PE&RS June 2017 Public - page 402

June 2017
he following awards and scholarships were presented at IGTF 2017
— the ASPRS Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Awards for
Outstanding Papers, Professional Achievement, Service and Region activities
are determined by committee selection; scholarships and academic awards are
also determined by committee selection but are chosen from among current
applications. For details on the Awards and Scholarships Program, visit http://
ASPRS Honorary Lifetime Achievement
Clive Fraser
Professor Clive
Fraser received
Masters degrees
in Australia be-
fore earning his
PhD in photo-
the University of
Seattle in 1979.
He is currently a
Program Science Director in the Cooperative Research Cen-
tre for Spatial Information, and a Professorial Fellow in the
Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the Universi-
ty of Melbourne, where prior to retirement in 2010 he had
served as professor. He was Head of the Department of Geo-
matics, from 1993 to mid-1998.
On the academic front, Fraser’s teaching experience has
been in geomatics, mainly in digital photogrammetry, least-
squares estimation and satellite photogrammetry. He has
also participated as a lecturer in professional short cours-
es and seminars/workshops in the areas of exploitation of
high-resolution satellite imagery, vision metrology and close-
range photogrammetry, and statistical concepts in structural
measurement and deformation analysis, and over the years
he has been an invited guest lecturer and short-term visiting
professor at universities and research institutes in Germa-
ny, China, England, Japan, Thailand, Switzerland, Finland,
Italy, Turkey, Taiwan and South Africa, as well as in North
America, Australia and New Zealand.
Clive’s particular areas of research interest lie in digital
close-range photogrammetry, including 3D forensic analysis
and traffic accident reconstruction, industrial measurement
systems, and the metric exploitation of high-resolution satel-
lite imagery. He is a Fellow of both the Australian Academy
of Technological Sciences and Engineering, and the American
Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS),
and he is an Honorary Member of The Remote Sensing and
Photogrammetric Society of the UK. In recognition of his ac-
ademic and professional work, which includes authorship of
more than 370 scientific publications, he has earned a num-
ber of international awards.
Fraser also has varied industry experience, having been,
from 1983 till 1993, Vice President of Geodetic Services, Inc.
in Florida, a world-leading company in industrial photogram-
metry systems and services. From 2003 to early 2007 he was
a founding director of Photometrix P/L, a software develop-
ment company specializing in systems for close-range photo-
grammetry and vision metrology, and from 1998 to 2001 he
served as Technical Director of Geomatic Technologies P/L,
a spatial information technology services company based in
Melbourne. He currently acts as a consultant to industry in
Australia, the US and internationally.
Fraser has long been an active member of ASPRS, having
joined the society as a graduate student in 1977. He became a
Certified Photogrammetrist in 1985 and served as Associate
Editor of
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
from 1987 through to 1992. As an active researcher
throughout his career, he has supported ASPRS publications
as an author and reviewer, having published 27 papers in
, presented and published 22 papers in ASPRS confer-
ence proceedings and contributed 8 book chapters to ASPRS
Manuals. These and his other publications have attracted
more than 5700 citations. He has also been fortunate enough
to be awarded a number of ASPRS honors over the years hav-
ing received the Bausch and Lomb Award in 1977, the Wild
Heerbrugg (now Leica) Award in 1978, the Fairchild Photo-
grammetric Award in 1987, the APSRS Outstanding Tech-
nical Achievement Award in 2013, along with the Talbert
Abrams Award (5 times) and the President’s, then John I.
Davidson Award for Practical Papers (3 times).
Russell G. Congalton
Russell G. Congalton is a Professor of Remote Sensing and
GIS in the Department of Natural Resources and the Envi-
(L-r) Clive Fraser and Charles Toth.
Awards & Scholarships
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