PERS March 2015 Members - page 238

on a daily basis (Figure 11). It is assumed that rainfall in this
instance did not have a significant influence on the seasonal
analysis, particularly in summer and autumn. Summer had
the highest overall accuracy (90 percent) in correctly identify-
ing farms as “irrigated.” This was followed by 88 percent in
autumn and 80 percent in spring (Table 4). A slightly lower
accuracy rate in spring may be attributed to the rainfall in the
preceding season of winter (112.1 mm, as shown in Figure
11). The winter rainfall contributed significantly to vegetation
cover with wet ground conditions that continued into spring.
This possibly influenced the results for the spring season.
and Landsat-7 images were found to be appropriate for
developing seasonal profiles of farmlands based on tempera-
ture and
measures for the seasons of spring, summer and
autumn during 2012/2013 in the
area of south-eastern
Australia. Binary classes of the two measures, based on a
thresholding procedure, distinguished between irrigated
and non-irrigated crop/pasture to an overall accuracy of 88.4
percent, varying from 80 percent in spring, 90 percent in
summer, and 88 percent in autumn. Seasonal data of active
irrigation and growing vegetation was useful for land cover
classification, indicating current irrigation practices.
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(Received 26 June 2014; accepted 17 September 2014; final
version 12 November 2014)
March 2015
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