Pecora ASPRS / ISPRS 2002 Conference Link to ASPRS HOME PAGE Link to ISPRS HOME PAGE Link to TRB HOME PAGE Link to PECORA 15: Land Satellite Information IV Conference in Conjunction with the ISPRS Commission I Symposium Skip past Side navigation bar

Conference Schedule


  -Technical Sessions
  -CEU Hours
  -Classified Session
  -Technical Tours
  -Social Tours
  -Hotel Floor



Pecora Award

Business Meetings



Conference Hotel

ISPRS Council 2000-2004

John Trinder, President, Australia
Ian Dowman, Secretary General, UK
Orhan Altan, Congress Director, Turkey
Lawrence W. Fritz, First Vice-President, USA
Gerard Begni, Second Vice-President, France
Ammatzia Peled, Treasurer, Israel

ISPRS Technical Commission I 2000-2004

Sensors, Platforms, and Imagery

Stanley A. Morain, President, USA
Amelia M. Budge, Scientific Secretary, USA

WG I/1 Define Standards for Sensor Parameters

Charles Mondello, Chair, USA
John C. Baker, Co-Chair, USA
William Stoney, Secretary, USA

WG I/2 Sensor Calibration and Testing

Manfred Schroeder, Chair, Germany
Veljko M. Jovanovic, Co-Chair, USA
Bruce Davis, Secretary, USA

WG I/3 Active Sensor Systems

Mike Renslow, Chair, USA
Tony Lewis, Co-Chair, USA

WG I/4 Advanced Sensor Systems

Masanobu Shimada, Chair, Japan
Janio Kono, Co-Chair, Brazil
Raad Saleh, Secretary, USA

WG I/5 Platform and Sensor Integration

Karsten Jacobsen, Chair, Germany
Ismael Colomina,Co-Chair, Spain

WG I/6 Airborne Optical Sensor Systems

Brian Huberty, Chair, USA
Brian Gorin, Co-Chair, USA
Richard Watson, Secretary, USA