PE&RS February 2016 - page 147

Arid Regions Scientific Data Center of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences for providing data. Special thanks to the anony-
mous reviews and Professor David Jupp of CSIRO for provid-
ing constructive suggestions.
Barr, I.D., and C.D. Clark, 2009. Distribution and pattern of moraines
in far NE Russia reveal former glacial extent,
Journal of Maps
Baugh, C.A., P.D. Bates, G. Schumann, and M.A. Trigg, 2013. SRTM
vegetation removal and hydrodynamic modeling accuracy,
Resources Research
, 49(9):5276–5289.
Blitzkow, D., A.C.O.C. de Matos, and J.P. Cintra, 2007. SRTM
evaluation in Brazil and Argentina with emphasis on the
Amazion region,
Dynamic Planet
(P. Tregoning and C. Rizos,
editors), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 266–271.
Castel, T., and P. Oettli, 2008. Sensitivity of the C-band SRTM
DEM vertical accuracy to terrain characteristics and spatial
Headway in Spatial Data Handling: 13
Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Lecture Notes in
Geoinformation and Cartography
(A. Ruas and C. Gold, editors),
Springer, Berlin, pp. 163–176.
Carabajal, C.C., and D.J. Harding, 2006. SRTM C-Band and ICESat
laser altimetry elevation comparisons as a function of tree cover
and relief,
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Clarke, B., and K. Burnett, 2003. Comparison of digital elevation
models for aquatic data development,
Engineering & Remote Sensing
, 69(12):1367–1375.
Da Paz, A.R., W. Collischonn, A. Risso, and C.A.B. Mendes, 2007.
Errors in river lengths derived from raster digital elevation
Computers & Geosciences
, 34(11):1584–1596.
Dai, X., and S. Khorram, 1998. The effects of image misregistration on
the accuracy of remotely sensed change detection,
IEEE Trans-
actions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
, 36(5):1566–1577.
Delaney, M., T. Kuuskivi, and X. Li, 2005. Evaluation of different
solutions to fill voids in SRTM elevation datasets,
Priorities in Land Remote Sensing
, 23-27 October, Sioux Falls,
South Dakota.
DiMiceli, C.M., M.L. Carroll, R.A. Sohlberg, C. Huang, M.C. Hansen,
and J.R.G.Townshend, 2001. Vegetation continuous fields
2000 Percent Tree Cover, Collection 5
, University of
Maryland, College Park, Maryland, URL:
(last date accessed: 11 November 2015).
Farr, T.G., P.A. Rosen, E. Caro, R. Crippen, R. Duren, S. Hensley,
M. Kobrick, M., Paller, E. Rodriguez, L. Roth, D. Seal, S.
Shaffer, J. Shimada, M. Werner, M. Oskin, D. Burbank, and D.
Alsdorf, 2007. The shuttle radar topography mission,
Review of
, 45(2):RG2004.
Gallant, J.C., and A. Read, 2009. Enhancing the SRTM data for
Proceedings of Geomorphometry, 2009
, 31:149–154.
Gamba, P., F. Dell Acqua, and B. Houshmand, 2002. SRTM data
characterization in urban areas,
International Archives of
Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
, 34(3/B):55–58.
Gesch, D., M. Oimoen, Z. Zhang, D. Meyer, and J. Danielson, 2012.
Validation of the ASTER global digital elevation model version
2 over the conterminous United States,
International Archives of
the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
, XXXIX-B4:281–286.
Gorokhovich, Y., and A. Voustianiouk, 2006. Accuracy assessment
of the processed SRTM-based elevation data by CGIAR using
field data from USA and Thailand and its relation to the terrain
Remote Sensing of Environmen
t, 104:409–415.
Grohman, G., G. Kroenung, and J. Strebeck, 2006. Filling SRTM voids:
The delta surface fill method,
Phtogrammetric Engineering &
Remote Sensing
, 72(3):213–216.
Guo, H., W. Jiao, and X. Yang, 2004. The systematic difference and
its distribution between the 1985 national height datum and
the global quasigeoid,
Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
33(2):100–104 (in Chinese).
Guth, P.L., 2006. Geomorphometry from SRTM: Comparison to NED,
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
, 72(3):269–277.
Hancock, G.R., C. Martnez, K.G. Evans, D.R. and Moliere, 2006. A
comparison of SRTM and high-resolution digital elevation
models and their use in catchment geomorphology and
hydrology: Australian examples,
Earth Surface Processes and
, 31(11):1394–1412.
Hansen, M., R.S. DeFries, J.R. Townshend, M. Caroll, C. Dimiceli,
and R. Sohlberg, 2003. Global percent tree cover at a spatial
resolution of 500 meters: First results of the MODIS vegetation
continuous fields algorithm,
Earth Interactions
, 7(10):1–5.
Hofton, M.A., R. Dubayah, J.B. Blair, and D. Rabine, 2006. Validation
of SRTM Elevations over vegetated and non-vegetated terrain
using medium footprint lidar,
Photogrammetric Engineering &
Remote Sensing
, 72(3):279–285.
Hutchinson, M.F., 1989. A new procedure for gridding elevation and
stream line data with automatic removal of spurious pits,
of Hydrology
, 106(3):211–232.
Hutchinson, M.F., 2004.
DEM, version 5.1,
User Guide
, The
Australian National University, Centre for Resource and
Environmental Studies, Canberra, URL:
(last date accessed: 11
November 2015).
Jarvis, A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, and E. Guevara, 2008. Hole-filled
SRTM for the globe, version 4, available from the CGIAR
SRTM 90m Database, URL:
(last date
accessed: 11 November 2015).
Kenyi, L.W., R. Dubayah, M. Hofton, and M. Schardt, 2009.
Comparative analysis of SRTM-NED vegetation canopy height to
LIDAR-derived vegetation canopy metrics,
International Journal
of Remote Sensing
, 30(11):2797–2811.
Kuuskivi, T., J. Lock, X. Li, S. Dowding, and Mercer, B., 2005. Void fill
of SRTM elevation data: Performance evaluations,
of the ASPRS 2005 Annual Conference
Geospatial Goes Global:
From Your Neiborhood to the Whole Planet
, 07-11 March,
Baltimore, Maryland, pp.7–11.
LaLonde, T., A. Shortridge, and J. Messina, 2010. The influence of land
cover on Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevations in
low-relief areas,
Transactions in GIS
, 14(4):461–479.
Lehner, B., K. Verdin, and A. Jarvis, 2008. New global hydrography
derived from spaceborne elevation data,
Eos Transactions
, AGU,
Li, B., B. Pan, W. Cheng, J. Han, D. Qi, and C. Zhu, 2013a. Research
on geomorphological regionalization of China,
Acta Geggraphica
, 68(3):291–306 (in Chinese).
Li, J., and D.W.S. Wong, 2009. Effects of DEM sources on hydrologic
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
Li, S., D. Sun, M. Goldberg, and A. Stefanidis, 2013b. Derivation of
30-m resolution water maps from TERRA/MODIS and SRTM,
Remote Sensing of Environment
, 134:417–430.
Liu, Y., 2008. An evaluation on the data quality of SRTM DEM
at the alpine and plateau area, north-western of China,
International Archives of the Photogrammetry
Remote Sensing
and Spatial Information Sciences
, XXXVII:1123–1127.
Miliaresis, G.C., and C.V. Paraschou, 2005. Vertical accuracy of the
SRTM DTED level 1 of Crete,
International Journal of Applied
Earth Observation and Geoinformation
, 7(1):49-59.
Miliaresis, G.C., 2008. The landcover impact on the aspect/slope
accuracy dependence of the SRTM-1 elevation data for the
Humbolt Range,
, 8(5):3137–3149.
, 2002.
Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China
, Foundational digital geographic information
products: 1:10,000 and 1:50,000 digital elevation model,
Standards Press of China, Beijing.
, 2008.
The National Standard of the People’s Republic of
China GB/18316-2008
, The examination rules and acceptance
of digital surveying and mapping product, Standards Press of
China, Beijing.
February 2016
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