PE&RS May 2015 - page 406

Image segmentation is the first and most important step in
. A refined
method, which embeds straight line
features into image segmentation, is developed in this study.
A new neighborhood model called
-neighborhood is pro-
posed and utilized to guide the hierarchical segment merging
-neighbors with an appropriate merging cost are
re-merged by undertaking a low risk of under-segmentation
errors. The refined method inherits the advantages of
including high segmentation accuracy and boundary preci-
sion. This technique effectively reduces over-segmentation
errors and maintains the same level of under-segmentation
error ratio, particularly in man-made areas, and facilitates
. In addition, the proposed
hood model has other possible applications aside from image
segmentation. First, object shape analysis might be more
effective. For instance, length calculation might be more
precise for linear objects after segment refinement. Second, in
context-based image classification, this model might screen
out highly relative neighbors and could thus allow for a more
accurate image classification. However, the refined method
requires additional computations on straight-line detec-
tion, segment-line topology calculation, and straight-line-
constrained merging. Future work will focus on improving
method efficiency by using image partitioning and parallel
computation and extensively applying this new neighborhood
model in image feature extraction and classification.
This work is jointly supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (41171321), the Distin-
guished Young Scientist Foundation of Jiangsu Province
(BK20140042), the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu
Higher Education Institutions of China (11KJA420001), and
the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu High-
er Education Institutions. The authors would like to thank the
three anonymous reviewers for their very constructive com-
ments which improved the manuscript significantly.
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(Received 24 August 2014; accepted 19 January 2015; final
version 23 January 2015)
May 2015
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