PERS March 2015 Members - page 206

Dudley, T. L., C.J. DeLoach, L.E. Lovich, and R.I. Carruthers, 2000.
Saltcedar invasion of western riparian areas: Impacts and new
prospects for control,
Transactions of the 65
North American
Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference
,24-28 March 2000,
Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Il-
loinos, pp. 345–381.
Estep, L., and G.A. Carter, 2005. Derivative analysis of AVIRIS data for
crop stress detection,
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote
Gates, D. M., H.J. Keegan, J.C. Schleter, and V.R. Weidner 1965. Spec-
tral Properties of Plants,
Applied Optics
, 4:11–20.  
Haest, M., T. Cudahy, A. Rodger, C. Laukamp, E. Martens, and M.
Caccetta, 2013. Unmixing the effects of vegetation in airborne
hyperspectral mineral maps over the Rocklea Dome iron-
rich palaeochannel system (Western Australia),
Remote Sensing
of Environment
, 129:17–31.
Healey, S. P., W.B. Cohen, Y. Zhiqiang, and O.N. Krankina, 2005.
Comparison of Tasseled Cap-
based Landsat data structures for use in forest disturbance detec-
Remote Sensing of Environment
, 97:301–310.
Heller, R.C., 1978. Case applications of remote sensing for vegetation
damage assessment,
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote
, 44(10):1159–1166.
Herold, M., D.A. Roberts, M.E. Gardner, and P.E. Dennison, 2004.
Spectrometry for urban area remote sensing - Development and
analysis of a spectral library from 350 to 2400 nm,
Remote Sens-
ing of Environment
, 91:304–319.
Hostert, P., A. Rӧder, and J. Hill, 2003. Coupling spectral unmix-
ing and trend analysis for monitoring of long-term vegetation
dynamics in Mediterranean rangelands,
Remote Sensing of
Hudgeons, J.L., A.E. Knutson, K.M. Heinz, C.J. DeLoach, T.L. Dudley,
R.R. Pattison, and J.R. Kiniry, 2007. Defoliation by introduced
Diorhabda elongata
leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
reduces carbohydrate reserves and regrowth of
Biological Control
, 43:213–221.
Hultine, K.R.,J. Belnap, P. Dennison, J. Ehleringer, M. Lee, P. Nagler,
K. Snyder, S. Snyder, S. Uselman, C. Van Riper, and J. Weeks,
2010a. Tamarisk biocontrol in the western United States: Eco-
logical and societal implications,
Frontiers in Ecology and the
, 8:467-474.
Hultine, K.R., P.L. Nagler, K. Morino, S.E. Bush, K.G. Burtch, P.E.
Dennison, E.P. Glenn, and J.R. Ehleringer, 2010b. Sap flux-scaled
transpiration by tamarisk (
spp.) before, during and after
episodic defoliation by the saltcedar leaf beetle (
Diorhabda cari-
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
, 150:1467–1475.
Hurley, A., D. Watts, B. Burke, and C. Richards, 2004. Identifying
gypsy moth defoliation in Ohio using Landsat data,
tal & Engineering Geoscience
, 10:321–328.
Inoue, Y., J. Qi, A. Olioso, Y. Kiyono, T. Horie, H. Asai, K. Saito, Y.
Ochiai, T. Shiraiwa, and L. Douangsavanh, 2008. Reflectance
characteristics of major land surfaces in slash and burn ecosys-
tems in Laos,
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, 29:2011–
Knipling, E.B., 1970. Physical and physiological basis for the reflec-
tance of visible and near-
infrared radiation from vegetation,
Remote Sensing of Environ-
Kokaly, R.F., D.G.Despain, R.N. Clark, and K.E. Livo, 2003. Mapping
vegetation in Yellowstone National Park using spectral fea-
ture analysis of AVIRIS data,
Remote Sensing of Environment
Lentile, L.B.,Z.A. Holden, A.M.S. Smith, M.J. Falkowski, A.T. Hudak,
P. Morgan, S.A. Lewis, P.E. Gessler, and N.C. Bensen, 2006.
Remote sensing techniques to assess active fire characteristics
and post-fire effects,
International Journal of Wildland Fire
Meng, R., P.E. Dennison, L.R. Jamison, C. van Riper III, P. Nager, K.R.
Hultine, D.W. Bean, and T. Dudley, 2012. Detection of tamarisk
defoliation by the northern tamarisk beetle based on multitem-
poral Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery,
GIScience & Remote
, 49:510–537.
Nagler, P.L., C.S.T. Daughtry, and S.N. Goward, 2000. Plant litter and
soil reflectance,
Remote Sensing of Environment
, 71:207–215.
Nagler, P.L., Y. Inoue, E.P. Glenn, A.L. Russ, and C.S.T. Daughtry,
2003. Cellulose absorption index (CAI) to quantify mixed soil-
plant litter scenes,
Remote Sensing of Environment
, 87:310–325.
Nagler, P.L., T. Brown, K.R. Hultine, C. van Riper III, D.W. Bean, P.E.
Dennison, R.S. Murray, and E.P. Glenn, 2012. Regional scale
impacts of Tamarix leaf beetles (
Diorhabda carinulata
) on the
water availability of western U.S. rivers as determined by multi-
scale remote sensing methods,
Remote Sensing of Environment
Nagler, P. L., E.P. Glenn, K. Didan, J. Osterberg, F. Jordan, and J. Cun-
ningham, 2008. Wide area estimates of stand structure and water
use of
spp. on the lower Colorado River: Implications
for restoration and water management projects,
Restoration Ecol-
, 16:136–145.
Nagler, P.L., E.P. Glenn, K. Didan, J. Osterberg, F. Jordan, and J. Cun-
ningham, 2014. Rapid dispersal of saltcedar (
biocontrol beetles (
Diorhabda carinulata
) on a desert river de-
tected by phenocams, MODIS imagery and ground observations,
Remote Sensing of Environment
, 140:206–219.
Nilson, T., and H. Olsson, 1995. Effect of thinning cutting on boreal
forest reflectance: A comparison of simulations and Landsat TM
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, 16:2963–2968.
Nouri, H., S. Beecham, S. Anderson, and P. Nagler, 2014. High spatial
resolution WorldView-2 imagery for mapping NDVI and its rela-
tionship to temporal urban landscape evapotranspiration factors,
Remote Sensing
, 6:580–602.
Pacheco, A., and H. McNairn, 2010. Evaluating multispectral remote
sensing and spectral unmixing analysis for crop residue map-
Remote Sensing of Environment
Pattison, R.R.,C.M. D’Antonio, and T.L. Dudley, 2011. Biological con-
trol reduces growth, and alters water relations of the saltcedar
tree (
spp.) in western Nevada, USA,
Journal of Arid
Piekarczyk, J., C. Kaźmierowski, and S. Królewicz, 2012. Relation-
ships between soil properties of the abandoned fields and
spectral data derived from the advanced spaceborne thermal
emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER),
Advances in Space
, 49:280–291.
Pu, R., 2009. Broadleaf species recognition with
in situ
International Journal of Remote Sensing
, 30:2759–2779.
Pu, R., M. Kelly, G.L. Anderson, and P. Gong, 2008. Using CASI
hyperspectral imagery to detect mortality and vegetation stress
associated with a new hardwood forest disease,
ric Engineering & Remote Sensing
, 74(5):65–75.
Radeloff, V.C., D.J. Mladenoff, and M.S. Boyce, 1999. Detecting Jack
Pine budworm defoliation using spectral mixture analysis: Sepa-
rating effects from determinants,
Remote Sensing of Environ-
, 69:156–169.
Raffa, K.F., B.H. Aukema, B.J. Benz, A.L. Calloll, J.A. Hicke, M.G
Turner, and W.H. Romme, 2008. Cross-scale drivers of natural
disturbances prone to anthropogenic amplification: The dynam-
ics of bark beetle eruptions,
Richards, J.A.,and X. Jia, 2006.
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analy-
, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 439 p.
Roberts, D.A., M. Gardener, R. Church, S. Ustin, G. Scheer, and R.O.
Green, 1998. Mapping chaparral in the Santa Monica Mountains
using multiple endmember spectral mixture models,
Sensing of Environment
, 65:267–279.
Rock, B.N., B.N. Rock, T. Hoshizaki, and J.R. Miller, 1988. Compari-
son of
in situ
and airborne spectral measurements of the blue
shift associated with forest decline,
Remote Sensing of Environ-
, 24:109–127.
Santos, M.J., J.A. Greenberg, and S.L. Ustin, 2010. Using hyperspec-
tral remote sensing to detect and quantify southeastern pine se-
nescence effects in red-cockaded woodpecker (
Picoides borealis
Remote Sensing of Environment
, 114:1242–1250.
Shafroth, P.B., J.R. Cleverly, T.L. Dudley, J.P. Taylor, C. Van Riper
III, E.P. Weeks, and J.N. Stuart, 2005. Control of
in the
western United States: implications for water salvage, wildlife
use, and riparian restoration,
Environmental Management
March 2015
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