PERS_April2018_Public - page 225

The discrepancies and differences described in this study
agree with this recommendation.
A geodetic database may contain coordinates from several
thousand survey marks and a periodic assessment is required
to ensure data quality. The lesson learned and described in
this paper is that regional surveyors should be employed
to collect redundant data and submit these observations to
a geodetic database like the
. These redundant data,
ideally distributed across all counties and across the entire
state, can be used to ensure improved positioning results and
subsequently improve the positional accuracy of other
ers, thus improving the spatial data infrastructure overall. The
life cycle of a position is subject to changes in the stability
of monument settings, changes in coordinates due to varying
horizontal and vertical datum usage, and changes in coordi-
nates due to the velocity of crustal movements across an area.
These factors were explored in this case study and the results
presented herein describe a method to determine the life
cycle or usability of control point positions.
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