PE&RS June 2017 Public - page 406

June 2017
Jie Shan
Jie Shan is Professor at Lyles School of Civil Engineering,
Purdue University. He received his BS (1982) and MS (1985)
from Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, and
PhD (1989) from the Wuhan Technical University of Survey-
ing and Mapping, both in China. Shan’s tenure at Purdue
University includes the following positions: Professor in the
School of Civil Engineering (2010 – present), Associate Pro-
fessor, School of Civil Engineering (2005-2010), Assistant
Professor, School of Civil Engineering (1999–2005).
Shan’s primary research field is geospatial data process-
ing, analysis, and modeling, mostly focused on urban applica-
tions. Shan has published more than 70 peer reviewed jour-
nal papers and over 90 conference papers. They appeared in
a number of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geograph-
ic information science journals, including
Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS)
ISPRS Journal
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
IEEE Transactions
on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the
Environment, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Infor-
mation, International Journal of Geographical Information
Science, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation
and Geoinformation
, and a number of proceedings of ASPRS
annual conferences and ISPRS conferences, symposia and
As a significant contribution to ASPRS, Shan has been
the Assistant Editor of
since 2008. Over a period
of eight years, he has actively solicited, reviewed, and edited
the Highlight Articles that appeared monthly in
. To
fulfill his duty, he has worked with over a hundred authors
and institutions from industry, government, and academia.
Another significant effort he made is to promote
and mentor our students and junior professionals in publish-
ing their scientific work. Together with Profs. Russel G. Con-
galton (then Editor-in-Chief) and John R. Jensen, they have
given a sequence of coordinated presentations on journal
paper writing, reviewing, and publishing. As a result, they
have written a Highlight Article on
entitled “Writing
a Scientific Journal Paper: Preparation through Publication”,
which has been highly regarded by students and profession-
als, both young and senior. These presentations have also
been delivered in other professional meetings, seminars, and
short courses.
He has been an ASPRS member since 1999. Due to his
long-time involvement with ISPRS and IEEE, he also orga-
nized joint sessions during ASPRS annual conferences with
these sister societies, which has helped promote ASPRS in
the broader geospatial community.
His first published work appeared in
in 1988 when
he was a graduate student. Since then, he has published more
than 30
and ASPRS full papers. His work has been
presented over 20 times in ASPRS conferences. In addition,
he has co-edited three
special issues on select topics
where his expertise resides.
Shan’s Major Awards include:
The ASPRS ESRI Award for Best Scientific Paper in
GIS, First Place, 2009,
The Excellence in GIS Award, 2009, issued by the In-
diana Geographic Information Council for his work in
flood mapping and its on-line service during the floods
in June 2008.
The ASPRS Talbert Abrams Grand Award, 2007,
The MDA Award, 2007, presented by MacDonald Dett-
wiler and the Canadian Institute of Geomatics, 2nd au-
Research Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation, Germany,
Started in 1992, the designation of Fellow is con-
ferred on Society members who have been active for a total
of at least ten years and who have performed exceptional ser-
vice in advancing the science and use of the mapping sciences
and related disciplines. It is awarded for professional excel-
lence and for service to the Society.
: The ASPRS Foundation
The ASPRS Fellow Award includes a hand-engrossed certif-
ASPRS Outstanding Service Award
Qassim Abdullah
For his outstanding service as author of the
Mapping Matters
column in
for the last ten years.
Lewis Graham
For Chairing of the LAS Working group leading
standardization efforts for the development and maintenance
of the LAS Point Cloud File Format Specification, and the
immeasurable benefit it has brought to the LIDAR industry.
Karen Schuckman
For her exceptional management service in the transition
period of the past half year.
Alan Stevens
(L-r) Jie Shan and Charles Toth.
Awards & Scholarships
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