PE&RS May 2015 - page 404

areas with trees and grass (Plate 1) than in areas with build-
ings and roads; thus, method refinement influenced the natu-
ral areas less significantly. A reason for such outcome is that
natural objects, typically trees, are irregularly shaped and sel-
dom produce long straight lines. Another reason is that if long
straight lines exist in the natural areas because of incorrect
straight-line detection, the “born-by” constraint formulated as
Equation 9-2 would prevent unexpected
and incorrect segment merging. In the road and building
areas, the OPs were often regular in shape and produced rela-
tively long straight lines. The inner details of the buildings
sometimes caused separated segments, i.e., over-segmentation
errors. However, their straight boundaries (edge lines) were
possibly detected completely. After
-neighborhood rela-
tionships were detected,
-neighbors with merging costs
less than
were merged; thus, over-segmentation errors
were reduced (Plates 1 to 3).
We analyzed the zoomed-in version of Plate 1 (Plate 2) and
further discussed the method principle and processes. In the
building shown in Plate 2a, the upper part is over-segmented
into segments 1 and 2. Considering that segment 1 is rela-
tively large, segment 1 could not be merged under scale 20 in
. Similar results were obtained in the shadow labeled
as segment 3. Given that a straight line along the northeast/
southwest direction is presented in the low-right boundar-
ies of segments 1 and 2 and that the merging cost between
the two segments is less than the power of
, the two
segments were merged correctly into a single segment in the
refined method at scale 10. A similar analysis was applied to
shadow segment 3 in this plate. In Plate 2b, the grassland is
separated into several sub-segments that could not be merged
at scale 20 in the original method. The sub-segments satisfy
-neighborhood relationship, with the merging cost
less than the threshold; thus, the segments were merged into
an entire grassland (Plates 2b3 and 2b4). In Plate 2c, building
segment 1 and road segment 2 are positioned along the same
straight line but their merging cost exceeds the power of
These segments were not merged in both the original and
refined methods. The merging costs of segments 2 and 3 with-
in the road exceed 20 × 20 and could not be merged in the
original method. However, given that they are
and have a relatively small merging cost that is less than the
power of
, they were correctly merged at scale 10 in the
refined method. These analyses show that the refinement step
is guided by both scale parameter
and the
hood constraint, which effectively reduced over-segmentation
errors. Additional correct merging instances are marked with
boxes in Plates 1e, 3c, and 3d for further investigation. When
alone was utilized to control the merging, several obvi-
ous under-segmentation errors were observed at scales 40 and
50 (the segments of man-made objects at this scale grew to
sizes similar to that in Plate 1i) within the man-made objects,
as illustrated in Plates 1f and 1g. Compared with the original
, the refined method can reduce over-segmentation
errors at comparable (typically the same) scale levels by un-
dertaking a very small risk of under-segmentation errors.
Plate 4.
at comparable scales with the default input settings of eCognition-5. The first row presents the entire segmentation results
at scales 40 and 50 in Area 1. The second and third rows present the zoomed-in results of FNEA at scales 40 and 50, respectively, cor-
responding to Plates 2a, 2b, and 2c.
May 2015
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