September 2019 Full - page 641

proposed approach, the two models can compensate for each
other. Specifically, the image-based point cloud model can be
used to extend the
point clouds from short distances,
whereas the
model can provide a scale for the image-
based model. Moreover, as discussed, the
results can
provide additional depth constraints for the
process to
improve it. The designed scale-adaptive registration can then
merge those kinds of point clouds into a common coordinate
system to produce enhanced and extended 3D mapping re-
sults. Two challenging cases were used to evaluate the perfor-
mance of the proposed solution. The theoretical analysis and
experimental validation yield the following conclusions.
1. The incorporation of additional depth constraints from the
results benefits the offline
; moreover, the data
collection can be completed at one time measurement.
2. The fusion of the distant point cloud model from the
image sequences to the short-range point clouds from the
depth sensors can significantly improve the coverage of 3D
mapping results (more than 50
3. The designed scale-adaptive regi
geometric accuracy of the struct
in distant ranges is 1% at 20 m i
point quality (i.e., the bias is lower than 10 cm for the
major surface of about 800 m
sensors are rarely used in real mapping cases,
this paper shows the potential of such sensors to generate en-
hanced and extended 3D models with high mobility and low
cost. Such low-cost equipment could be used to quickly build
3D models in large indoor spaces, such as shopping malls,
hospitals, and airports, for a variety of indoor navigation ap-
plications. Thus, our future work will not only focus on the
methods of related technical aspects but also consider the ap-
plication of equipment in mapping and modeling projects.
This work was supported by grants from the Hong Kong Poly-
technic University (Project Nos. 1-ZEAB and 1-ZVN6) and
grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Project Nos. 41671426 and 41471345).
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