useful remote sensing systems for public health applications will require instruments which can integrate data and information among spectral, spatial and temporal characteristics of remotely-sensed images and disease vector profiles. The ultimate goal of an optimal sensor system, however, is to achieve the capability of using remote sensed data to monitor areas in real time and predict disease outbreaks so that effective preventive actions may be taken. This goal could be accomplished through the creation of a dedicated mission comprised of a collection of instruments and sensors tuned to acquire information directly related to the disease organisms, vectors, reservoirs, hosts, geographic specifications, and environmental variables associated with health problems.
To take advantage of the intelligent space-based remote sensing systems potentially available by 2010 and beyond, we propose to initiate the process of selecting the ideal suite of measurements needed for the development of a dedicated Health and Environment satellite mission. The project will combine the flexibility and expertise in data management and product generation provided by the Center for Earth Observing and Space Research (CEOSR) in the George Mason University (GMU) and its long-standing relation with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).
Lei Wanming, Liu Guangyan, Huang Shunji
Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China
Chengdu 610054, Sichuan,China
E-mail: sjhuang@uestct.edu. Cn; Tel:86-28-83201140; Fax:86-28-83201624
Based upon the sparse array composed of cluster SAR satellites, this paper analyzes the space-time and space-frequency characteristic of the received signal in detail, and proposes an algorithm for the moving targets detection and imaging based on array signal processing and Wigner-Ville Distribution (WVD). The results of theoretical analysis and simulation show that the cluster SAR system can achieve the targets SAR image even if the targets is being moving slowly.
Suning Xu1, Zhongya Wei2,3 Xuejin Ruan4
1Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences, 2Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University
Beijing 100871, China
3Center for Environmental Airborne Survey and Remote Sensing, Shijiazhuang 050002, China
4Geography Department, University of Minnesota, 414 SSB, 267-19th Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN, 55455, USA
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In the last three decades, GIS, in terms of both its theory and methodology, has been going rapidly towards its maturity from its very infancy. Nowadays, the most fundamental task of GIS is extending its application in different fields. In retrospection, we can find that the most attention has been paid to development planning forecast?and subsequent evaluation and reflection. But few researches have been done on real-time or near real-time monitoring and decision-making, which is a very important field deserving more attention. To perform real-time monitoring and decision-making, support from telecommunication technology is needed. In fact, only through the integration of GIS and telecommunication technology, could real-time monitoring be enabled. In this paper, we argue that a promising direction in GIS applications is the integration of GIS and telecommunication. Then the concept of Telegeomatics is presented, and its basic structural characteristics analyzed.
The core of Telegeomatics is the integration of GIS and telecommunication, which will availably resolve the problem of obtainment and policy-making support for the real-time and near real-time spatial information.
1) In the case study, a real-time multi-factor environmental monitoring and information service system of Beijing is constructed. Through this research, we found that: 1) it is an effective way to integrate GIS, telecommunication and EO for real-time environment monitoring; 2) GIS is fundamental to the development of the proposed system; 3) The bottleneck of the proposed system is the development of Internet infrastructure, especially the development of IPV6. This indicates that it is urgent to develop IP infrastructure in order to further promote the development of the proposed system.
ZENG Yu, ZHANG Jixian, WANG Guangliang, LIN Zongjian
Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping
No.16 BeiTaiPing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100039, P.R.China
One of the most promising approaches to solve the challenging task of urban land-use classification is integration of multi-spectral satellite image data and range data. In this paper, height data acquired by airborne laser scanning is not only applied for geometric correction of the multi-spectral satellite image data by the generation of ortho-images, but also integrated in urban environment classification. Laser scanning data acquired by Airborne 3D Imager is used to obtain information on the location height above the terrain surface for each pixel. This information can be applied in order to separate urban objects higher than the ground level from objects that are at ground level, e.g., buildings, trees, streets, grass-covered areas, water bodies and bare land etc. It is demonstrated that the classification of urban scenes is significantly improved by integrating multi-spectral and geometric datasets.
Guoqing Zhou, Oktay Baysal and Paul Kauffmann
College of Engineering Technology, Old Dominium University
Tel: (757) 683-3619, Fax: (757) 683-5655, Email: gzhou@odu.edu
The number of sensors for Earth environmental observation is growing. Several new sensors have been announced for the near future and several proposals for smart sensors have been proposed. In particular, distributed sensors, sensor network and sensor integration are being taken into account, and smart sensors, intelligent sensors, sensor's autonomy, etc. is beginning to be used in future earth observing satellites. This paper investigates the development of sensors in Earth observing (EO) satellites, analyzes the current high-resolution EO satellites and presents the tendency of new imaging systems in future Earth observing satellite. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the growing interest in knowing and keeping track of the details of the imaging system of earth observing satellites. This project is of particular interest to those who are developing the skills to measure and understand the detail of our Earth environment through analysis of satellite data.
Guoqing Zhou, Paul Kaufmann
Department of Engineering Technology, Old Dominium University
Tel: (757) 683-3619, Fax: (757) 683-5655, Email: gzhou@odu.edu
In order to let the end-users can directly downlink satellite imagery that they specify area of interest (AOI), One of key challenging technologies is how the on-board data distributor autonomously retrieves the imagery according to user's command as well as simultaneously retrieves the other data sets, such as, temperature, moisture, geographic attribute data, e.g. street name, from other databases, which will be used for providing the user better visualization and understanding to the situation surrounding him/her, especially they are not familiar with the environment. This paper presents a whole new design of concept for on-board geo-data management system in future intelligent earth observing satellite system. The concept design is based on the idea of using satellite imagery, supported by geo-data database associated with attributes and DEM database, as data sources to describe the real world of AOI, where the users specifically query through uplink to satellite from ground. The query results will directly be downlinked to users with a form of geo-image-map. Thus, the new data model, data structure and database management system has to be designed and developed for this purpose. The designed data model is able to manage the huge data sets so that the raster satellite imagery and geo-database can better be queried, visualized, flexibly handled.
Guoqing Zhou1 and Menas Kafatos2
1 Department of Civil Engineering and Technology, Old Dominion University, Kaufman Hall, Rm. 214, Norfolk, VA 23529
Tel: (757) 683-3619; Fax: (757) 683-5655; E-mail: gzhou@odu.edu
2Center for Earth Observing and Space, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
This paper presents a simulated design of an envisioned future intelligent Earth observing satellite system (FIEOS). The proposed system is a space-based architecture for dynamic and comprehensive on-board integration of Earth observing sensors, data processors and communication systems. It is intended to enable simultaneous, global measurements and timely analyses of Earth's environment for a variety of users. The implementation strategies suggest a seamless integration of diverse components into a smart, adaptable, and robust Earth observation satellite system. The simulated design envisions a system that uses instruments capable of providing earth science measurements to a degree of precision and span of coverage not currently available. Common users would access data directly in a manner similar to selecting a TV channel. The imagery viewed would most likely be obtained directly from the satellite system. Real-time information systems are key to solving the challenges associated with this architecture. Realization of such a technologically complex system will require the contributions of scientists and engineers from many disciplines. Hopefully, this concept will impact how Earth observing satellite scientists conduct missions in decades to come.