PE&RS June 2017 Public - page 408

June 2017
fundamental photogrammetry with some remote sensing. He
is the treasurer of the Douglass Houghton student chapter of
the Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors, and partici-
pates in the Blue Key Honor Society and the Society of Envi-
ronmental Engineering. His project experience has included
a Large Scale Boundary/Topographic Survey and a Three-Di-
mensional Modeling of a Winter Carnival Statue using a ter-
restrial scanner and point cloud model. He has also served
as a Teaching Assistant and coach for surveying equipment
training for lower division students. He plans to complete his
undergraduate degree this spring and enter graduate school
with a focus on geospatial technology. His ultimate goal is to
promote education in the geospatial field.
The award was first presented in 2008 with the
purpose of encouraging upper-division, undergraduate-lev-
el and graduate-level college students to pursue a course of
study in surveying and photogrammetry leading to a career
in the geospatial mapping profession.
: The ASPRS Foundation from funds donated to the
Foundation from former students, associates, colleagues and
The award consists of a certificate and a check in the amount
of $6,500 and a renewal membership in ASPRS.
Presidential Citations
ASPRS Headquarters Staff; Matthew Austin, Rae
Kelley, Priscilla Weeks and Jesse Winch
For their devoted work and extra service provided during the
management transition.
Clifford Greve
For his indispensable advice and guidance during the man-
agement transition.
Roberta Lenczowski
For providing indispensable service to the Board of Directors
and President.
First awarded in 1992, Presidential Citations are
presented by the ASPRS President to members of ASPRS and
other societies, family members, and friends in recognition of
special, personal, and meritorious contributions to the oper-
ation or advancement of the Society and its interests during
the presidential year.
: The ASPRS Foundation
The Presidential Citation is a hand-engrossed certificate.
(L-r) Priscilla Weeks, Jesse Winch, and Rae Kelley.
(L-r) Charles Toth and Cliff Greve.
(L-r) Charles Toth and Roberta Lenczowski.
Awards & Scholarships
(L-r) Yushin Ahn accepting for Kyle Mischler and
Charles Toth.
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