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of buildings, the higher the temperature at daytime and the
lower the temperature at nighttime.
The heat island effect is an ecological and environmental
problem associated with rapid urbanization. The number of
urban buildings pose a substantial impact on the
Intensive urban construction will inevitably enhance the city
heat island effect. Thus, the urban thermal environment de-
teriorated, thereby considerably restricting the quality of the
urban living environment. The height and density of build-
ings affect the thermal environment of a city by changing the
sunshine and ventilation conditions nearby. However, green
land and water with cooling and humidification that regulate
the local microclimate and other ecological functions are
important controllable factors to ease the heat island effect.
Therefore, increasing the layout of urban park green spaces
and reducing building density to alleviate the heat island
effect in the city is appropriate. Moreover, a high-density
building area, with limited land area, green space, and water
structure, can be optimized to increase the cooling effect.
Such changes can improve the regional thermal environment
and urban landscape and provide a substantially comfortable
living environment.
The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the
journal editor, the guest editors of this special issue, and the
two anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions and
considerate support, who have made this paper possible for
publication. This work was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 41271138, 41571118), the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in
China (Ref. 17lgy39), the China Special Fund for Meteorologi-
cal Research in the Public Interest (No. GYHY201406031),
and the International Program for Ph.D. Candidates, Sun Yat-
Sen University.
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