PE&RS March 2018 Full - page 167

Workstation on SourceForge under a BSD license (available
from SourceForge,
to encourage other stereo researchers to use and modify our
system for their own evaluation.
The experiments reported in this paper focused on plan-
etary images. It would be straightforward to apply this method
and our StereoWS to any future stereo research projects when
any quantitative evaluation is required, wherever it is on Mars
or the Earth or anywhere else for that matter. In the future, we
hope our efforts could also benefit the stereo correspondence
evaluation work and include more datasets, in particular the
results from a wider variety of general stereo. Also, we expect
that the same idea behind StereoWS could be applied to de-
velop a more intuitive and immersive stereo measurement sys-
tem using recent virtual reality technologies. In conjunction
with the stereo measurement workshop held in 2011, we can
provide the possibility of evaluation of these stereo matching
results including more methods from our collaborators.
As for future work, it is also interesting to investigate the
performance of manual measurements from different lighting
conditions (Kirk
et al
., 2016). We could measure the varia-
tion of human depth perception under different illumination
effects and reflect this in Equation 5 to define more accurate
metrics. However, this is currently beyond our research scope
and left for the future work.
Many thanks to our collaborators, Gerhard Paar and Ben
Huber from
, and Bob Deen from
for their provision of
their disparity results. Thanks also to Oleg Pariser and Bob
Deen for sharing their opensource JADIS library which helped
jump-start our work. This research was supported as part of
the EU FP-7 PRoVisG project (218814). Partial support was
provided to JPM under the STFC Consolidated grant to
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