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Conference Schedule


  -Technical Sessions
  -CEU Hours
  -Classified Session
  -Technical Tours
  -Social Tours
  -Hotel Floor



Pecora Award

Business Meetings



Conference Hotel

Technical Tours

Board Buses at Plaza Building Entrance 15 minutes prior to departure time. Tickets Required. Technical tour tickets may be purchased on a space available basis at the Conference Registration Desk, Monday, November 11 to Wednesday, November 13, 2002.

USGS Rocky Mountain Mapping Center
Friday, November 15, 2002; 9:00 am to 11:00 am
The Rocky Mountain Mapping Center, located in Denver, Colorado, conducts mapping activities in the western United States, which include production of digital elevation and planimetric data, production of graphic maps, and development of new mapping techniques. The center also conducts research in environmental sciences, physical sciences, cartography, and geographic information systems. RMMC maintains the world-wide distribution facility for more than 100,000 different maps, open-file reports, and other products of the United States Geological Survey and other Federal agencies. Tour limit 50 people

Space Imaging
Friday, November 15, 2002; 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Space Imaging is the premier, end-to-end solution provider of visual information products and services derived from Earth imagery and aerial photography. The company launched the world's first one-meter resolution, commercial imaging satellite, IKONOS in 1999. Other products are produced from the Indian Remote Sensing satellites, U.S. Landsat, and Canada's RADARSAT

Friday, November 15, 2002; 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
DigitalGlobe is an imagery and information company located in Longmont, Colorado. DigitalGlobe is establishing a market leadership position by providing the highest-resolution satellite imagery product offering, the greatest collection capacity, and the largest image size commercially available. Currently, there are no plans to launch a comparable commercial satellite until at least 2004. The company offers geographic information products through its on-line imagery store, an Internet-based global archive of geographic information available to commercial businesses. tour limit 50 people

Pixxures, Inc.
Friday, November 15, 2002; 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Pixxures, Inc., a digital mapping company, was formed in 1999 by establishing two distinct yet mutually beneficial business units. The Mapping Business Unit (MBU) was founded on a proprietary orthophoto update technology allowing accurate mapping updates to be completed cost effectively. The Internet Business Unit (IBU) allows hosting and portal to a large archive of mapping content (Orthophoto, utility, vector, etc.) making it easily accessible. Pixxures' goal is to be the world's largest producer and distributor of mapping products and services. Tour limit 50 people